Location/work area
Was the area supervisor or representative present during the last inspection?
Inspection checklist
1.0 - Previous inspection
Has all items from the previous inspection been closed out?
Give reason if known.
Main Topic - Fire PROTECTION
All smoke and heat detectors are free and not covered in any kind of way?
All fire extinguishers are in Date, and have pins in place?
All fire exits open without having to apply excessive force?
All fire exits are clear from Clutter and not being used for any storage?
2.0 General EHS and Fire protection
Safety documentation at the workplace (OSP, TWA) - defects?
Are all walkways clear of any obstructions?
Take a photo
Are the fire protection equipment at the workplace and properly secured?
Take a photo
Any other issues in the workplace?
Take a photo
5.0 - Laser safety
Is laser classes 3B or 4 use in the workplace?
Any other issues about laser safety?
Write a text
Electrical Safety
Are there any broken cables, plugs, sockets, or switches?
Take a photo
Any other issues about electrical at the workplace?
Write a text
Chemical safety
Are chemicals not in use properly stored in cabinet?
Gas safety
Are gas cylinders secured properly?
Are gas cylinders secured with cap when not used?
Workplace tidiness
Sign Off
On site representative
Auditor's signature