Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Metro Waterproofing Safety Walk
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Job Name
Audit conducted by
Personal Protective Equipment
Are harnesses and lanyards being inspected daily for damage?
Serviceable hard hats, eye protection, gloves being used?
Equipment Inspections
Are man lifts being used for current scope of work?
Are mast climbers or swing stages being used for current scope of work?
Are bead or sand blasters being used for current scope of work?
Is a kettle being used for current scope of work?
Are all necessary equipment inspections being done as required?
Are these inspections readily available upon request?
Are fire extinguishers full and in serviceable condition?
Is there any work being done in close proximity to power lines, underground utilities or active electricity panels?
Is there any confined space work being done by Metro Waterproofing?
Is there any hot work being done by Metro Waterproofing?
Are all permits being filled out correctly AND signed by General Contractor?<br>
Are all traffic and safety considerations taken into account during pre-planning?
Materials storage and Housekeeping
Are hazardous materials being stored in an appropriate manner?
Are hazardous materials on job site?
Is there documentation for hazardous materials?
Are non-hazardous materials and/or equipment being stored in a neat and orderly manner
Is housekeeping being done daily at all work areas?
Are all materials being catalogued/accounted for?
Are all chemicals, both hazardous and non-hazardous, labeled?
Overhead Work
Is overhead work in progress?
Are areas below overhead work cordoned off properly with barricades, warning tape, danger tape, etc?
Are ladders being used?
Have all ladders been inspected prior to use?