
  • Client / Business Name:

  • Inspection Site Address:

  • Site Photo:

  • Undertakings Carried Out by The Client / Business:

  • Number of Employees:

  • Inspection Conducted on:

  • Inspection Conducted By:

  • On-Site Person(s) Consulted:

  • Document Reference:


  • The Jargon3 compliance health check is a formal review of your organisation’s health and safety performance, benchmarked against health and safety legislation within the United Kingdom, and best practice as set out in guidance provided by relevant authoritative bodies. Applicable UK health and safety legislation can include the Health & Safety At Work Act 1974, The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, the Workplace (Health, safety, and welfare) Regulations 1992, the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977, or the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996, the Provision and Use of Work Equipment regulations 1998, and the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998, and others where applicable. Best practice guidelines can include official publications from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the British Safety Council (BSC), and the British Standards Institute (BSI), and others where applicable. Performance monitoring is an important element within your health and safety management system to allow you to measure your organisations current performance and set evidence-based objectives for the ongoing improvement of your health and safety management system, and continue to provide a safe and healthy workplace for all occupants. The compliance health check is a proactive, and broad performance monitoring activity, that combines a document and a workplace inspection to help you spot hazards within the workplace or gaps in levels of health and safety compliance, that could result in incidents occurring, personal injury being sustained or Enforcing Authority action taken against your organisation. The compliance health check is a snapshot of the organisations H&S performance and will be limited to the parts of the premises, work activities, and documentation which was reasonably accessible to our your Jargon3 consultant at the time of the visit. Demonstrating, and maintaining compliance with the health check question criteria, would provide reasonable reassurance that your health and safety management system is effective. The report findings are based on the review of documentation, observations, and verbal information provided by the organisations representative to the consultant during a site session at the Client’s premises. This report has been prepared on the strict understanding that the organisation retains ownership of, and remains responsible for, the management of health and safety in its workplace(s). Accordingly, Jargon3 will not accept liability for any incident, injury, damage or loss of any kind resulting from the use of, or reliance upon, any information contained in the report. Where further information, in relation to any recommendations, statutory requirements and best practice for the elimination and reduction of risk is required, please speak to your Jargon3 Consultant.

Executive Summary

  • This summary is to outline the business and the site where the inspection has taken place: The organisations main office is situated consisting of; entrance lobby area, welfare facilities, kitchen area, equipment storage area warehouse/stock room and the main administration office. Main use of building is used Housekeeping throughout the premises was generally good on the day and it was confirmed that this fluctuates due to the pressure of work and operatives dropping off surplus goods etc so this can change from week to week, and advice was provided to continually enforce good housekeeping to prevent accidents and maintain fire safety. As not all records were available for review at the premises on the day, there are a number of actions for confirmation, to ensure appropriate maintenance service schedules and statutory inspections are up to date, including: -Fixed wiring inspection. -Gas safe service/inspection. -Fire safety management, including Fire Risk Assessment actions to be reviewed and monitoring checks. -Asbestos survey Report. -Gas appliances inspection. -Legionella (water) assessment and water management checks. -Other areas identified requiring further action, can be found throughout the report and appropriate action to be taken as required.

Limitations of the Compliance Health Check

  • Were any limitations (Access to information, work areas, or personnel etc) present during the completion of this health check?

Health & Safety Management

General Management of Site

  • Is there a documented health and safety policy (Statement of Intent, Roles & Responsibilities, Arrangements) available, that is proportionate and aligned to the context of the organisation?<br>

  • Has the H&S Policy Statement of Intent been signed and authorised by senior member of the management team, within the past 12 months and is it displayed in a prominent position?

  • Does the organisation schedule, and undertake performance monitoring activities (inspections, audits, surveys, sampling etc) for the ongoing monitoring and measurement of the H&S management system?

  • Does the organisation undertake an annual management review of their H&S performance?

Consultation with Employees

  • Is there evidence of regular communication & consultation with employees in relation to matters of their H&S?

  • Are records of communication & consultation maintained?

  • Is there evidence of consultation where the organisation operates within shared/managed premises and/or under control of a landlord?

General Building and Premises Management

Building Access, Egress and General Safety (Internal & External)

  • Is there suitable and sufficient safe access and egress to the premises for all potential occupants?

  • Floor surfaces even with no trip hazards and changes in level clearly identified?

  • Entry and walkways clear of obstruction?

  • Walkways adequately and clearly marked?

  • Stairs and risers kept clear?

