Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Near Miss Report

  • Time and date of incident

  • Location of incident

  • Persons involved

  • Person making report,

  • and in what capacity

  • Description of events:

  • Was this a:

  • Near Miss - incident occurred where someone could have suffered an injury or damage to the environment - e.g something fell and did not hit anyone!

  • Unsafe Act - where someone was undertaking work in an unsafe manner - e.g. improper use of a mobile tower / steps etc - Not wearing the correct PPE for the works - NO P2W for works being undertaken.

  • Unsafe condition - where it was identified that there is an issue on site which could cause an accident - scaffold not secured to prevent unauthorised access? site not secure - Mobile tower not erected properly etc.?

  • Immediate cause of incident

  • Environment (e.g. weather conditions, slippery floor etc)

  • Actions arising / recommendations suggestions

  • By whom / responsibility

  • Signed:

Copies to:

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