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  • Client:

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  • Date:

  • Line Manager Name:

  • Operative Name:

MD Group - Line Manager Inspection Scoring Guide

The following sets out the scoring criteria that will be used on all MD Group Line Managers site inspections.

  • COMPLIANT - A category will be scored as "Compliant" where the operative can demonstrate they are fully compliant with the requirements of relevant applicable legislation, guidance, industry best practice or MD Group processes and procedures. Where a "Compliant" score is issued, a score of 5 will be awarded to that category.


  • OPPORTUNITIES - A category will be scored as "Opportunities" where the operative cannot demonstrate they are fully compliant with the requirements of relevant applicable legislation, guidance, industry best practice and MD Group processes and procedures, but the breach is such that it could attract a Fee For Intervention (FFI) or an Improvement Notice from a HSE enforcement officer. Where an "Opportunity" score is issued, a score of 3 will be awarded to that category.


  • NON-COMPLIANT - A category will be scored as "Non-Compliant" where the operative is in breach of the requirements of relevant applicable legislation and where a HSE inspector would issue enforcement action in the form of a Prohibition Notice. Where a "Non-Compliant" score is issued, a score of Zero will be awarded to that category.


Project Details

  • Project Type:

  • Works in Progress at time of Inspection:

  • e.g Replacement of tap kitchen tap fittings following reports of the taps constantly running


  • Overall Documentation Score:

  • 1.1 Does the Operative have their PDA to hand?

  • 1.2 Are risk assessments and method statements available to view either on their PDA or hard copy?

  • 1.3 Has the operative attended recent and relevant toolbox talks and have they been recorded?

  • 1.4 Is the PDA Job Status up to date?

  • 1.5 Can the Operative access the MD SHEQ Drive

  • 1.6 Can the Operative access the Waste Carriers Licence

  • 1.7 Can the Operative access the Insurance Documents


  • Overall Site Management Score:

  • 2.1 Is the Operative suitably qualified for the task at hand?

  • 2.2 Is the Operative aware of the site hazards and risks?

  • 2.3 Is the Operative aware of the accident / incident / near miss procedure?


  • Overall Protection Against Falls / Work at Height Score:

  • 3.1 Are risk assessments and method statements provided for all works at height?

  • 3.2 Where work equipment is used for works at height, are operatives appropriately trained in it's use?

  • 3.3 Where there is a risk of falls from height, is suitable edge protection in place, such as gaps in stair railings?

  • 3.4 Where working at height is being undertaken is the most appropriate form of access being used? Pop up’s instead of steps ladders?

  • 3.5 Are ladders in use only industrial strength, not household rated. Check label?

  • 3.6 Are ladders, steps, pop up’s in good condition?

  • 3.7 Are ladders tied & footed appropriately with a 4:1 angle while use?

  • 3.8 Are ladders, steps being used safely?


  • Overall Plant & Equipment Scores

  • 4.1 Does the tools & equipment on site appear in good condition and suitable for the task?

  • 4.2 Are tools battery operated?

  • 4.3 Are electrical tools PAT and in date?

  • 4.4 Are tools being used correctly and in a safe manner?

  • 4.5 Have tools & equipment that create construction dust a suitable & sufficient means to reduce dust at source such as dust bags / extraction attachments etc?

  • 4.6 Has HAVS monitoring been conducted for the use of the Operatives Tools


  • Overall Electrics Scores:

  • 5.1 Are all electrical tools used on site 110 volts?

  • 5.2 Are procedures in place for control panel lock-off's where required?

  • 5.3 Are the Operatives tools suitable for the task, such as insulated hand tools, fiberglass ladders?


  • Overall Access Scores:

  • 6.1 Is the access free from slip, trip and fall hazards?

  • 6.2 Are the vehicles parked safely and not creating a hazard?

  • 6.3 Is there a safe area to the load / unload?

  • 6.4 Are working areas accessible and clear of obstructions, floor surfaces even, stairwells uncluttered?


  • Overall Scaffolds Scores:

  • 7.1 Are fixed scaffolds in use?

  • 7.2 Are fixed scaffolds issued with a handover certificate from the scaffolding contractor who installed it?

  • 7.3 Are fixed scaffolds inspected once a week and records of inspections kept?

  • 7.4 Are scaffold access ladders tied & footed appropriately with a 4:1 angle while use? And removed when not in use?

  • 7.5 Are tower scaffolds in use?

  • 7.6 Have tower scaffolds been erected by competent persons and in line with manufacturers instructions?

  • 7.7 Are tower scaffolds wheels locked, edge protection in place and toe boards fitted?


  • Overall Fire Scores:

  • 8.1 Is the Operative aware of the process for raising an alarm in the event of a fire?

  • 8.2 Is fire equipment available, suitable, serviced and in date?

  • 8.3 Are all fire escape routes, fire exits and access to fire points kept free from obstructions?


  • Overall Personal Protective Equipment Scores:

  • 9.1 Is replacement PPE available in the event PPE may be damaged or mislaid?

  • 9.2 Where RPE is used, have operatives been face fitted and are records of face fitting available for inspection?

  • 9.3 Are Operatives wearing appropriate PPE in line with company policy?

  • 9.4 Is there a requirement for additional PPE such as RPE, glasses or gloves, are they being worn?


  • Overall Housekeeping Scores:

  • 10.1 Is housekeeping to a high standard

  • 10.2 Are trailing cables routed to edges of walls or above head height so as not to cause a trip hazard?

  • 10.3 Is waste being stored safely / appropriately?

  • 10.4 Are tools & equipment when not in use being stored correctly?

  • 10.5 Are materials / redundant materials removed from site when not in use or stored safely?

11. Asbestos

  • Overall Asbestos Scores:

  • 11.1 Is the property asbestos information available to view?

  • 11.2 Is the Operative aware of asbestos locations?

  • 11.3 Is the Operative aware of the MD Group escalation procedure?

  • 11.4 Has the Operative conducted the Asbestos Awareness Course? Has he / she passed within the last year?

Any Other Comments

  • Any other comments?

Report Signatories:

  • Line Managers Signature:

  • Operative Signature

  • Date & Time of Signature:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.