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  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


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  • Have you spoken to the HSE officer about corrective actions from the previous inspection.

  • Are floors & passageways in your area clear of obstructions and slip hazards?

  • Are housekeeping standards in your area satisfactory i.e., Bins emptied, floors swept?

  • Are all fire extinguishers in your area free from dust, in date, easily accessible. Inspector to wipe down during weekly check.

  • Are employees aware of the fire evacuation procedure and where their closest exit is.<br><br>

  • Have daily pre use checks and weekly inspections for all equipment in your area been carried out? Saws, Forklift trucks ETC. Take picture of pre use check sheet from date of inspection

  • carry out a visual check of all power points, cables and plugs in to ensure they are in sound condition?

  • Is the overall appearance of the tools, equipment, and appliances satisfactory i.e., cleanliness and general condition?

  • Are chemicals being stored correctly in your area (i.e., correct container, segregated where required, bund or COSHH Cabinet)

  • Have any new COSHH Items been introduced to your area since the last weekly check?

  • Are all bunds or COSHH Cabinets in your area clean and free from excessive waste?

  • Has there been any chemical spills in your area since last inspection, if yes have these been cleaned up and reported?

  • Are all waste bins in your area correctly labelled for type of waste?

  • Is all waste being segregated according to procedure. i.e. wood, Cardboard, General, Hazardous.? Take pictures of at least 2 bins in area to show compliance.

  • are extraction units and fans in your area working to a satisfactory standard?

  • Is suitable and sufficient Personal Protective Equipment for your teams being provided and is it being used.

  • Is the first aid station in your area complete, i.e., box still sealed, eye wash bottles present, and first aiders list up to date.

  • Are storage racks in your area in good condition?

  • Are safe storage practices being followed?

  • Are up to date Risk Assessments/COSHH Assessments available for the processes in your area?

  • Have any new starts in your area been shown the risk assessments and COSHH assessments relevant to the tasks they will be carrying out? Add Name of all new starts within Modular areas.

  • Are there any other H&S Concerns with In modular Area which you wish to Raise.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.