Title Page
Security Operation Vulnerability Healthcheck 2018
Store Name / Number
Store Manager / Store Director / GSSM
Conducted on
Prepared by
Fed back to
Is the pfs locked down and secure?
Is the back gate open / accessible?
Not able to access the store unchallenged?
Is the waste cage open?
Able to access critical/ store keys?
Is the self service and scan as you shop gold key locked and secured?
Is the meat cage/ chiller unlocked?
Scratch cards / stamps found?
Is the pharmacy unlocked and unalarmed?
Access to the alarm panel?
Access to dot com vans? (N/A if vans are being attended or filled)
Are dot com keys controlled and not accessible?
Is dot com secure cabinet locked and secured?
Gained entry to high value warehouses?
Are the Saltley cages unprotected?
Access to the DVR (CCTV) cabinet? (N/A if it is broken and the store has a reference number)
Is the Shrink board up to date?
Has a shrink meeting taken place each week over the last 4 weeks?
Are shrink meeting next steps relevant?
Is the click and collect hub unsecured?
Access made to the lottery / health lottery terminal?
Detaggers unlocked?
Changing rooms unlocked?
Chewing gum cabinets unlocked?
Chewing gum cage unlocked?
Are any door guards switched off? (N/A if the door is in use as an exit in and out outside of 24 hour trading)
Are there any bottle locks being used on 35cl spirit lines?
Are counters fridges unlocked? (N/A if stores do not use fridges behind counters to store stock when counters are closed)
Are the make up cabinets unlocked outside of stores agreed opening hours?
Are the make up cabinet drawers unlocked?
Are the consultation rooms unlocked?
Was any lost property unsecured?
Were any unused, pre-printed reduced labels found?
Are high value dot com returns being checked in by dot com / duty manager ? Provide evidence
Are dot com van searches and colleague searches being completed regularly in dot com? Own search book in dot com
Is there evidence that colleague searches aren't being completed daily?
Are all tills locked including self service and scan as you shop?
Were any Tesco items found in drawers?
Are black sacks in use?
Are there any missing seal checks?
Is there any signs of grazing in the colleague areas?
Are there any checkout gates unsealed that are not in use? (N/A if store is non 24 hour trading - however, plan in place to seal/ control when store opens for trade)
Any colleague jackets or bags found around the store or back areas (excluding cloak rooms)?
Are there any non-authorised lines found to be in use in the TC room?
CCTV left open and unattended?
Evidence of backdoor visitor book not being used?
Are the battery ofds being tagged on products over £5?
Have any broken make up cabinets been reported? 0151 532 0300
Any high value stock left in the warehouse/ loading Bay Area, been locked away in a responsible timescale?
No high value products left unprotected and unattended on shop floor? I.e spirits, health and beauty decked etc
Is there a high level of colleague engagement around Shrink and security in the store?
Is self scan / scan as you shop correctly manned by a Tesco colleague?
Is the smoke cloak working in the pfs?
Is the Think 10 being completed weekly?
Are the Think 10 next steps being actioned?
Is great guarding being adhered to in store?
Are waste reports being checked off line by line and signed?
Witness a live transaction at self service/ scan as you shop to ensure colleague demonstrates what good looks like in the event of a red light
Additional Information / General Maintenance (known issues)
Target Review - Response Required
Loose produce lines
Check 5 loose produce lines against the prices on the SAYS scales are all correct. (Lines checked below)
Advice / Next Steps Quoted
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