Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Site Name

  • Site Address
  • Site category

  • Other


  • Are there bins on Site?

  • How many bins are on site?

  • Have the bins been emptied?

  • How full are the bins?

  • Contractors to be notified

  • Are the bins due to be emptied?

  • Contractors to be notified

  • Do any of the bins appear to have been missed?

  • How many appear to have been missed?

  • Please describe where they are located?

  • Contractors to be notified

  • How would you rate the litter on site?

  • Which areas require attention?

  • Contractors to be notified

  • Is there any fly tipping on site?

  • Description of location and content

  • Indicate location

  • Attach map from photo library

  • Contractors to be notified


  • Is there grass on site?

  • Is it cutting season?

  • Is a cut required?

  • Contractors to be notified

  • Has the grass been cut?

  • Do you believe that this site has been missed?

  • Contractors to be notified

  • Check grass routes site maps.

  • How would you rate the grass?

  • Contractors to be notified

  • How would you rate the arisings?

  • Is a cut and collect required?

  • Contractors to be notified


  • Are there hedges on site?

  • Is it cutting season?

  • Has the hedge been cut?

  • Confirm estimated start date with contractors

  • Contractors to be notified

  • How would you rate the hedge cut?

  • What requires attention?

  • If Other

  • Contractors to be notified

  • Does the hedge require any attention?

  • What requires attention?

  • Other

  • Contractors to be notified

Border maintenance

  • Are there Borders on site?

  • How would you rate the borders?

  • What additional work is required?

  • Other

  • Contractor Notified

Paths and Hardstandings

  • Are there paths or hard standings on site?

  • How would you rate the path edging?

  • What requires attention?

  • Other

  • Contractors to be notified

  • How would you rate the detritus on the paths and hard standing areas?

  • What is required?

  • Other

  • Contractors to be notified


  • Are there screens on site?

  • How many screens on site?

  • What time of year is it?

  • Be mindful of leaves blocking the screens this time of year.

  • Weather conditions in last 24 hrs.

  • Other

General maintenance

  • Does the screen require attention?

  • Is there any debris removed from the screen left on site?

  • No debris should be left by the screen, this is included in the contract. Confirm with contractors that this is planned to be removed within 2 working days.

  • Contractors to be notified

  • How much debris covering the screen?

  • Contact contractors straight away to clear?

  • Contractors to be notified

  • Is there any debris removed from the screen sitting to the side or near to the screen?

  • It is specified within the contract that debris must be removed from site!

    Contact contractors to remove.

  • Contractors to be notified

Vegetation control

  • Does the screen require any vegetation control?

  • What is required?

  • Other

  • Contractors to be notified


  • How would you rate the screen overall?

  • What is wrong?

  • Contractors to be notified

  • How would you rate the screens debris?

  • What is wrong?

  • Contractors to be notified

  • How would you rate the vegetation around the screen?

  • What is wrong?

  • Contractors to be notified

  • How would you rate the access to the screen?

  • What is wrong?

  • Contractors to be notified

  • How would you rate the safety of the screen?

  • What safety concerns do you have?

  • Other

  • Drainage engineers/Contractors to be notified

  • Take photo evidence and contact drainage engineers

  • Camera

  • Drainage engineers/Contractors to be notified

  • Take photo evidence and contact contractors to clear

  • Camera

  • Contractors to be notified


  • Are there sports facilities on site?

Football/ Rugby

  • Is there a Football/Rugby Pitch?

  • Is it cutting season?

  • Does the grass require a cut?

  • Contractors to be notified


  • Does the grass need a cut?

  • What type of cut is required?

  • Confirm this is planned and get a estimated start date

  • Contractors to be notified

  • Why does it need this?

  • Other

  • Contractors to be notified


  • Are there Goal posts?

  • Do the posts require any attention?

  • What requires attention?

  • Update Outdoor Service Manager (insure photos taken)

  • Contractors to be notified

Line markings

  • Should the pitches be lined in this area?

