
  • The auditor will conduct an opening meeting to review how the audit will be undertaken, agree the schedule, confirm communication channels and provide an opportunity for the auditee to ask questions.

  • NSG Audit Reference

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel

  • Tap to enter information

  • NSG Supplier questionnaire completed?

  • Confirm the scope of work that the Company offers NSG

  • Number of employees?

Section 1. Quality Assurance

  • This section is an overall assessment of your Company's capability to meet the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008 Standard and ensures that your business management system is sufficiently comprehensive to control all of the activities within the business.

  • Do you carryout enquiry and contract reviews?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Give details?

  • Complies?

  • Can you demonstrate good document control?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Evidence of good document management:

  • Tap to enter information

  • Complies?

  • How do you manage change control, either internal or customer requested change?

  • Complies?

  • Do you have a Health & Safety policy/statement?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Media

  • Complies?

  • Do you have a Environmental policy/statement?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Media

  • Complies?

  • Do you have a Quality policy/statement?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Media

  • Complies?

  • Does the Company have a Welfare policy?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Media

  • Complies?

  • Do you have a Drugs / Alcohol policy?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Media

  • Complies?

  • Do you have Public and Product liability insurance?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Media

  • Tap to enter information

  • Do you have a Management organisation chart?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Media

  • Complies?

  • Additional Comments:

  • Do you have a documented management system?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details:

  • Complies?

  • How do Company personnel gain access to your QMS on an ongoing basis?

  • Complies

  • Additional Comments:

  • Do you have ISO 9001:2008?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Media

  • Complies?

  • Do you have ISO 14001:2004?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Media

  • Complies?

  • Do you have OHSAS 18001:2007

  • Tap to enter information
  • Media

  • Complies?

  • Are the ISO certificates UKAS accredited?

  • Complies?

  • Additional Comments

  • Are you a member of a trade body or organisation?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details:

  • Complies?

  • Does the Company conduct Management reviews?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Evidence:

  • Complies?

  • How does the Company monitor the effectiveness of the management system?

  • Provide details:

  • Complies?

  • Does the Contractor have an Audit Schedule?:

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details?

  • Complies?

  • Is the audit schedule running to plan?

  • Tap to enter information
  • What is the plan to correct this?

  • Complies?

  • Does the Company use quality/control/inspection and test plans?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details

  • Media

  • Complies?

  • Does the Company have systems and procedures in place to validate and verify product?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details:

  • Complies?

  • Does the Contractor conduct Contract Reviews?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Evidence:

  • Complies?

  • Does the Company assess it's own suppliers / contractors?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details:

  • Complies?

  • Does the Company have a calibration system in place?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details:

  • Complies?

  • Is the calibration system effective?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Why?

  • Media

  • Complies?

  • Do you communicate changes to your procedures etc?

  • Tap to enter information
  • How?

  • Complies?

  • Does the Company operate Goods In inspection?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details:

  • Complies?

Section 2. Health & Safety

  • The purpose of this section is to evaluate the systems your Company has in place for safety.

  • How does the Company establish H & S targets & objectives?

  • Complies?

  • Has the Company been free of accidents in the last five years?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Details:

  • Complies?

  • Has the Company been free of any prosecutions or improvement/prohibition notices in the last five years?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details:

  • Complies?

  • Do you have a system for recording, logging and reporting accidents or incidents?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details:

  • Complies?

  • Do yo have a system for generating and verifying safe systems of work?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details:

  • Complies?

  • Source of Health & safety information

  • Complies?

  • Do you consult with your employees on H & S matters?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details?

  • Complies?

  • Do you have a system for checking the condition of your employees?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details:

  • Complies?

  • House keeping acceptable?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Media

  • Complies?

  • Staffs attitude to Health & safety is positive?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide comment:

  • Complies?

  • Emergency exits clear?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Media

  • Complies?

  • Good signage and notice boards?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Media

  • Complies

Section 3. Enviromental

  • This section evaluates your Companies systems and procedures that manage environmental matters.

  • Do you have an environmental aspects and impacts register?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details:

  • Does the Company follow the environmental waste hierarchy?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details:

  • Complies?

  • Any environmental pending or past environmental prosecutions?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details:

  • Complies?

  • Any environmental initiatives in place?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details?

  • Complies?

Section 4. Social Economic

  • Does the company have any social economic initiatives in place?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details:

  • Complies?

Section 5. CDM (If applicable)

  • Does the Company have experience in working in a CDM environment?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details:

  • Complies?

  • Media

Section 6. Competency

  • Competency refers to the demonstrated ability to perform relevant roles or tasks to the relevant standard, it is important that this can be demonstrated via training, experience and other methods.

  • Does the Company conduct induction training?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details:

  • Complies?

  • Do you assess your staffs competency levels

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Please provide evidence of your training records and training needs matrix

  • Complies?

  • Do record your training?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Complies?

  • Do you provide in-house training?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Provide details:

  • Complies?


  • Closing meeting comments

  • Observations and strong points summary

  • Where the audit highlights the need for corrective, preventative or improvement actions, such actions are usually decided and undertaken by the auditee within an agreed timeframe.

  • The completion and effectiveness of action shall be verified. This verification may be part of subsequent audits, a specific audit to verify completion or documentary evidence submitted separately.

  • Non conformances?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Summary of Non conformance Issues

  • Safe to proceed?

  • 'Proceed' Project arrangements are in place.

  • 'Proceed with caution' management system is predominantly well managed, however minor concerns exist, OK to proceed however some remedial action is required.

  • 'STOP' take immediate action, significant gaps exist within the management systems, the recommendation is to stop.

  • Tap to enter information

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.