Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Postcode

  • Region

  • Property Type

  • Targeted PPM date

  • Conducted on

  • PPM Frequency

  • Prepared by

Survey Information

  • Is there a roof register present<br>

  • Is the roof register being used <br>

  • Before photos of roof and gutters

  • Notes on roof access

  • Main roof construction materials

  • Secondary areas roof types

  • "Overall condition of roof<br>score 1 - 5<br>1 poor<br>5 excellent"<br>

  • Evidence of recent works to roof

  • Any reported roof leaks<br>

  • Where in the store have leaks been reported - Please be specific

  • Are all gutters (valley & trough) clear <br>

  • What drainage system is installed ?

  • Are the roof outlets clear and complete with guards<br>

  • Is there any overflow outlets<br>

  • Is there any debris disguarded on the roof<br>

  • Notes on existing coursework pointing

  • Notes on existing flashings Are the existing flashing details in good condition?

  • Are the capping details in good order?

  • What edge protection is in place and is this in good order?

  • Is there a horizontal lifeline installed? Is this in good order and tagged in date? Pleas state manufacturers if possible?

  • Any defined walkway routes <br>

  • Are there any apparent pest issues on the roof? For example bird activity

  • Any poor installs with regards to plant ad the interface with the roof ?

  • Upon completion of the survey, do you recommend any future works? Please state specifically.

Have the following been done while onsite

  • Have you taken drone footage and photos of the roof area prior to any clean?

  • Have you taken photos of all drainage outlets and taken footage of the outlets

  • Have you provided a specific locations of leak locations if applicable

  • Have you provided photos of the leak locations in the store?

  • Have you provided photos of the rubbish / debris removed from the roof areas?

  • Have you carried out any small repairs to deal with the leak locations? If not why? Are there bigger issues that require more extensive works?

  • Have you provided drone footage of the completed clean?

Other Store Information

  • Open Date

  • "Estimated Build Date"

  • Store over 20 years old

  • "pre-2000 Build (Note for asbestos survey) "

  • Roof Ownership<br>

  • Any previous Roof Warranty works carried out on this Store?

  • Warranty Installation Date

  • Completed in previous years if yes when

  • Warranty certificates

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.