  • Hand railings in good condition and secure?

  • Fall preventive measures in place and used (ie: where gaps occur in railings or on roof systems)?

  • External footpaths leading up to the premises in good condition with no trip hazards?

  • Where a fascia sign is present, does it appear to be secure with suitable fixings?

Welfare Facilities

  • Are there an adequate number of suitable toilets and wash facilities available for persons employed?

  • Is there a designated staff area available to rest, eat, drink and for changing?

  • Are accessible toilets, where available, fitted with emergency alarms systems?

  • Is clean, drinking water available?

Environmental Conditions

Working Areas

  • Were temperature levels suitable for the tasks and environment observed?

  • Did illumination levels appear to be suitable for the tasks and environment observed (natural or artificial)?

  • Did light fitments appear to be in good condition and clean?

  • Reflective light from walls and ceilings not causing glare to employees?


  • Is there reasons to suspect that exposure to noise could exceed the action and limit values?

  • Has a noise survey been undertaken?

  • Have recommendations from the latest survey been actioned or a plan is in place to reduce risk of exposure to noise?

Training, Competency and Working Safely


  • Have the accountable person(s), who are ultimately responsible for H&S, undertaken a suitable and sufficient level of health & safety training appropriate to their position or role (ie: IOSH Safety for Executives and Directors)?

  • Where the accountable person(s) haven't completed the IOSH Safety for Executives and Directors or equivalent, what level of health and safety training have they achieved?

  • Have persons assigned to assist with the implementation of the H&S management system received a suitable & sufficient level of health and safety training (ie: IOSH Managing Safely, Nebosh General Certificate)?

  • Have all employees completed a site induction, where health and safety has been included and documented?

  • Has suitable and sufficient health and safety training been identified, and completed by all employees, including periodic refreshers training, to allow them to undertake their role safely?

  • Is there a training matrix in use to record and monitor employee training?

  • FLT operators - have they undertaken suitable and sufficient training applicable to the FLT in use?

  • Have employees undertaken suitable and sufficient training applicable to their activities, such as (but not limited to) Use of hazardous substances, PPE usage, Manual handling, equipment specific, working at height,

Safe Systems of Work (SSoW), Safe Operationg Procedures (SOPs) etc.

  • Have Safe Systems of Work (SSoW), Safe Operating Procedures (SOPs), or Method Statements (MS) been created where identified by the risk assessment process, are they communicated to relevant persons and are they available for inspection?

  • Where SSoWs, SOPs or MS are not created, what method is used to communicate activity specific detail & how is this recorded?

Incident Management

Emergency Preparedness and Response

  • Are suitable and sufficient provision for emergency situations available (Procedures, Equipment, Personnel, Contact with Emergency services etc)?

  • Is the organisation's emergency preparedness, disaster recovery response tested? and when was it last tested?

  • Have those who undertake incident or serious event investigations been fully trained to reach root cause?

First Aid

  • Has a First Aid Risk Assessment been completed?

  • Is there an appropriate number of first aiders available on each shift?

  • Does there appear to be adequate first aid cabinets/kits available, stocked and items within expiration dates?

  • Are the contents of the first aid cabinets/kits regularly checked and recorded?

  • Do employees in each area, know who there first aider is?

Recording and Investigation

  • Is a GDPR compliant accident book (or suitable alternative) available and in use?

  • Has a RIDDOR reportable incident occurred in the past 12 months?

  • Was the last RIDDOR reportable incident investigated fully to reduce risk of recurrence?

  • Are there a sufficient number of people trained to carry out investigations, and where required complete RIDDOR reporting online (form ref F2508)?

Occupational Health Surveillance

Occupational Health

  • Have employees completed an employment or annual health screening questionnaire in the past 12 months?

  • Where required, is there a programme of occupational health surveillance in place proportionate to the risks persons may be exposed to (ie: noise, vibration white finger, dermatitis, respiratory issues etc.)?

  • Where an individual has a known health condition, are occupational health professionals contacted to support to individual back into the workplace?

Risk Assessments & Safe Systems of Work etc.

Risk Assessment Process

  • Has a process of risk assessment been undertaken or in the process of being carried out? are documented assessments available for inspection?

  • Is the process to periodically review and update assessments, where significant change, legislative update, accident or incident or where there is other reasons to believe the contents are no longer suitable and sufficient followed?

  • Have all further control measures or recommendations identified been implemented and signed off?

