Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Title Marquise safety checklist for site induction

  • Client / Site Marquise

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location 635 st Kilda rd Melbourne Vic 3004
  • Personnel


  • Date start

  • Name of worker

  • Position

  • Contact number:

  • Picture of worker


  • To assist employers (including sub-contractors) familiarise workers with the OHS rules and procedures of the site BEFORE they commence work


  • 1. Employer or person performing duties has provided you sufficient evidence of competencies and or qualifications (including trade qualifications) to complete work

  • 2. Established proof of the persons safety induction?

  • 3. Have you ensured that the person has been taken through relevant safe work method statements for the task to be performed onsite?

  • Other documentation


  • 4. Does the person have the correct PPE available for the work to be completed?

  • a. Hat (for out side UV protection)

  • b. Safety glasses

  • b. Safety footwear to carry out their tasks

  • c. Long sleeved shirt

  • d. High visibility vest

  • e. Appropriate ear protection when required (no music headphones allowed)

  • Other

Exits / First aid / emergency

  • 5. Have you shown the person what to do in an emergency and identified the location of the

  • a. Assembly point ?

  • b. Closest medical facility ?

  • c. Contact details of emergency services ?

  • D. Provisions for emergency communications ?

  • e. Other

  • 6. Have you shown the person:

  • a. The location of the first aid facilities / kits ?

  • b. Who the first aiders are and how to obtain treatment ?

  • 7. Have you shown the person where the relevant fire fighting equipment is located ? For example, fire extinguishers, hose reels etc.


  • 8. Have you shown the person where the amenities ( including toilets and drinking water) are located ?


  • 9. Have you explained the procedures for reporting incidents, injuries and hazards ?

Equipment training

  • 10. Has the person been trained to use any specialised equipment ?

Other specialised equipment the cleaner has been shown how to use/operate safely

  • Push puller (for moving rubbish bins)

  • Sweeper car park

  • Scrubber car park


  • 11. Have you explained the site security procedures ?

Health and safety

  • 12. Have you explained the site health and safety rules ?

  • 13. Have you given the person an opportunity to ask questions about their responsibilities and any issues clarified ?

  • 14. Have you explained that under no circumstances are they to change any lights on sight

  • 15. Have you explained that under no circumstances are they to jump into any waste / rubbish bins ?


  • 16. Have you explained that, it is their duty to report any incidents or hazards they have identified during their working hours to the Building Manager in writing (logbook)

  • 17. Have you explained Failure to follow procedure that increases the Risk

  • 18. Have you explained Failure to follow instruction will result in a letter of warning and or request to leave the site


  • 1. Where there are a number of employees, the employer who has management and control of the site must provide sufficent to information to enable contractors to fulfil their site induction obligations

  • 2. Where the person does not clearly understand English, use an interpreter to assist in translation


  • Workers signs that all the above has been explained & that they understand their responsibilities to carry out their tasks safely as per OH&S & work safe

  • Signature of worker

  • Date

Employer / Site Manager

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Date:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.