Title Page
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
What service area is being audited?
- Environment, Housing and Leisure
- Commissioning and Investment
- Business and Economic Development
- Commercial and Business Redesign
- Corporate Strategy
- Digital Strategy
- Chief Executive Office
- Deputy Chief Executive Office
- Finance
- Health, Education, Care and Safeguarding
- HR and Organisational Development
- Law and Governance
What specific team/service is being audited?
- Information Systems and Governance
- Commissioning
- Catering Services
- Local Safeguarding Children's Board
- Education Capital & Fair Access
- Quadrant East, West and Car Park
What specific team/service is being audited?
- Safeguarding Team
- First Call Team
- Social Fund
- Sheltered Accomodation
- Care Call
- Cedars
- Facilities & Transport
- OT Team
- Reablement Support Team
- Care Coordination
- Support planning & brokerage
- Reablement Discharge Team
- Short Break Services
- Enablement Volunteer Services
- Shared Lives / Glebe Villas
- Mental Health Reablement
- Community Learning Disability Team
- Community Mental Health Team
- Psychiatry of Old Age
- Development
- Commissioning and Performance
- Finance Disability
- Intelligence
- Training
- Planning & Business Performance
- School Improvement Service
- Workforce Development
- Safeguarding & Placement Services
- Prevention, Early Intervention and Support
- Employment and Skills
- Public Health
What specific team/service is being audited?
What specific team/service is being audited?
- Leisure Centres
- Outdoor Activities
- Sports Development
- Active North Tyneside
- Arts
- Tourism
- Libraries
- Community Centres
- Events
- Museums
- Grounds Maintenance
- Street Cleansing
- Garage and Fleet
- Pest Control / Environmental Enforcement
- Bereavement Services
- Parks and Play Sites
- Waste and Recycling Collection
- Technical Client
- Resilience Management
- Security Services
- Housing Investment
- RTB & Leasehold
- Maintenance and Payment
- PFI Procurement
- Recreation Rooms
- Supported Housing Young Parents
- Tenant Liaison
- Service Development (Safe & Healthy Homes)
- Private Sector Housing & Housing Strategy
- Affordable Homes
- Safer Estates
- Homefinder
- Community Housing (East/West)
- Housing Income
- Housing Advice
What location(s) are being audited?
- Addison Street
- Amble Close
- Bamburgh Crescent
- Barracks Building
- Battle Hill Library
- Battle Hill Multi Use Community Centre
- Bedford Street
- Benton Cemetery
- Bisley Court
- Broadway Court
- Bundle Arts Centre
- Burradon Recreation Centre
- Camden Commercial House
- Carlton Court
- Carville House
- Cedars Resource Centre
- Chapelville
- Charlton Court
- Cheviot View
- Church Bank Cemetery
- Churchill Playing Fields
- Cleveland Road
- Clifton Walk
- Collingwood Sports Pavillion
- Complete Growth Horticulture Nursery
- Crawford Park
- Croft House
- Crossgates
- Crummock Court
- Cullercoats Library
- Dial Cottage
- Drumoyne Gardens
- E1 Depot - Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate
- Eccles Court
- Edmund House
- Eldon Court
- Elizabeth Drive Recreation Room
- Fordley Respite Unit
- Forest Hall Library
- Forest Hall Road Recreation Centre
- Foxhunters Pavillion
- Hadrian Leisure Centre
- Hawkeys Lane
- Heatherfields Mews
- Heaton Terrace Pavillion
- High Borrans
- High Flatworth Pavillion
- High View North Recreation Room
- Holy Cross Cemetery
- Holystone Drive Recreation Room
- Howard House Commercial Centre
- Howdon Community Centre
- Howdon Library
- Howdon Children's Centre
- Irving House
- John Willie Sams Centre
- Jubilee Court Recreation Room
- Kelso Gardens Recreation Room
- Killingworth Childcare
- Killingworth Depot
- Langdale Centre
- Lakeside Centre
- Links Avenue Pavilion
- Lynholm Grove Recreation Room
- Marden City Learning Centre
- Marden Park Nature Reserve
- Maritime Chambers - Stagline
- Maurice Road Industrial Estate - Unit 18
- Mayfield Park
- Meadowell Centre
- Melrose Centre
- Monkseaton Library
- Moorcroft
- Morpeth Avenue Recreation Centre
- Mullen Road Horticulture Nursery
- Norham Road Depot
- North Shields Customer First Centre
- North Shields Tourist Information Centre
- North Tyneside Business Centre
- North Tyneside Skills and Enterprise Centre
- Northumberland Park
- Northumberland Square
- Oaktrees Childcare
- Other
- Oxford Centre
- Palm Court Recreation Room
- Palmersville Sports Pavilion
- Percy Lodge
- Perth Gardens
- Phoenix Rise
- Preston Cemetery
- Preston Court
- Prospect Terrace Industrial Estate - Unit 6
- Purley Close
- Public Toilets
- Quadrant East
- Quadrant West
- Richardson Dees Park
- Richmond Gardens
