Title Page

  • Daily tasks conducted on:

  • Packing House

Receiving Area

  • When required, use the pre-diluted alkaline cleaner "ChemStation 10113".

    Ensure that all large debris is picked up and disposed of properly. Using a sprayer or foamer (depending on which area you are cleaning) apply to area that you are cleaning. Scrub or wipe with a clean scrub pad or terry towel

  • Was the Receiving Area used today?

Were the following tasks properly cleaned and sanitized?

  • Fruit Receiving Bay

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Floors

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Drain

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Bin Dump

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Rot Containers

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Roll Elevator

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Trashcans

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Signature of Manager or Supervisor is required as verification that tasks were completed

  • Name & Signature

  • Date Completed:

  • Signature of Manager or Supervisor is required as verification that tasks were completed

  • Name & Signature

  • Date Completed:

Washing Area

  • Was the Washing Area used by Production today

Have all Daily Tasks been completed for the Washing Area?

  • Roll Elevator before High Pressure Washer

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Brush Bed

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • High Pressure Washer (CleanWorks Machine)

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • SS Roller Elevator at outfeed of HPW

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Pre-grade belt

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Staggering conveyor belt

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Rot conveyor belt line

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Juice conveyor belt line

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Trashcans

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Catwalks

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Floors

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Drain

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Signature of Manager or Supervisor is required as verification that tasks were completed

  • Name & Signature

  • Date Completed:

  • Signature of Manager or Supervisor is required as verification that tasks were completed

  • Name & Signature

  • Date Completed:

Grading Area (Main Line)

  • Was the Grading Area (Main Line) used by Production today?

Were the following tasks properly cleaned and sanitized?

  • Waxer bed

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Grading Equipment

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Flow Divider

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Check grade chutes

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Check grade roller conveyor

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Rots Belts

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Juice Belts

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Check Grade Table

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Roll elevator to sizer

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Rot Containers

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Drain

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Trashcans

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Floors

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Handrails

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Catwalks

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Signature of Manager or Supervisor is required as verification that tasks were completed

  • Name & Signature

  • Date Completed:

  • Signature of Manager or Supervisor is required as verification that tasks were completed

  • Name & Signature

  • Date Completed:

Grading Area (Lemon Line)

  • Was the Grading Area (Lemon Line) used by Production today?

Were the following tasks properly cleaned and sanitized?

  • Small lemon dump line and elevator

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Grading equipment

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Check grade chutes

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Check grade roller conveyor

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Rots Belts

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Juice Belts

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Check grade table

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Conveyor belt to sizer

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Rot containers

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Trashcans

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Floors

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Handrails

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Catwalks

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Signature of Manager or Supervisor is required as verification that tasks were completed

  • Name & Signature

  • Date Completed:

  • Signature of Manager or Supervisor is required as verification that tasks were completed

  • Name & Signature

  • Date Completed:

Packing Area (Main Line)

  • Was the Packing Area (Main Line) used by Production today?

Were the following tasks properly cleaned and sanitized?

  • Sizing area & Equipment

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Electronic sizer

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Belts to accumulation bins

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Single wide Blue transfer Belt to Extended packing area

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Blue cleated transfer belt to Extended packing Area

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Accumulation bins

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Pack tables

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Pattern Packer Machines

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Case sealer

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Floors

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Trashcans

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Rot Containers

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Handrails

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Signature of Manager or Supervisor is required as verification that tasks were completed

  • Name & Signature

  • Date Completed:

  • Signature of Manager or Supervisor is required as verification that tasks were completed

  • Name & Signature

  • Date Completed:

Packing Area (Lemon Line)

  • Was the Packing Area (Lemon Line) used by Production today?

Were the following tasks properly cleaned and sanitized?

  • Sizing area & Equipment

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Electronic sizer

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Belts to packing tables

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Belts to elevators

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Pack tables

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Bulk bin filler machines

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Bag Machine

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Floors

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Trashcans

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Rot Containers

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Handrails

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Signature of Manager or Supervisor is required as verification that tasks were completed

  • Name & Signature

  • Date Completed:

  • Signature of Manager or Supervisor is required as verification that tasks were completed

  • Name & Signature

  • Date Completed:

Small Dump line (Extended Main Line)

  • When required, use the pre-diluted alkaline cleaner "ChemStation 10113".

    Ensure that all large debris is picked up and disposed of properly. Using a sprayer or foamer (depending on which area you are cleaning) apply to area that you are cleaning. Scrub or wipe with a clean scrub pad or terry towel

  • Was the Small Dump Line Area used today?

Were the following tasks properly cleaned and sanitized?

  • Both juice line blue belts?

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Bin Dump

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Wide blue belt after dumper?

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Small blue belts under PVC roll elevator?

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Elevator following the PVC roll elevator?

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Blue belts at outfeed of elevator?

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Signature of Manager or Supervisor is required as verification that tasks were completed

  • Name & Signature

  • Date Completed:

  • Signature of Manager or Supervisor is required as verification that tasks were completed

  • Name & Signature

  • Date Completed:

Packing Area (Extended Main Line)

  • Was the Packing Area (Extended Line) used by Production today?

Were the following tasks properly cleaned and sanitized?

  • Slide Cross belt

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Short & Long transfer belts to Hopper #1

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Short & Long transfer belts to Hopper #2

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Short & Long transfer belts to Hopper #3

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Short & Long transfer belts to Hopper #4

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Short & Long transfer belts to Hopper #5

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Short & Long transfer belts to Hopper #6

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Short & Long transfer belts to Hopper #7

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Short & Long transfer belts to Hopper #8

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Hopper #1

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Hopper #2

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Hopper #3

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Hopper #4

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Hopper #5

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Hopper #6

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Hopper #7

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Hopper #8

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Long Transfer Belt to Bagger #1

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Long Transfer Belt to Bagger #2

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Rollers To Bagger #1

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Rollers To Bagger #2

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Bagger #1 Hopper

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Bagger #2 Hopper

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Bag Machine #1

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Bag Machine #2

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Check Weighers

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Packing Table #1

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Packing Table #2

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Signature of Manager or Supervisor is required as verification that tasks were completed

  • Name & Signature

  • Date Completed:

  • Signature of Manager or Supervisor is required as verification that tasks were completed

  • Name & Signature

  • Date Completed:

Outside/Miscellaneous Areas

  • When required, use the pre-diluted alkaline cleaner "10113".

    Ensure that all large debris is picked up and disposed of properly. Using a sprayer or foamer (depending on which area you are cleaning) apply to area that you are cleaning. Scrub or wipe with a clean scrub pad or terry towel

  • Were the Outside/Miscellaneous Areas used by Production today?

Were the following tasks properly cleaned and sanitized?

  • Eating Area

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Men's Restroom

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Women's Restroom

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Hand Washing Station

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Cleaning Equipment

  • Why wasn't the task completed?

  • Signature of Manager or Supervisor is required as verification that tasks were completed

  • Name & Signature

  • Date Completed:

  • Signature of Manager or Supervisor is required as verification that tasks were completed

  • Name & Signature

  • Date Completed:

Daily Sanitizer Concentration Verification

  • Once all areas have been cleaned, apply the following sanitizer at the required concentration rate and use test strips to verify the correct concentration. Mix 1 oz of 'Perisan A' for every 1 gal of water. (Concentration range must be between 80-350ppm)

  • Were all areas sanitized after being cleaned?

  • What was the concentration of the sanitizer in ppm's


  • Document Verified by:

  • Date Verified:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.