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1.0 - Acquire up to date knowledge of work health and safety matters
1.1 - I attend meetings and presentations on the WPH&S Act, regulations and codes of Practce.
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1.2 - I ensure that work health and safety is included as a standing agenda item in team meetings
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1.3 - I attend conferences, seminars and / or industry group or internal in service education or training which include discussion of industry health and safety issues?
If Yes, log details here
1.4 - I actively seek information from work areas and my staff with regard to health and safety matters?
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1.5 - I ensure that meetings I attend have safety on the agenda, which contributes to my acquisition of knowledge of health and safety matters?
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1.6 - I conduct walk through inspections of work areas including observing for compliance with health and safety procedures?
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1.7 - I regularly engage staff in discussions about health and safety which contributes to my acquisition of knowledge of health and safety matters?
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2.0 - Gain an understanding of operations and associated hazards and risks
2.1 - I conduct regular reviews of health and safety data within my area of responsibility?
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2.2 - I actively seek information to understand the risks and hazards in all my areas of responsibility?
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2.3 - I conduct walk through inspections of work areas including observing for compliance with health and safety procedures?
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2.4 - I actively encourage staff to report health and safety incidents and hazards?
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2.5 - I actively engage staff in discussions about health and safety, which contributes to my understanding of operations and associated hazards and risks?
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3.0 - Ensure that appropriate resources and processes are used to eliminate or minimise risks to health and safety
3.1 - I ensure that staffing levels and qualifications are adequate for safety in operations?
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3.2 - I ensure that budget decisions do not adversely affect the maintenance and upgrading of plant and equipment, workplace facilities and amenities?
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3.3 - I ensure that appropriate governance processes exist to ensure avenues for escalation on safety issues including implementation of adequate control measures?
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4.0 - Implement processes for receiving and responding to information regarding incidents, hazards and risks
4.1 - I demonstrate active leadership and engagement in health and safety?
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4.2 - I conduct regular reviews of health and safety data in my areas of responsibility?
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4.3 - I actively support and implement processes for escalation of risks to health and safety and significant incidents / events?
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4.4 - I communicate my expectations to managers / supervisors with regard to health and safety matters?
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5.0 - Establish and maintain processes for complying with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011
5.1 - My leadership and actions with respect to establishing and maintaining processes for complying with the Act are:
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11.0 Other Notes
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