ToolBox Talk Sheet

  • Toolbox Topic: Good House Keeping

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  • Good housekeeping is important to protect people and materials. Good housekeeping can prevent slips, trips and falls and also minimize the risk of fire. GOOD HOUSE KEEPING PROMOTES SAFETY

  • Importance...

    Slipping and tripping hazards may seem minor, but they are the most common causes of major injuries within UK workplaces. HSE statistics show slips and trips as the leading cause of accidents at work. Each year 15,000+ injuries are caused by slipping and tripping (around 30% of all occupational major injuries).

  • Regulations.

    Under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act employers have to ensure their employees and anyone else who could be affected by their work are kept safe from harm. This means slip and trips risks must be controlled to ensure people do not slip, trip and fall.

  • Guidance.

    Keep rubbish and loose objects clear of the floor and walkway areas.

    Dispose of all waste and rubbish into designated areas.

    Store all materials safely in designated areas.

    Keep all tools and equipment in their proper places except when actually in use.

    A safe place of work at all times includes a safe means of access and egress to all places where work is done. Do not leave block or leave obstacles where they might impede escape or cause a tripping hazard.

    If all rubbish is regularly removed, in the event of a fire, the danger is confined and more easily dealt with.

    Damaged tools or equipment must be taken out of use and immediate steps taken to have them repaired or disposed of.

    When work is finished, put tools, equipment and PPE away. Do not leave belongings lying around.

    If you see anything lying on floors, stairways, passages that could cause people to trip and fall, pick it up and put it in a safe place.

    If you notice rubbish piling up that you cannot remove, alert your supervisor.

    If when working at height you notice loose objects, put them somewhere where they cannot be dislodged. This avoids the risk of them falling and causing injury.

  • Good housekeeping is important to keep the workforce safe by minimizing the risk of slips and trips.

    A tidy site will be more organised and therefore increase productivity.


  • Why is it important to have safe access and egress?

  • What are the problems caused by a build-up of waste?

  • where should unused materials be stored ?

  • If you notice rubbish piling up on what should you do ?

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  • Full Name and Signature

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