Engineer details (**payroll number must be included**)
Prepared by
Conducted on
Are there any hazards?
Hazard Type
- Traffic
- Ground
- Third Party
- Weather
Are hazards controllable?
Quality of Interaction
Helpful, upbeat and positive. This is about how you communicate with your customer, building and maintaining a positive relationship from the start. We talk passionately about the products and services that we discuss and this is done with confidence speaking from personal experience We are one team, we avoid blaming others for things that have gone wrong and focus on what we can do to make it better
Explore, Agree & Educate This is about knowing your customer & keeping them informed of your actions, removing barriers and exploring options to reach an outcome We question our customer effectively enabling us to provide a tailored customer interaction We deliver information in a tailored way appropriate to our customer recognising their need for additional support We take ownership of any addition issues the customer may have and ensure a first time resolution.
Adding Value Maximising the opportunity to promote additional products & services, going above and beyond our customers’ expectations. We engage with our customer and through effectively profiling them we are able to promote features, products and services that will add value to their household and overall Sky experience Our Delivery is natural and knowledgeable, showing a passion for the brand and an interest in doing the right thing for the customer.
Good Lasting Impression This is about creating a positive and memorable impression, ensuring that when you leave, the customer is a “Fan of Sky” You have provided a level of service that you would be happy accepting You have ensured that all customer issues are addressed and any next actions are explained and agreed.
Overall Visit Feedback
TM Comments
Engineer Comments
Add Pictures to Support findings (where applicable)
Agreed Next Steps
TM Signature
Engineer Signature