Project Name
Building or Area
Conducted on
Prepared by
Masonry Foreman
1. General Safety
1.1. All employees received project orientation.
1.2. All employees trained in Hazard Communication and GHS. SDS book or phone APP available on site.
1.3. Emergency Boards posted on site.
1.4. First Aid kit and eye wash on site.
1.5. Fire extinguisher readily available.
1.6. Training is current for all crew members. (Forklift, hydro-mobile, non-stop, scaffold erection, signal person, certified rigger, etc.)
2. Housekeeping
2.1. Work and storage areas clean and orderly.
2.2. Break areas clean and orderly.
2.3. Fuel stored properly (diesel, gasoline, propane). Separated by 20', fire extinguisher 25' to 75' away from fuel storage.
2.4. Slip, trip, and fall hazards identified and eliminated.
2.5. Adequate lighting.
3. Hand and power tools
3.1. Assured Grounding completed. Correct color tape used.
3.2. Guards are in place.
3.3. Safety handles in place and used (T-handle, D-handle)
3.4. Training documented (Hilti tool etc.)
3.5. Correct tool for the job.
3.6. Knives - cut away, cut resistant gloves.
3.7. Damaged tools labeled "do not use".
4. Cutting Station
4.1. Set up / supported properly.
4.2. Positioned away from high traffic areas (sidewalks, general public doorways etc.)
4.3. PPE Worn - safety glasses, hard hats, face shields, hearing protection, respirators, gloves, etc.
4.4. First Aid kit & eye wash close by.
4.5. Dust control - Ventilation, wet cutting, vacuum (engineered controls must be used)
4.6. Proper ergonomics trained and used - Machine before muscle.
4.7. Fire extinguisher present near station.
4.8. Housekeeping - Cutting station free of slip, trip, and fall hazards. Materials stacked neatly.
4.9. Saw functioning properly and not left running unattended.
5. Mixing Station
5.1. Set-up / Supported Properly.
5.2. Covers / Guards in place on mixer.
5.3. PPE worn - Safety glasses, hard hat, respirators, gloves, etc.
5.4. Air quality - silica dust exhaust, CO monitoring.
5.5. Ergonomic training and practice - Machine before muscle.
5.6. Fire extinguisher present.
5.6. Housekeeping - slip, trip, and fall hazards identified and materials stacked neatly.
6. Material Handling
6.1. Trained equipment operators. Industrial truck license evaluated within the last 3 years.
6.2. Equipment inspected and documented before use.
6.3. Seat belt worn.
6.4. Fire extinguisher on equipment.
6.5. Load secured before traveling.
6.6. Travel at safe speeds.
6.7. Trained rigger and signal person available.
6.8. Proper rigging available.
6.9 Rigging inspected before use.
6.10 Approved rigging techniques (no free rigging)
7. Scaffold
7.1. Base / Ground conditions adequate
7.2. Overhead concerns addressed (power lines, moving equipment, process lines).
7.3. Scaffold erected properly (X-bracing, pins, handrails, end rails, planking, supported)
7.4. Wall bracing. Vertically - secured 4:1 every 26' there after. Horizontally secured at ends and at least every 30'
7.5. Limited access zones (LAZ) established and flagged on non-scaffold side of wall. Set up before starting the wall 4' higher than wall.
7.6. Area below scaffold barricaded.
7.7. Inspected, tagged, and documented daily by competent person.
7.8. Fall protection - end rail brackets, end rails, hand rails
7.9. Proper access - Stairs, ladders, ramps
7.10. Trained erectors / Operators - rings, non-stop, hydro
8. Wall Bracing
8.1. Wall braced according to "Standard Practice for Bracing Masonry Walls Under Construction" standards.
8.2. Walls over 8' braced to prevent overturn.
8.3. Brace spacing: Guideline of 30' on center
8.4. "Unstable in wind" signage in place.
8.5. Substantial brace support - Dead man, engineered corner, ground support
8.6. Wind gauge (Anemometer) available.
8.7. Access regulated to masonry tasks only.
9. Enclosing - cold weather construction
9.1. Set-up / supported properly - per manufactures bracing and enclosing requirements.
9.2. Air quality maintained (CO monitor) & Air quality form used.
9.3. Temp heater operation correct - heat shields in place, fire protection, fuel and power lines protected.
9.4. Propane tanks secured and protected from damage.
9.5. Fall protection required while installing enclosure. (Enclosure not part of scaffold erection)
9.6. Scaffold inspected daily - check freeze thaw settling concern at bases. No snow or ice on scaffold or stairs.
9.7 Housekeeping - no slip, trip, or fall hazards and all materials stacked neatly. All un-needed equipment and materials removed.
11. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
11.1. Lack of, or inadequate PPE (including sun protection)
11.2. Lack of system to issue, inspect, replace and monitor PPE?
11.3. Lack of training in safe use, clean-up and inspection of PPE?
12. Work Environment
12.1. Lack of/or inadequate amenities? (toilets, wash areas, lunch rooms, etc)
12.2. Insufficient lighting?
13. Electrical Hazards
13.1. Unsafe electrical leads? (damaged, out of test date or untested)
13.2. Lack of GFCI protection?
13.7. Electrical equipment near water?
13.8. Electrical equipment near flammables?
Corrective Actions
Enter any corrective actions that will be undertaken
Have the hazards from the last inspection been mitigated?
Take photo of project.
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