ToolBox Talk Sheet

  • Toolbox Topic:Near Miss Reporting.

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  • A near-miss is an undesired event that, under slightly different circumstances, could have resulted in harm to people or damage to property, materials or the environment.

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  • Importance.

    All too often it takes an accident to identify a health and safety problem in the workplace. While the problem may then get addressed, someone has been injured. Accidents can also have financial implications and reflect badly on your organisation, through increased accident rates. Research has shown that for every 90 near misses an accident will occur. The ultimate goal of near-miss reporting is to address the incident and take action to prevent re-occurrence.

  • Regulations.

    While reporting of near misses is not a legal requirement it is good safety management. There are however legal requirements regarding risk assessment, reporting of accidents and creating a safe work environment. Reporting of near misses can reduce accidents and improve safety.

  • Guidance.

    Good practice:

    Report a near-miss as soon as possible after an incident so that action can be taken to prevent re-occurrence as soon as possible.

    Near-miss reporting is not a 'blame game'.

    Near-miss reporting is an opportunity to improve working practices and procedures.

    Every near-miss should be reported either to your supervisor or on IAuditor system.

    Everyone is responsible for reporting near misses.

    If you saw it happen, report it.

    Near-miss reporting should not be time-consuming or a hassle.

    Provide essential information so that action can be taken.

    Keep information simple and direct, more information can be collected by investigating the near-miss further where required.

    Near-miss reports need to be encouraged for the safety system to succeed.

    If you see a near-miss, report it and help keep your workplace safe.

    Reviewing near-miss information can help identify patterns and make work places safer.

    Near-miss information can help us learn lessons and improve.

    Reporting near misses is an important part of accident prevention.


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  • A near-miss reporting program, when implemented well, is a very effective reactive program to reduce accidents and improve health and safety on site. By identifying and addressing the hazard reported, action can be taken before an accident occurs.



  • What is a near-miss?

  • Why should you report a near-miss?

  • SPOT IT STOP IT Whats next ?

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