Visit date and time
Job number
Customers Address
Engineer that did job
Electritions that did job
District name
Customer ok for pictures to be taken in property to conduct this audit customer print and sign
Reason for visit.
Reason for visit.
Resolution for customer.
Details of what was done.
Was there need for a follow up visit.
Reason complaint arose.
Was it something we did that caused the issue.
Was the engineer at fault.<br>ie not going through controls with customer.
Was the Electrician at fault.
Was it customer education.<br>ie customer did not fully understand controls.
Root cause of complaint.
Any customer comments.
Was the customer ok with the end result.
Manager / lead engineer sign off.
Was the person responsible spoken to about issue.
What was discussed with persons responsible.
What follow up action is to be taken.
Manager / Lead Engineer sign off.