
  • Document No.

  • Conducted by

Site Details

Site and Location Details

  • Client

  • Location Name

  • Location Address
  • Location Representitive

  • Date on Site

  • Time On Site

  • Time Off Site

Assets On Site

  • Total Number of units serviced

  • Serial / Asset Numbers

Outside Units

  • Have any OUTSIDE units been maintained during this service

  • No outside units were maintained during this service visit.

  • Type of service conducted

Monthly Tasks

  • The following service tasks were undertaken for a MONTHLY service of the plant

  • Check for operational faults (display codes) on all equipment

  • Check fan blades and motor operation

  • Check Condenser Coils

  • Check for defrost tray and external drains

  • Check Inverter & Control PCB's

  • Check Cooling/Heating Operation/Changeover

  • Clean Panels

  • Check pipework insulation condition (repair or replace)

  • Check refrigerant gas charge (Delta-T Method)

Half Yearly Tasks

  • The following service tasks were undertaken for a HALF YEARLY service of the plant

  • Clean & check fan motors, lubricate bearings where applicable

  • Check pipework insulation, repair or report

  • Clean defrost drip pans & drain outlets

  • Check and test safety interlocks (pressure switches etc.)

  • Check all power and control wiring

  • Clean & Check Condenser Coils

  • Check all visible mechanical pipe / flare connections

  • Carry out F-Gas Inspection

  • Check all air, pipe and surface thermistors

  • Clean external panels & check security (replace any missing screws)

Annual Tasks

  • The following service tasks were undertaken for a full ANNUAL service of the plant

  • Check for operational faults

  • Carry out F-Gas Inspection

  • Check all visible mechanical pipe/ flare connections

  • Check on/off coil temperatures on outdoor units, record abnormalities

  • Clean all external panels (replace any missing screws, etc)

  • Check and clean all defrost trays and outlets

  • Check fan motor, bearings and blades for wear

  • Check anti vibration mountings and wall brackets

  • Check air, pipe & surface thermistors

  • Chemically clean condenser coils

  • Check control panel, power & control wiring for damage/overheating

  • Check circuit protection devices and external isolators

  • Check mechanism of all contactors/relays are intact

Indoor Units

  • Have any INDOOR units been maintained during this service

  • No indoor units were maintained during this service

  • Type of service conducted

Monthly Tasks

  • The following service tasks were undertaken for the MONTHLY service of the plant

  • Check for Operational faults (record codes) and rectify

  • Clean all washable air filters (replace disposable type)

  • Check and clean evaporator coil

  • Check fan blades and motor operation

  • Check condense pump & drains

  • Clean fascia panels

  • Check operation of cooling, heating, dry & fan only modes

Half Yearly Tasks

  • The following service tasks were undertaken for the HALF YEARLY service of the plant

  • Clean and check fan motors, scrolls, bearing seals and noise levels

  • Check flexible ductwork connections, diffusers and plenums

  • Check and clean fascia panels

  • Clean condensate drip pans, tray, inlets & outlets

  • Check condensate pumps (lift-up & Aux), safety interlocks and high limit switch

  • Check air on and off coil temperatures

  • Check controller settings (adjust time clocks)

Annual Tasks

  • The following service tasks were undertaken for the ANNUAL service of the plant

  • Carry out F-GAS inspection (update register accordingly, if applicable)

  • Check and clean fan scroll/blade

  • Chemically clean evaporator heat exchanger

  • Clean condensate pan (fit anti slime guard) and Lift-Up Pump

  • Power flush condensate pump outlet tubes and gravity drains

  • Clean Diffusers and Return Air Grilles (where applicable)

  • Check all power and control wiring terminations

  • Check electrical running currents (record abnormalities)

  • Check all isolators

  • Check pipework connections (flares, if accessible)

  • Check & clean fascia panels, deflectors and lourves

  • Check operational settings of IR controller (replace batteries)


Engineer Report and Comments

  • Engineers Report or Comments

Further Works

  • Are further works or remedial actions required following this visit.

  • No further actions or remedial works required

  • Please refer to the quotations section of this report.

Sign Off

Client Representative Declaration

  • Please tick the following statements as conformation of completed works.

  • I confirm that the service as noted in this report was carried out

  • All immediate and further actions have been fully explained and detailed

  • Add signature

NDAC Services Declaration

  • Please tick the following boxes as conformation of completed works

  • All site maintenance tasks completed

  • Site left clear and free of hazards

  • All equipment left operational and tested

  • Works discussed and agreed with site representative

  • F-Gas Register Updated

  • Add signature

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