  • Have findings of risk assessments been communicated with all persons who may be affected?

Manual Handling

  • Where identified have manual handling activities been risk assessed?

  • Do measures to control the risk from manual handling injuries appear suitable and sufficient?

Provision and Use of Work Equipment (PUWER)

  • Is there an up to date register for all work equipment stored or used within the workplace?

  • Has all equipment referenced on the register been risk assessed?

  • Was access to hazardous or moving parts of equipment and machinery noted to be suitably prevented?


  • Where present, has a risk of exposure to vibration been risk assessed?

  • Do measures to control the risk from vibration exposure appear suitable and sufficient?

  • Have health concerns related to vibration been reported, and where they have are these being investigation with an occupational health provider?

Working at Height

  • Where present, have work at height activities been risk assessed?

  • Do ladders observed on site meet appropriate standards (industrial strength, check label)?

  • Are ladders subject to pre-use checks and regularly inspected with findings recorded?

  • Where ladders are used for electrical work, are they non conductive (wood or fibre glass)?

  • Are all edges within the workplace, where someone could fall, suitably protected?

  • Where present, has the risks from mobile elevated work equipment (MEWP) been assessed?

Metal Working Fluids

  • Where present, has the risk from metal working fluids been assessed?

Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

  • Where present, is there a register of DSE users within the organisation?

  • In the first instances, have DSE users completed a self assessment?

  • Have the users of DSE equipment, been provided with appropriate information, instruction and training?

  • Do workstations observed appear to be suitable for the tasks being undertaken?

Home Working

  • Where undertaken, have the risks from home working been assessed?

  • Do measures to eliminate or reduce the risks from home working activities appear to be suitable and sufficient?

Lone Working

  • Where undertaken, has lone working activities been risk assessed?

  • Do current control measures, for elimination or control of risks from lone working activities appear to be suitable and sufficient?

Confined Spaces

  • Where undertaken, have confined space activities been risk assessed?

  • Do current control measures, for elimination or control of risk from confined space activities appear to be suitable and sufficient?


  • Where present, has the risk from spraying (material coating) been assessed?

  • Do measures to eliminate or reduce the risk from spraying appear activities to be suitable and sufficient?

Hot Works

  • Where present, has the risk from hot work activities (welding, cutting, grinding, burning etc) been assessed?

  • Do measures to eliminate or reduce the risk from hot work activities appear to be suitable and sufficient?

Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmosphere Regulations (DSEAR)

  • Within the workplace, are there substances stored and used or conditions and processes present, that could create a dangerous atmosphere, resulting in a risk from fire and explosion, or corrosion of material, if not properly controlled?

  • Where a dangerous atmosphere has been established, has a DSEAR risk assessment been carried out by a competent person?

  • Do measures to eliminate or reduce the risk from dangerous atmospheres appear activities to be suitable and sufficient?

Fire Safety Management

Fire Assessment

  • Has a fire risk assessment of the premises been undertaken by a competent person and dated within the last 12 months?

  • Have all the actions or recommendations from the current fire risk assessment been addressed and signed? or where outstanding, is there a workable plan in place with dates, for the remaining matters to be dealt with?

  • Is the fire log book in use and updated with appropriate fire safety checks?

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (CoSHH)

CosHH Management

  • Where used or stored in the on site, has a CoSHH register been created?

  • Have CoSHH risk assessments been undertaken or in the process of being carried out, for all substances used or stored on site?

  • Are up to date Safety Data Sheets (SDS) available for all substances used or stored on site?

  • Was the storage of substances noted, appear to be suitable and sufficient?

  • Are suitable eye wash stations or emergency showers located in close proximity to where hazardous substances are used?

Service and Inspections (Internal & External)

Fixed Electrical

  • Has fixed electrical installation testing been carried out by a competent person?

  • Is an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) for electrical installations available, in date and satisfactory?

  • Where recommendations have been made on the EICR (namely C1's, C2's), have these been addressed and signed off?

Electrical Equipment Testing (formerly PAT Testing)

  • Has electrical equipment testing been carried out in the last 12 months?

  • Power leads observed are routed in a way to not to become damaged so risking ignition & fire risks?

Workplace Vehicles & Transport

  • Where present, has the risk from vehicles operating within the workplace been assessed?

  • Where undertaken, have occupational driving activities been risk assessed?

  • Do measures to control the risk from driving appear to be suitable and sufficent?

  • Are those who drive for works purposes, subject to driving license checks (license category & points) on a 12 monthly basis?

