Title Page
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. Fill out required fields and answer other questions as needed.
2. Add photos and comments as needed.
3. To add a Corrective Measure, click on the paperclip icon then click on "Add Action". Provide a description, assign to a member, set priority and then set the due date.
4. Complete audit by providing a digital signature.
5. Share your report by exporting as PDF, Word, Excel or Web Link.
Summary of Control Plan
HSE Control Plan
- Chemical Exposure
- Material Handling
- Use of Power Tools
- Emergency Response Plan
- Biological/Natural Exposure
Permits Required
Leave the description of controls for medium and high risks here
Contractor Performing Work
Is contractor performing the work?
There is a contractor safety declaration available for all the contractors involved in the project
The contractors’ employees have been trained on the Honeywell HSE procedures
The contractors have taken safety precautions to protect Honeywell employees
Contractor’s Name and Signature
Are applicable permits available/ posted ?
Is PPE being appropriately used?
Are control methods used?
Are working areas cleaned and secure after work is completed?
Have the affected employees been notified of the work/hazards?
Are critical behaviours identified and observed?
Supervisor / Project Leader’s Name and Signature
Cell Risk Assessment needs to be up-dated
Non-Routine HSE Work Plan
Date of the Non-routine Work
Department / Work station
Brief Task Description
Step 1. Hazardous Tasks
Define the Hazardous Tasks
- Hot Work (example: welding, torching, grinding)
- Confined Spaces (example: wells, trash compactors, ventilation systems)
- Heights (example: > 1.2 m or 4 ft, < 5 m or 15 ft from ledge of a roof, ladder)
- Live energy (example: electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic)
- Lockout or Line breaking (example: pressurized, chemical pipes)
- Lifting equipment (example: hoist, lift truck, elevator)
- Material handling (example: Manual lifting, moving object, equipment)
- Powered manual tools (example: electric, pneumatic)
- Working with sharp objects (example: changing blades or needles)
- Chemical exposure (example: storage, handling, spills, wastes)
- Biological/Natural exposure (example: BBP, infectious environments, rodents)
- Other
- Management of Change (new or changes to equipment/practices, or impacts Process Safety Management requirements)
- Environment (work generates wastes or involves environmental compliance or permit issues with equipment or wastes?)
Specify Hazardous Task here
Step 2. Controls
Define the Controls
Select applicable Administrative Control
Specify Administrative Control here
Identify required PPE
- hearing protective devices
- respiratory protective equipment
- eye and face protection
- safety helmets
- fall arrest harnesses
- skin protection, such as gloves, gauntlets and sunscreen
- clothing, such as high visibility vests, life jackets and coveralls
- footwear, such as safety boots and rubber boots
- Other
Specify PPE here
Step 3. Risk Level
Define the Risk Level with Current Control Methods in Place
Identify Risk Level
Risk Assessment / Authorization
Authorized Employees (Honeywell or contractors) : CLick "Add Name"
Authorized Employee’s Name and Signature
Project Leader’s Name and Signature
Indicate risk level based on result of Step 3
Control methods are in place and documented; the risk level is
no other authorization needed, perform the work
Supervisor/ Project Leader's Name and Signature
HSE or Site Leader's Name and Signature
Document any issues / concerns developed from this work
Leave Notes/comments here