Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Mandatory P.P.E.

  • Mandatory P.P.E. being used in applicable work areas?

Access & Egress

  • Are pedestrian routes clear of obstructions?

  • Are barriers and gates in good repair?

  • Are all doors sound and free from defects?

  • Are designated walkways clearly marked / painted?

  • Current status of floor conditions

Workplace conditions

  • Are lighting conditions suitable for work performed?

  • Adequate housekeeping in work area (space to work/clear from debris)?

  • Is temperature suitable for work performed?

  • Floor conditions suitable (if not clearly identified)?

  • Toilet facilities clean and adequately stocked?

  • Locker/Changing facilities adequate and fit for purpose?

  • Is all packaging stored appropriately on the production floor?

  • Is all packaging stored correctly in the materials department?

Emergency Response

  • Are departmental GREEN boards up to date, response equipment in place?

  • Are all extinguishers in place and serviced?

  • Are emergency signs adequate and unambiguous?

  • Are designated fire doors in good repair, seals functional, ironmongery in good repair?

  • Weekly sounder/call point test performed

  • Evacuation drill performed periodically?

Safe Systems of Works

  • What Permits are operational on the date of the audit?

  • Are the Permits held at the work site and available for inspection?

  • Have personal ID / hold off notices been applied to all isolation points?

  • Are any CONTROL locks in use? If so is the CONTROL board up to date and ID notice fitted?

  • Are any contractors on site?

  • If YES, have they been approved?

  • If YES, are they all in possession of ID badges?

  • If YES, are they holding a relevant PTW?

Chemical Storage

  • Are all liquid substance stored bunded?

  • Is the bund capacity 110% of the stored amount?

  • Are storage locations located to avoid accidental impact?

  • Are COSHH assessments available at the point of use.

  • Are emergency spill kits provided?

  • Are there any sensitive receptors and at what distance?


  • Is all lifting apparatus / equipment marked with the current inspection color?

  • Is lifting apparatus / equipment free from obvious damage?

Guards, Interlocks & Filter Mists

  • Have departmental inspections of guards and safety devices been completed?

  • Are guards and safety devices free from obvious defect?

  • Is there any equipment or machinery that would benefit from new or additional guarding?

  • Are all Filter mists in place and free from obvious defect?


  • Are wastes stored / segregated correctly?

Covid-19 Controls

  • Are temperature checks been completed and signed off?

  • Are the sign in sheets being completed with temperature checks?

  • Have all canteens and offices got adequate wipes/sanitiser?

  • Are all personnel following social distancing advice?

  • Are they wearing face visors and/or face masks?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.