Title Page

  • Audit Title

  • Details of NQBP areas audited

  • Areas not covered in the audit

  • Conducted on

  • Names of employees interviewed

  • Name of Auditor/s

  • Signature of Auditor

  • Trim Reference

System And Procedures

  • Construction Environmental Management Plan<br><br>i) Are site employees aware of the existence of the Goodline Construction Environmental Management Plan and where a copy is kept?<br><br>ii) Is the site version up-to-date and updates correctly inserted<br><br>iii) Do they know the general contents of the Plan?

  • Comments

  • Evidence

  • Environmental Incidents<br><br>i) Are site employees aware that all environmental incidents need to be documented and reported?<br><br>ii) Do they know what for, to use and where to find it?

  • Comments

  • Evidence

  • Emergency Response<br><br>i) Are contact details for emergency responders easily accessible?

  • Comments

  • Evidence

  • Fauna<br><br>i) Are contact details for a qualified fauna spotter and catcher available onsite in case of interaction with fauna causing injury or death?

  • Comments

  • Evidence

Environmental Management Procedures

  • Environmental Management Procedures <br><br>i) Are site employees aware and familiar with the contents of the Environmental Management Procedures under the EMP?<br><br>- Water/ Stormwater <br>- Flora and Fauna Management<br>- Noise and Vibration Management<br>- Dust Emissions Management<br>- Erosion and Sediment Control<br>- Waste Management<br>- Weed Management<br>- Cultural Heritage Management<br><br>ii) Are the following measures being undertaken?<br><br>- Weed Hygiene Declarations<br>- Weekly Site Inspections<br>- Job Hazard Analysis (including environmental elements)<br>- Pre-Start Checks (plant, equipment, fuel storage as required)<br>- EcoPorts Project Audits

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  • Evidence

Legal Requirements

  • Notifications<br><br>i) Was written notification provided to the Regional Harbour Master (Cairns) at least two weeks prior to the commencement of works?<br><br>ii) Was written notice, including photographs provided to DAFF at least 5 business days (but no more than 20 days) prior to commencement of the works?

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  • Site Induction and Training<br><br>i) Are all environmental harm aspects, emergency response procedures and incident reporting, as identified in the EMP, effectively communicated to staff?<br><br>ii) Are all site workers sufficiently familiar with the requirements of the EMP?<br><br>iii) Are all site workers sufficiently familiar with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act?

  • Comments

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Hazardous and Dangerous Goods Storage

  • Storage<br><br>i) Are oils and chemicals stored safely to prevent spillage?<br><br>ii) If any volumes greater than 200 litres are present, are they stored within/on a suitable containment device?

  • Comments

  • Evidence

  • Awareness<br><br>i) Are all employees aware how a spill to land or water would be handled?

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  • Evidence

  • Spill containment<br><br>i) Are spill containment or response equipment for an oil/chemical spill on land available and in sound condition?

  • Comments

  • Evidence

  • Bunding<br><br>i) Do bunded areas appear adequate?<br><br>ii) Are any valves to bunded areas closed and locked?

  • Comments

  • Evidence

  • Spill clean-up<br><br>i) Are the available spill containment/clean-up facilities considered adequate by the auditor? (Ie. Any improvements recommended)

  • Comments

  • Evidence

  • Safety Data Sheets<br><br>i) Are current Safety Data Sheets available for all products indicating the action to be taken in the event of a spill?<br><br>ii) Are staff aware how to access the SDS sheets?

  • Comments

  • Evidence

Site Inspection

  • Noise and Vibration<br><br>I) Are there any significant sources of noise or vibration on that site that could cause nuisance to the community

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  • Dust and Air Emissions<br><br>i) Is there any significant emission of dust onsite that could cause nuisance?<br><br>ii) Is adequate dust suppression equipment available onsite, if required?<br><br>iii) Are there any obvious sources of air pollution from plant?

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  • Water/Stormwater Management<br><br>i) Is any equipment stored in areas likely to contaminate land?<br><br>ii) Are there any obvious signs of contaminated soil noted during the inspection?<br><br>iii) Are any chemicals or materials stored where they could enter the water in the event of a spill or incident?

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  • Erosion and Sediment Control<br><br>i) If required, are erosion and sediment control devices installed correctly and maintained?<br><br>ii) Are materials for erosion and sediment control available onsite?<br><br>iii) Are soil stockpiles managed to minimise sediment loss and dust emissions?<br><br>iv) Are works being progressively remediated to reinstate surface conditions?

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  • Waste Management<br><br>i) Are general, recycling, contaminated waste and other special waste bins signed and easily accessible?<br><br>ii) Is contaminated waste stored appropriately and disposed of by a licensed waste facility?

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  • Weed Management<br><br>i) Are all vehicles, plant and equipment clean from external debris and dirt build up?

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  • Other risks<br><br>i) Are there other environmental risks which have not been included in the EMP?

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  • Signature of Auditor

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