Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Poor - Workers not using any PPE or correct lifting techniques.
Fair - Workers wearing adequate PPE with correct lifting techniques.
Good - Workers planning the lift and identifying the most efficient and practical way of executing the lift. Workers wearing correct PPE.
Best practice - Workers planning the lift and identifying the most efficient and practical way of executing the lift. Workers wearing correct PPE. -
How would you describe the PPE
Mechanical Aids whilst lifting
Poor - Workers not using mechanical or an inadequate mechanical lifting device.
Fair - Workers have assessed the lift however chosen inadequate or incorrect lifting device.
Good - Workers conducting a communicated safe controlled lift with appropriate lifting devices/ chains/slings/etc. Delineation and exclusion zones set up for lift. Applicable PPE worn
Best practice - Workers planning the lift and identifying the most efficient and practical way of executing the lift. Workers wearing correct PPE. -
How would you describe the use of mechanical aids whilst lifting?