Title Page
Document No.
Vehicle End of Shift Audit for Registration
Conducted on
Fleet No
Vehicle End Of Shift Mileage
Driver Surname and PIN
Attendant Surname and PIN
FUEL Drawn ? During Shift
Please confirm location of Petrol station where fuel drawn.
FUEL Drawn ? End Of Shift
Please confirm location of Petrol station where fuel drawn.
CAB Cleaned?<br>
Interior Saloon Cleaned ?
Vehicle Exterior Cleaned ?
Have you properly disposed of any dirty linen?
Have you properly and safely disposed of any Clinical Waste?
Have you properly and safely disposed of any Sharps ?
Have you properly disposed of any Domestic waste ?
Is there any new damage that has not already been reported on the start of shift VDI ?
Please Photograph the new damage.
Have you completed a DEFECT Form for anything ?
Please confirm Defect Report Number
Is the Vehicle Secure ?
Please explain why not ?
Are the Vehicle Door(s) all secure ?
Please explain the reason why the door(s) cannot be secured ? Please also explain what measures you have taken to secure the vehicle and which doors you are unable to secure.
Are all the vehicle Windows secure ?
Please explain which windows and why you are unable to secure them? Please also explain any measures taken to secure the vehicle?
Have you Folded the Vehicle wing mirrors in ?
Please explain which Mirrors you are unable to fold and why?
Have you returned the Vehicle Keys ?
Please explain why the keys have not been returned ?
Have you returned the Satellite Navigation unit (Tom tom) ?
Please explain why the Satellite Navigation unit (Tom tom) has not been returned ? And what steps you have taken to secure it?
Have you returned the Phone / PDA to charger ?
Please explain why the PDA has not been returned? And what steps you have taken to secure it ?
Driver Signature
Attendant Signature