Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Find location
Select reg number
- VU52 SNF
- other
Select crew
- Green
- Recycling
- refuse
- street
Indicate which crew
- clinical
- dig waste
- northern villages
- southern villages
- burgess hill
- haywards heath
- east grinstead
Initial Observations on approach
We're staff seen to be wearing a seat belt
Indication action taken
1. Are the driving standards acceptable
Add comments
2. Are all the correct traffic regulations seen to being observed
Indicate which regulation seen to be breached
2.a Indicate action required
3. Was due care and attention given to other road users
Note actions required
4. Was a reversing assistant seen to be used
4a. Was the correct procedure used
4.b Indicate what action is needed
4.c indicate what other action is required
5. Was the vehicle seen to come to a complete stop before operatives exited
The exterior of the vehicle
6. Is the exterior of the vehicle clean
6.b Indicate action required
6c add Photograph
Photo of vehicle
7. What is the general condition of the vehicle
7.a Indicate action required
8. Are all the headlights / rear lights working correctly
8.a record faulty lights
Is the vehicle a street service crew
Indicate which crew
- clinical
- dig waste
- northern villages
- southern villages
- burgess hill
- haywards heath
- east grinstead
Is the correct daily round sheet being used
Indicate action required
9. Are all the indicators working correctly
9.a Indicate which ones are faulty
- Front N/S
- Front O/S
- Mid O/S
- Mid N/S
- Rear O/S
- Rear N/S
10. Are all the hazards beacons working correctly
10.a select faulty hazard beacon
- Front N/S
- Front O/S
- Mid O/S
- Mid N/S
- Rear O/S
- Rear N/S
11. Is the bin lift working correctly
12. Does the emergency stop button operate correctly
Add action to taken
12.a Indicate fault
13. Are the bins placed correctly on the bin lift
13a. Is further training required
13.b Select training action required
14. Are there wheel tags present and are they being correctly used
15. Do the doors operate correctly
15.a Indicate fault
15.b Indicate fault
Interior of cab
16. Is the interior of the cab clean
17. Is there a first aid kit available
18. Are there eye wash bottles available
18.a record expiry date
19. Is there a fire extinguisher
19.a record the replacement date
20. Does the height indicator work correctly
20.a record fault
21. Are all the seat-belts present and in working order
22. Is there hand wash facility and blue paper available
23. Is there an operating booklet and safety rules available
24. Is there a hard hat and safety googles available
25. Has the drivers daily log been completed correctly
26. Are there any totted items
Indicate totted items
Add media
27. Are the staff wearing the correct PPE
Select the missing PPE items
27.a Indicate the missing or faulty items
28. Are there any agency crew on the crew
Have they been on induction
29. Are the staff using the colorectal manual handling techniques
30. What is the quality of the work
31. Are all the working practices acceptable
31.a select action required
Please indicate actions required
Supervisor monitoring
32. Is the Serco supervisor wearing the correct PPE
Indicate items missing
33. Was the inspection carried out in a safe location
34. We're all the checks carried out in accordance with procedure
34.a please indicate non compliant issues
35. Were there any further inspector observations
35.a please indicate observations
Signature of driver
Signature of Serco supervisor
Signature of MSDC officer