- Rising Sun Country Park
- Rising Sun Sport Pavilion
- River View Recreation Room
- Riverdale Residential Unit
- Riverside Centre
- Rosebank Hall
- Rothley Grange
- Royal Quays Community Centre
- Rudyerd Court
- Russell Street
- Salisbury House
- Seaton Burn Recreation Ground Pavillion
- Segedunum
- Shiremoor Adventure Playground
- Shiremoor Centre
- Shiremoor Children's Centre
- Shiremoor Library
- Smoke Houses
- Souter Park
- Southgate Court
- St Mary's Lighthouse
- St Peters Playing Fields Pavilion
- Stephenson Railway Museum
- Swanhunters
- Sycamore House
- Tamra Close
- The Orchard
- The Parks Leisure Centre
- The Station House - Segedunum Business Centre
- Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate - G7 & G8
- Tynemouth Pool
- Tynemouth Library
- Union Quay
- Various sites
- Victoria Court
- Wallsend Childrens Centre
- Wallsend Civic Hall
- Wallsend Customer First Centre
- Wallsend Library
- Wallsend Memorial Hall
- Waves Leisure Centre
- Weetslade Cemetery
- West Farm Unit
- Whinstone Lodge
- White Swan Centre
- Whitley Bay Cemetery
- Whitley Bay Children's Centre
- Whitley Bay Customer First Centre
- Whitley Bay Mini Golf
- Whitley Bay Park
- Whitley Bay Playhouse
- Wideopen Childcare
- Wideopen Library
- Woodlea Court Recreation Room
- Wooler Avenue
- Wright Drive Recreation Room
- Youth Village
Accident Investigation
Accident and Incident Investigation
OVERALL AIM: The Service has adequate procedures for the reporting, investigation and evaluation of accidents and dangerous occurrences.
EVIDENCE: Incident report forms, discussions with managers/employees/contractors, employee handbook, records on NTC incident database
REFERENCE: accident and reporting procedures, accident database -
1. Is there evidence to demonstrate that accidents/incidents and near misses are reported and recorded?<br>E.g. Accident reporting procedure, Accident reporting system
2. Is there evidence that employees are made aware of accident/near miss reporting procedures?<br>E.g. Minutes of team meetings, emails/briefing notes sent to employees, induction checklist, toolbox talks.
3. Is there evidence that contractors, visitors and members of the public are informed on how to report accidents when on our premises? E.g. Visitor information sheet, contractor pre-contract information
4. Is there evidence that accident investigation reports are undertaken and they identify action to prevent recurrence with action plan?<br>
5. Have managers undertaken training in conducting accident investigations?
6. Is analysis of accident/incident data undertaken and used to identity trends, establish action plans and objectives?
OVERALL AIM: The Service can demonstrate that arrangements and procedures for the control of asbestos are complied to ensure that asbestos containing materials in premise(s) occupied do not pose a threat to health and that the risks are appropriately monitored. Where the Service occupies a building(s) which contains asbestos containing material, it has a suitable and sufficient arrangements to ensure a competent duty holder and understand requirements for managing asbestos on site, damage and disturbance and communicates risks where refurbishment work may impact upon the material
EVIDENCE: Site asbestos file, induction records, team meeting minutes, discussions with duty holder, discussions with employees.
REFERENCE: Asbestos policies and procedures -
Is there any asbestos on site?
1. Has an Asbestos Duty Holder been appointed?
2. Has the Asbestos Duty Holder received appropriate training to allow him/her to carry out their responsibilities?
3. Is the asbestos survey held on site and is it up to date?
4. Are asbestos materials regularly inspected to check their condition and is this recorded?
5. Is the asbestos survey communicated to contractors prior to any work and is this recorded?
6. Are there suitable emergency arrangements in place for dealing with damage to asbestos containing materials?
7. Are the findings of the asbestos survey communicated to users who may disturb building the fabric of the building?<br>E.g. Employees, members of the public, service users
8. Is there evidence that the notification of change process is used prior to any work commencing?
Asbestos Observations
May include: Unidentified, suspected asbestos, asbestos containing material that is damaged or the risk of damage is present, unlabelled asbestos containing material, observed working in areas with asbestos containing material without suitable controls in place
Control of Contractors
Control of Contractors and Building Works
OVERALL AIM: Control of Contractors information is distributed to relevant people.
