
  • Site

  • Audit Conducted on

  • Prepared by


  • Are all emergency routes free from obstructions?

  • Is all fire fighting equipment available and compliant?

  • Are all emergency exits clear and working (not locked)?

  • Is all combustible materials stored safely

  • Is the evacuation plan present and visible

  • Is first aid easily accessible and stocked?

  • Name and contact of first aider displayed?

  • Are the emergency shower and eye wash functional and full?

  • Are emergency contact numbers visible?

Working environment

  • Correct Body Position of workers

  • Are all work areas clean, tidy, and free from trip hazards?

  • Are the surroundings clean, mowed, and tidy?

  • Are all work areas free from spills?

  • Are all unused tools stored safely

  • Is the waste being removed routinely and not overflowing bins?

  • Is all lifting equipment in good condition and compliant?

  • Is replacement PPE available in stores?

  • Is the 'Injured at work' and 'HSR' posters up to date and visible?

  • Washing facilities are clean and functional?

Chemical management

  • Are all chemicals stored safely in bunded area?

  • Containers are labled with chemical name and class diamond?

  • Are there any spills?

  • Is the chemical spill sump empty and spill diversion valve operational?

  • Do all chemicals have SDSs, with copies in chemical shed and vehicles

  • Is the chemical register up to date?

  • Is the spill kit present and fully stocked?

  • Does the chemical storage shed floor need clean out?

  • Is chemical signage up to date and present at all locations?


  • Are all current guards in place?

  • All equipment in good condition?

  • Electrical equipment tagged and tested?

  • Power leads off the floor and away from walkways?

  • Faulty equipment is tagged out?

  • Is regular maintenance taking place?


  • Is everyone in the area wearing the correct PPE

  • Are all operators using hand tools correctly?

  • All all operators dressed correctly (no loose clothing, rings etc)?

  • Are all operators trained for the task that they are doing?

  • Are all operators using safe practices when using machinery?

  • Is this lifting equipment being used correctly and correct colour codes on items

  • Are all employees using the correct manual handling techniques


  • Positive Feedback or Corrective Action

  • Positive Feedback or Corrective Action

  • Pictures

  • Sketch


  • Inspector signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.