Areas inspected
Conducted on
Prepared by
Inspection team
In-pit Shovel Pad
Was the in-pit shovel pad and washdown facility inspected?
Are there any outstanding action items arising from previous Contacts, Internal Audits, Inspections etc?
If yes, have they been adequately addressed/closed out?
Liquid chemicals >250 L stored within a bund with the capacity equal to 110% of largest vessel or 25% of the total capacity.
Liquid chemical storage as per AS1940 and Site Operating Licence L6869/1992/12 requirements:<br>* be graded or include a sump;<br>* chemically resistant to substances stored;<br>* include valves, pumps and meters where practical;<br>* potential jetting captured within bunded area;<br>* chemicals which may react are in separate bunds; and<br>* capacity of the bund is maintained (eg pumping of trapped rain water).
If the area stored more than 1,000 L of combustible liquids, there is at least one suitably rated portable and in-date fire extinguisher present.
No evidence of large spills/leaks either on the shovel pad or adjacent to chemical storage areas and waste receptacles.
Spill response kits and rag bins are available and well stocked.
Storage cabinet doors are fixed closed and/or are self-closing, close fitting and heldshut automatically.
SDSs/ SDS folders are available in the area for the material(s) stored.
Waste products segregated and disposed of correctly.
Overall housekeeping at shovel pad is neat and organised.
Washdown bay/area is sloped towards sumps.
Washdown bay sumps are appropriately sized to capture all water runoff.
Summary of actions
Are actions required to be raised?
Action Number
Sign offs
Area owner representative
Environmental representative