Inspection Date:
Inspection completed by:
1.0 External areas - Walkways/pedestrian management and parking
Are all walkways clearly marked/segregated from moving traffic
Are all walkways and paths clear and unobstructed?
Is there suitable and sufficient parking spaces available for all onsite personnel?
Are all personnel abiding by the reverse parking only rule?
Are there any reports of speeding by onsite personnel?
2.0 - Emergency Procedures
Are there evacuation procedures developed to deal with emergencies?
Are staff trained in evacuation procedures?
Exit signs and the direction to exits is clearly marked?
Exit doors easily opened from inside? (PCM's, control rooms, access hatches etc)
Exits blocked?
Fire alarm system working?
Extinguishers in place, clearly marked for type of fire, and serviced?
Fire drills practiced?
Staff trained I use of fire extinguishers?
Is the list of fire wardens and first aid officers displayed and up to date?
Is there fire wardens and first aiders onsite?
3.0 - Office space, welfare, housekeeping and electrical
Security measures in place, and all entrance doors locked/secured?
Overall condition of space (temperature, lighting, flooring etc)
Are the hygiene facilities in good working order/clean tidy and well stocked?
Access to clean running water and hand washing/drying facilities?
Access to canteen facilities with food preparation areas? Clean and tidy?
Plugs, cables, sockets, switches are in good condition?
All other portable electrical items in good working order (visual inspection only)
Is housekeeping to a high standard (no overloaded bins or storage of unwanted items?)
Any trip hazards, either in offices, corridors or stairwells?
4.0 - Chemicals & Poisons (Internal and external)
Are containers labelled with contents?
SDS sheets available with COSHH assessments carried out?
Are all chemicals stored correctly (internal areas)
Are all chemicals/oils etc stored externally suitably, stored and bunded?
Is there any sign of leaks, or weakened containers?
5.0 - First Aid
Do employees know who to contact for first aid?
Is a first aid kit available and clearly labelled and contains the correct stock/inventory?
Defibrillator Present and in working order?
Are first aiders/emergency numbers displayed?
First aid book/incident book available onsite if required.
Suitable means of summoning the emergency services available if required?
6.0 - External Worksite - routine day / night work for onsite personnel
Is there any hot works being carried out?
Is there any working at height activities being carried out?
Is there any confined space work being carried out?
Is there any excavation work being carried out?
Is there any lifting operations being carried out?
If "YES" to any of the above, is there a permit to work and associated RAMS for the works available, signed and completed, relevant to the works?
For daily routine work, has a daily permit to work been completed, signed off and relevant to the works being undertaken?
Do the onsite personnel have a copy of the permit to work on their person?
If applicable, have all relevant emergency arrangements been implemented (Rescue plans, evacuation plans etc)
Are the works being supervised?
Is the lighting conditions appropriate, good illumination of works site?
Do they have adequate means of communication (radios, phones)
Are all waste bins/skips available and emptied regularly?
Are the work areas clean and tidy?
Are all ATEX zones being managed (no unauthorized persons within the zones)
Are safety exclusion zones being managed well (Barriers, signs etc)
Any other issues identified relating to the work or process?
PPE Compliance
Are all personnel onsite wearing the correct PPE as per policy?
Is the PPE in good serviceable condition?
Is there any specialist PPE required for any ongoing works (Respirators, Chemical suits etc)?
If "YES" is the specialist PPE tested, certified and appropriate for the works
Are the noise levels around the site to an acceptable standard?
If operators/personnel are exposed to noise in excess of 85dB, is there suitable hearing protection available for personal use, and also for those in the immediate vicinity?
Does the area have signs indicating noise levels and hearing protection must be worn?
Manual Handling
Are all personnel onsite MH trained with and in date certificate?
Are all personnel onsite demonstrating good MH practices
Is there suitable equipment/mechanical aids onsite for use during MH work?
Equipment and machinery
Are all hand operated tools and equipment safe to use, with certificates of conformity and testing present?
Have all pre-use checks/inspections been carried out and signed for?
Is there any tools or equipment being used with a potential for the risk of HAVS?
If "YES" what are the control measures to mitigate against this?
Are all person using the equipment trained and authorized to do so?
Does all plant/machinery have a GA1 certificate?
Are all safety guards in place and in good working condition?
Is there an allocated banks person for machinery movement onsite?
Is there suitable exclusion zones implemented for operation of plant and machinery? (Barriers, signs, banks person present)
Do the plant operators have a valid competency card/certificate, in date and relevant to the machine being operated?
Are all chemicals/oils/liquids being used in a suitable container/vessel?
Is there a copy of the COSHH risk assessments and SDS sheets available?
Is dust being minimized so far as reasonably practicable? (if cutting is involved)
Are all necessary precautions in place to avoid contaminating water supplies?
Spill kits available and well stocked?
All chemical storage areas suitably bunded (IBC's, oil drums, small containers)?
Catch pits and drains all in full working order with regular maintenance checks in place?
Are all emissions within acceptable limits (visual inspection)
Is there any abnormal evidence/smell of gas?
Waste management
Is all waste being managed as per site policy?
Segregated bins/skips?
Hazardous waste segregated?
Carriers/waste management licenses in place/validated?
Waste transfer notes available and stored correctly?
Waste and material register complete and in date?
All waste being managed well and stored correctly throughout site?
Sub Contractors - Please complete this section if there is a subcontracor/s working onsite. If there is not, then this section does not require completion.
Name of sub contractor - (Please put each name if more than 1 contractor)
Name of supervisor (Responsible person)
Have they completed the required site induction?
Nature of work being carried out and for how long?
Is there any permit to works required (hot works, confined space, working at height, excavations etc)
If "YES" has a permit been correctly issued, signed, in date and relevant to the works being undertaken?
Have all the relevant emergency arrangements been implemented (Rescue plans, evacuation procedures)
Is there a suitable Lock out Tag Out (LOTO) system in place and recorded?
Do all sub contracted personnel have an in date safe pass/CSR card present?
Have they supplied all of the relevant Health and Safety documentation prior to commencing works?
Do they have a copy of the RAMS and permits on person for inspection?
Has this Documentation been approved and signed off by management?
Is the work being carried out adequately supervised? (Supervisors present at all times)
Is the work being carried out done so in a safe manner at all times?
Is the worksite housekeeping in good order, clean, tidy and does not pose a hazard or interference with any other personnel onsite?
Are all of the sub contractors complying with the site rules and regulations? (PPE, Conduct, vehicle parking, attitudes, excessive noise etc).
Sub Contractor Environmental Factors
Are all chemicals/oils/liquids being used in a suitable container/vessel?
is there a copy of the COSHH risk assessments and SDS sheets available?
Is dust being minimized so far as reasonably practicable? (if cutting is involved)
Are all necessary precautions in place to avoid contaminating water supplies?
Spill kits available and well stocked?
All chemical storage areas suitably bunded (IBC's, oil drums, small containers)?
Catch pits and drains all in full working order with regular maintenance checks in place?
Are all emissions within acceptable limits (visual inspection)
is there any abnormal evidence/smell of gas?
Other -
Completion and Sign off
I have carried out a workplace inspection as detailed within this report. By way of signature below, I confirm that all findings were true and accurate at the time of inspection. I have communicated the details of this report to the responsible person onsite, and given verbal instruction to follow up and action any safety improvements required.
Person carrying out the inspection
Date and Time
By way of signature below, I agree that the information contained within this report is a true and honest reflection of the work site, work being carried out and personnel onsite, at the time of inspection. As the responsible person, I agree to action any safety points that have been identified on a priority scale as recommended.
Responsible person onsite (Supervisor, manager)
Date and Time