Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Section 1 QA
Health & Safety Policy?
Environmental Policy?
Quality Policy?
Welfare Policy?
Drug & Alcohol Policy?
Additional Comments:
Documented Management System?
Additional Comments:
ISO 9001:2008?
ISO 14001:2004?
UKAS Registered?/
ISO 18001:2007?
Additional Comments
Membership of Trade Body/Bodies?
Details of Membership of Trade Body/Bodies:
Management Review Details:
How does the Contractor monitor the effectiveness of the Management System?
Does the Contractor have an Audit Schedule?:
Is the Schedule running to plan?
Does the Contractor use Quality Plans?
Does the Contractor have inspection/test plans?
How does the Contractor verify and validate product?
Does the Contractor conduct Contract Reviews?
Does the Contractor Assess its own sub contractors Health & Safety,environmental and Quality performance?
Does the Company have Calibration Systems in place?
Are the Calibration Systems Effective?
Does the Company Operate Goods in Inspection?
Details of Goods In Inspection:
Section 2. Health & Safety
How does the Company establish H & S targets & objectives?
Reportable accidents in the last five years?
Any prosecutions or improvement/prohibition notices in the last five years?
System for recording, reporting accidents,incidents or near misses?
System for generating Safe systems of work ?
Control of work in hazardous areas if applicable.
Health & safety training records
Source of Health & safety information
How is consultation conducted with employees on health and safety issues
System for checking condition of employees before and during work?
House keeping acceptable?
Staffs attitude to Health & safety
Emergency exits clear?
Good signage and note boards?
Section 3. Enviromental
Good use of packaging evident?
How does the Company implement the waste hierarchy (Reduce,
Does the company transport /dispose of hazardous material?
Any environmental prosecutions against the Company?
If yes to the above please provide details
Any environmental initiatives in place?
Section 4. Social Economic
Any social initiatives or projects under taken by the company?
Section 5. CDM (If applicable)
Does the Company have procedures to cover CDM operations
Has the Company ever been involved in any CDM related projects?
If yes to the above please provide details