Audit Title
Conducted on
Prepared by
Sprinkler Systems and Portable Fire Extinguishers
Are fire extinguishers charged and mounted in their assigned, labeled locations? (Required monthly) find Fire Extinguisher Locations below
Mt Sturat - ABC
Outside Ladies’ room Floor 1 - Haylon
AMS Lab by front door - Haylon
AMS Lab by Back door - Haylon
Machine Shop front door - ABC
Machine Shop back door - ABC
Machine Shop by sink - ABC
S&R - Haylon
End of hall by AMS Lab - Haylon
End of Hall by S&R - Haylon
Mt Adams by 149 - Haylon
4 Halon and 3 ABC in Facilities Shop
Elevator Room - ABC
Admin - ABC
ARTD Cube Post - ABC (by Jason)
Hall by Eric Nobel - Haylon
Kitchen - ABC
ARTD by Back door - Haylon
AMS by Back Door - ABC
Server Room - Haylon
Are fire extinguishers that do not pass inspection removed