
  • The individual carrying out this inspection will have the correct skills knowledge experience and training. Comments can be dealt with at appropriate times. Advisory will need to be rectified within 7 days. Major issues (red) the scaffold will be condemned and will need to be rectified as soon as possible.

  • Site

  • Site Address
  • Location of Scaffold i.e Front, Side or Rear of property

  • Conducted on

  • Client

  • Inspection


  • Are there TG20 Compliance sheets or design drawings available?

  • Have the Scaffolds been built in accordance with the compliance sheets or design provided?


  • Is the scaffold erected on ground that is firm, even and free from debris?<br>

  • Have base plates been used?<br>

  • Are sole boards in place and at the correct dimensions? <br>


  • Are the standards vertical and within the allowed erection tolerance?<br><br>

  • Are the joints staggered?<br>


  • Are the Ledgers parallel and within the allowed erection tolerance?<br>

  • Are the joints staggered?<br>

  • Are the lift heights within the allowed erection tolerance?<br>


  • Are the transoms of the correct length and do they protrude 25mm past the coupler?

  • Are the transoms spaced correctly on boarded and non boarded lifts?

  • Is there a transom fitted within 300mm of the node point at ledger braced standards?

Ledger, Façade and Plan Bracing

  • Is all bracing connected within 300mm of the node point?<br>

  • Is all bracing set at the correct intervals?<br>

  • Is all bracing connected using load bearing fittings?<br>


  • Are all ties been set at the frequency of the compliance sheets or design drawing?<br>

  • Have pull tests been carried out?

  • Where ties cannot be used is another system in place to retain the scaffold? <br><br>Note: rakers may be used up to the tie position on the second lift, on very light weight scaffolds. Rakers can not be used on any scaffolds taller than 6 metres. All rakers should be fitted with a restraint tube. Rakers should be fitted to the end standards and every other set of standards in between.


  • Are beams present within the scaffold?

  • Have the beams been installed to TG21/design

Boarded Lift

  • Are the boards in good condition with no excessive splits, or notches?<br>

  • Is the working platform free from gaps and trip hazards?

  • Do all inside standards protrude 1mtr above the working platform?

  • Are all inside boards secured to prevent movement?

  • Are the boards supported by at least 50mm past their last support and not exceeding 150mm?

Handrails, Toe Boards & Brick Guards

  • Are Handrail and toe boards fitted where there is a risk of persons or materials falling?

  • Are the handrails at the correct height 950mm with a gap not exceeding 470mm between the toe board and the handrails?

  • Are the handrails and toe boards correctly fixed (toe boards over 2 standards) and are the joints not in the same bay as the ledgers below?<br>

  • Are internal guard rails required?<br><br>Note: internal guard rails are required if the internal gap exceeds 225mm

  • Are the brick guards in good condition and correctly secured?

Ladder/ stair access

  • Are the ladders on a firm and even base?

  • Are ladder hatchet/gates in place?

  • Are the ladders correctly secured with either lashing or single fittings that wrap around the stiles?

  • Do the ladders protrude at least 1 meter above the working platform? where this is not possible is there an adequate handhold provided?

  • Are the ladder / stair treads in sound condition and free from hazards that could cause harm?

  • are the stair treads fixed securely with no movement?<br>

  • Are all the Half landings complete with Handrails and toe boards?


  • Is netting present and in good condition?

  • Is monaflex present and in good condition?

  • Does the scaffold have a gin wheel present?

  • Is the rope in good condition?

  • Are all the spare materials in a neat and tidy condition?

  • Are caps on tubes/ fittings present where needed

Sign Off

  • Please list any matters of issues arising from inspection

  • Details of any further action considered necessary

  • Can work be carried out safely?

  • Who has been informed?

  • Name of person receiving report

  • Signature of person completing the report

  • Signature of person receiving report

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.