  • Have the pitches been lined?

  • How would you rate the present state of the line marking?

  • Contractors to be notified

  • Line marking is usually completed on Friday, contact contractors to confirm

  • Contractors to be notified

Goal mouths

  • Do the goal mouths need attention? (Photos required)

  • What is required?

  • How many goal mouths require attention?

  • Other

  • Contractors to be notified


  • Is there a Bowls Green on site?

  • Is it playing season?

  • How would you rate the green?

  • What is required?

  • Other

  • Contractors to be notified

  • What time of year is it?

  • Have the pre season renovations been started/completed?

  • Are you happy with the renovations?

  • What requires attention?

  • Contractors to be notified

  • Confirm with contractors that they are planning works and get estimated start date.

  • Contractors to be notified

  • Have the end of Season renovations been started/completed?

  • Are you happy with the renovations?

  • What is required?

  • Contractors to be notified

  • Confirm with contractors that this is planned at get a estimated start date

  • Contractors to be notified

  • No works are planned in the winter and would be additional

  • What requires attention?

  • Contractors to be notified


  • Is there Cricket/Stoolball on site?

  • Is it playing season?

  • Have the end of season renovations taken place?

  • Confirm estimated start date with contractors

  • Does this have a MSDC maintained Cricket Square?

  • Have the chestnut pale fencing been erected to protect the square?

  • Confirm with the contractor that this is planned to be done and get an estimate start date

  • Contractors to be notified

  • How would you rate the outfield?

  • What requires attention?

  • Confirm contractor has this planned and get estimated start date

  • Other

  • Contractors to be notified


  • Is there a tennis court/MUGA on site?

  • How would you rate the courts/MUGA?

  • What requires attention?

  • Other

  • Contractors to be notified

  • Contact facilities department for repairs

  • Facilities to be notified


  • Are there Athletics on site?

  • Is it Athletics Season?

  • No further action is required.

  • How would you rate the grass?

  • Confirm this is not planned with contractors and get estimated start date

  • Contractors to be notified

  • What is the condition of the line markings?

  • Confirm this is planned with contractors and get estimated start date

  • Contractors to be notified

Additional site Notes

  • Is there anything else on site that requires attention?

  • What requires attention?

  • Other

  • Who needs to be contacted?

  • Above to be notified

  • What has been vandalised?

  • Other

  • Who should you contact?

  • Above to be notified

  • What has been vandalised?

  • Other

  • Contractors to be notified

  • This falls to Grounds maintenance contractors

  • Contractors to be notified

  • Advise Contracts tree officer

  • Contractors to be notified

  • Contact Facilities department with details

  • Facilities to be notified

  • Graffiti should be reported to Town/Parish Councils to remove

  • Where is the graffiti located?

  • Photos

  • Town/Parish Council to be notified

  • Make sure ASB team are notified

  • ASB team to be notified

  • What ASB has occurred on site?

  • Contact Grounds maintenance contractors to clean site

  • Photo evidence

  • Contractors to be notified

  • Contact facilities with details

  • Facilities to be notified

  • Other

  • Who to contact?

  • Above to be notified

  • Collect details and inform MSDC drainage engineers, if action required contact Grounds maintenance contractors

  • Drainage engineers to be notified

  • Contractors to be notified

  • Collect details and inform Facilities department

  • Details

  • Photos

  • Facilities to be notified

  • Any tree issues collect details and inform MSDC Arborcultural Officer

  • Details

  • Photos

  • Arborcultural Officer to be notified

Health and Safety

  • Are there any Health and Safety Concerns on site?

  • Health and Safety Concern details

  • Photo

  • Health and Safety Form under construction

Sign off

  • Are any actions required?

  • What Categories require attention?

  • Who will you need to contact?

  • Which department?

  • Other

  • How will you be contacting them?

  • Other

  • I hereby confirm that I have completed this inspection document accurately, and to the best of my ability. I will reported any concerns or actions to the appropriate party in a timely manner.

  • Officer sign off

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.