Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Unit Make and Model
Unit Number
FLRA filled out correctly and appropriate hazards identified?
Fall zone/lift area flagged off to prevent un-necessary workers from entering
Pre-lift meeting has been held?
Competent riggers/signallers assigned and identified?
Appropriate PPE worn for the task being performed?
Rigging used, hitch used, hitch capacity
Load weight indetified?
Add Load Weight Here
Load stable? C of G accounted for?
Load rigged correctly?
Total Number of Slings used in Configuration
Enter WLL for Single Vertical Leg Here
Enter Sling Angle Here
Enter Angle of Choke Here
Softeners used required and used?
Slings have no twists in them?
Enter Total Capacity for Configuration used
Enter type and quantity of slings being used
Slings do not meet the rejection criteria for removal from service and are safe to use?
Slings Inspected Annually?
Slings Inspected before use?
Tag is readable and has required information?
Current colour coding correct?
Enter the quantity, make and WLL of shackles being used here:
Have Shackles been inspected annually?
Shackles inspected before use?
Shackles have no rough edges that may damage synthetic slings?
Pin matches body?
Shackle does not exceed rejection criteria and is safe to use?
Shackle capacity is greater than or equal to the single vertical capacity of the slings being used?
Shackle pins firmly seated?
Enter the number size and WLL of the hooks being used here:
Have the hooks been inspected annually?
Are the safety catches functioning correctly? (if the hook is designed to have a safety latch, it must have one)
Hooks have no rough areas where they may damage synthetic slings
Hooks do not exceed rejection criteria and are safe to use?
Hook capacity exceeds or is equal to the capacity of the sling being used in it?
Are hooks being loaded directly in the saddle of the hook? (angle or point loading is not allowed)
Chain Bridle
Enter the WLL, size, number of legs and length of legs here:
Has the chain bridle been inspected annually?
Has the chain bridle been inspected prior to use?
Chain bridle does not exceed the rejection criteria and is safe to use
Below the Hook Lifting Devices
List the type, size and WLL of lifting device here: (includes, but not limited to spreader bars, lifting beams, equalizer beams, clamps, forks, etc)
Has the device been certified by a professional engineer?<br>(current sticker and paperwork must be availible)
The device does not meet the rejection criteria and is safe to use
Device has the manufacturer's name, total weight and Working Load Limit displayed on the device?
Miscellaneous Hardware
Enter the type, number and WLL of any miscellaneous lifting hardware here: (including but not limited to eye bolt, swivels, bolt on trunions or pad-eyes, etc.)
Has the hardware been inspected prior to use?
The hardware does not exceed the rejection criteria and is safe to use
Mechanical Lifting Devices (come-along, chain fall, etc.)
Enter the type, the number and the WLL of each device here:
Device is NOT being used as a sole means of attaching the load to the crane
Load is being applied to the device using the handle or chain only.<br>(Load must never be applied to the device using the crane)
Safety sling, slightly longer than device, is being used in event of failure.
Were any unsafe behaviours observed during this insepction?
Enter the unsafe behaviour observed