  • Are the FLTs up to date with their thorough examination?

  • Are HGVs and other company vehicles up to date with their relevant testing schedules (MOT, Services etc)?

  • Are in-house pre-use checks undertaken and recorded on FLTs, HGVs and other company vehicles?

Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LoLER)

  • Where lifting operations are undertaken, have all lifting equipment and accessories been uniquely identified and recorded on a register?

  • Has a thorough examination of all lifting equipment been undertaken to the prescribed frequencies?

  • Are Safe Working Load (SWL) signs clearly visible on lifting equipment and accessories?


  • Where present, has racking been installed by a competent person in accordance with the manufacturers instructions?

  • Is a suitable type of RackGuard protection installed (on legs & uprights) where there is a risk of collision from workplace transport?

  • Are racking load charts or Safe Working Load (SWL) signs clearly identified on all isles and visible?

  • Is racking subject to formal inspection by a competent SEMA racking inspector?

  • Are in-house monitoring checks/inspections of racking undertaken and recorded?

  • Was sample racking observed, free from obvious signs of damage, defects or overloading?

  • Floors around racking are clear of obstructions and waste materials?

Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)

  • Is local exhaust ventilation (LEV) installed where required?

  • Have LEV systems been inspected and tested in accordance with a written scheme of thorough examination (maximum every 14 months)?

Pressure Systems

  • Where in use, have all pressure systems been recorded on a register?

  • Have pressure systems been inspected and tested in accordance with a written scheme of thorough examination?

  • Is the safe working pressure (SWP) identified on all pressure systems?

Gas, Oil and Biomass Heating Systems

  • Is documentation available to indicate gas appliances have been serviced/inspected by a Gas Safe contractor within the last 12 months?

  • Was documentation available to indicate oil fired appliances have been serviced/inspected by an OFTEC registered contractor?

  • Are carbon monoxide (CO) detectors fitted with the fuel burning appliances?

  • Are portable gas cylinders appropriately stored and secured?

Water Management


  • Has a legionella risk assessment been undertaken for the premises?

  • Have those responsible for legionella management and related activities, received suitable trained proportionate to their needs for the activities they undertake?

  • Is the water management plan (legionella) available and maintained by the organisation, including such things as flushing etc.?

Asbestos Management


  • Was the building constructed after 2000?

  • Has an asbestos survey been undertaken?

  • Is an asbestos management plan in place, up to date and maintained?

  • Where an employee's role could foreseeably disturb the fabric of a building, exposing them to asbestos dust or fibres, has asbestos awareness training been completed?

Waste Management

Waste Management

  • Are bins located at suitable points around site and emptied regularly to reduce waste on site?

  • Are oily rags and combustible refuse, deposited in covered metal containers, to reduce fire risk?

  • Where present, are bins or skips outside the premises secured to prevent access and reduce risk of arson?

  • Is waste separated in accordance with local authority or government guidelines on recycling etc?

  • Does the organisation have a up to date waste stream register, and monitors waste transfer notes issued have appropriate details recorded (ie: European Waste Code (EWC) or a Standard Industry Classification (SIC))?

Notices, Signs, Signals and Certificates

Warning and Information Signage

  • Was the latest revision of the Health and Safety Law poster (published 01/06/2009) displayed in prominent locations?

  • If not displayed, has the organisation provided each of their employees with the equivalent leaflet?

  • Was the "Employer's Liability Compulsory Insurance" certificate displayed in a prominent location or available to view?

  • Were 'No Smoking' signs clearly displayed & legible?

  • Where other warning signs present, clearly displayed and legible (ie: FLT movements, no mobiles, authorised access only)?

Persons of Child Bearing Age and New Mothers

Pregnant Persons

  • Where notified, have the risks to pregnant persons been assessed?

  • Do measures to eliminate or reduce the risk to pregnant persons appear to be suitable and sufficient and measures reviewed periodically?

New Mothers

  • No return to work, have the risks to new mothers been assessed?

  • Do measures to eliminate or reduce the risk to new mothers appear to be suitable and sufficient and measures reviewed periodically?

Miscellaneous Observations


  • undefined

  • undefined

  • undefined

  • undefined

  • undefined

  • undefined

  • undefined

  • undefined

  • undefined

  • undefined

  • undefined

  • undefined

  • undefined

  • undefined

  • undefined

Sign Off - Completion and Acceptance of Report

  • On site representative Signature

  • Inspectors signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.