Document No.
Audit Title
Conducted on
Prepared by
Aisles/Walkways kept clear?
Work area kept organized?
Are exit doors clearly marked and unobstructed?
Access to Fire Extinguishers unobstructed?
Designated smoking area is being used?
Slips, Trips, and Falls
Spills being cleaned up immediately?
Employees protected from falling from heights?
Work areas don't present trip hazards?
Hazardous Substances
All containers are labeled with their appropriate labels?
Employees know where to find SDS sheets and how to use them?
SDS manual is up to date?
Ventilation is being utilized to avoid exhaust fumes accumulating?
Fire Safety
Oily rags are being disposed of in a metal trash can with a lid?
fuel cans are metal and have flash arrest system?
Fire extinguishers are in good condition and are spaced out for easy access around shop?
Lifting equipment
Vehicle lifts and hoists are maintained in good condition?
There is a secondary level of protection when lifting over employees? (lift locks, jack stands, etc.)
employees are being protected from caught betweens and struck bys?
Electrical safety
All extension cords have ground pin in tact and are free from significant damage?
All tools are being maintained in a safe working condition to avoid electric shock?
Appropriate PPE and safe behavior are being used when working with batteries?
Personal Protective Equipment
All appropriate equipment or gear worn correctly?
No shorts or non-protective footwear?
PPE kept in good condition?
Machine guards being used for all equipment that requires guard use?
Safety glasses are being used when there is a flying objects hazard?
Gloves are being used when there is a laceration, puncture, burn, or chemical hazard?
Hearing protection is being used when appropriate?
Face shield is being used when cutting or grinding?
flame resistant clothing is being used when performing hot work?
Mezzanines are not being overloaded?
Egress from mezzanines is left clear for a quick evacuation?
Working Position
Work Position / Posture will minimize risk of soft tissue injuries
Tools and Equipment
Appropriate tools or equipment being used?
Tools or equipment being used correctly?
Tools or equipment in good condition?
Safe behaviors observed-actions taken to encourage safe behavior
Unsafe behaviors observed-action taken to correct and prevent recurrence
Line of fire. Is the worker in the line of fire?
Grinding or drilling operations creating flying objects or particles - goggles/face-shield being used?
Heavy equipment movement in the area - operator aware of pedestrian?
Around rigging operations - hand in pinch point not under equipment?
Safety procedures
Lock-out/Tag-out being utilized?
Any work being done in confined spaces? Are they following procedure?
Any hot work being performed? hot work permit and fire watch being used?
Internal audits being performed?
Notes / Comments / Photos
Auditor signature