EVIDENCE: Control of Contractors procedures -
1. Is a person from the service/site involved in preparing specifications for the work prior to commencement?
2. Are contractors vetted as adequate prior to work commencing? E.g. Risk assessments and method statements are suitable an sufficient
3. For major works is a pre-construction plan been prepared prior to any work commencing? (i.e refurbishments, demolition, extensions)
4. Are pre-start/progress meetings held with the contractor to discuss the intended work and how it will effect the normal building use?
5. Are contractors monitored whilst undertaking the work? Is this recorded? if so, how?
6. When works are completed, are copies of the Health and Safety file held on site?
Control of Contractors Observations
May include: Contractors displaying unsafe behaviour e.g. No appropriate control measures, lack of PPE, unsafe methods of work.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
OVERALL AIM: The service has adequate procedures in place to avoid or reduce to the lowest level
EVIDENCE: COSHH Assessments, training records, discussions with employees/supervisors, inspection of workplace and PPE records, maintenance records -
1. Is there a COSHH inventory which details all hazardous substances held, used and created through work processes?
2. Are COSHH assessments undertaken for all hazardous substances and communicated to employees?
3. Are control measures identified in COSHH assessments implemented and monitored by managers?
4. Has adequate information, instruction and training been provided for employees using hazardous substances? E.g Specific substance training, COSHH training, toolbox talks, COSHH poster.
5. Is health surveillance undertaken for those employees identified as requiring it from the COSHH Assessments and are records kept? e.g. Lung function tests and/or skin condition
6. Are there adequate emergency arrangements in place for dealing with spillage/employee contamination e.g eye wash station/spill kits.
7. Are and COSHH assessments regularly reviewed?
8. Are employees provided with information/instruction on how to use PPE/RPE and how to report defects? E.g. Face-fit tests
9. Where LEV is provided, have employees received information, instruction and training and has the LEV undergone at thorough examination within the last 14 months?
COSHH Observations
May Include: Insecure/unlocked/poor storage of hazardous chemicals, unlabelled storage/containers of substances, lack of emergency equipment suitable and sufficient for the risk (spill kits, eye washes), control measures (including LEV) and other mechanical devices not being used or operating ineffectively, PPE/RPE not being worn or in poor condition.
Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
OVERALL AIM: The use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) is effectively managed and any health risks are identified and adequately controlled.
EVIDENCE: Discussions with employees, inspection of the workplace and equipment, inspection of DSE Assessments -
1. Is there a up to date register of DSE users for the service?
2. Have DSE assessments been carried out for employees designated as DSE users?
3. Have DSE users been provided with guidance/training on DSE use?
4. Where necessary have DSE Assessments been escalated to ergonomists/health and safety team for further recommendations/action?
5. Are all DSE assessments approved by the relevant manager and have recommendations for corrective/preventive action been implemented?
6. Are employees identified as DSE users aware that they can request an eye test?
7. Are DSE Assessments reviewed following desk moves and also periodically?
DSE Observations -
May Include: Workstations not compliant with guidance, poor lighting, poor workspace and other environmental factors are not suitable and sufficent
Electrical Safety
Electrical Safety
REFERENCE: Health & Safety - Electricty at work regulations
Evidence: records of electrical testing and inspection -
1. Fixed electrical installations have been tested and inspected within the last 5 years and are records available?
2. Is all portable electrical equipment identified on an inventory and undergone formal inspection and testing?
3. Does the premises have suitable testing and inspection records for lightening conductors? (At least every 12 months)
Electrical Safety Observations
May Include: Electrical panels unlocked/unrestricted access/not labelled accordingly/obstructed, poor electrical cable managements (e.g. trailing leads across walkways, cables tangled where heat can build up, etc), multi pin sockets and extension leads overloaded or daisy chaining observed, damaged sockets/cables/appliances, PAT labels missing, unauthorised equipment in use.
Emergency Arrangements
Emergency Arrangements Evidence: emergency plans, emergency procedures, notices, briefing records:
OVERALL AIM: Emergency Arrangements are in place and communicated to relevant personnel.
EVIDENCE: Fire risk assessment, training records, fire notices, contractor information -
1. Are emergency procedures and contingency plans in place for dealing with serious and imminent danger? I.e. flood, fire, intruder, bomb threats, power loss.
2. Is there a incident controller named within each emergency plan?
3. Are there named individuals within the plans for emergency response actions? (i.e. Liaising with emergency services, plant shut down, gas/electricity shut off, chemical release, etc)<br>
4. Are instructions and information given to employees to ensure their safety in the event of an emergency?
5. If the workplace is shared, are emergency arrangements communicated and co-coordinated?
Emergency Arrangements Observations:
May Include: Inadequate access to the site for emergency vehicles, lack of emergency actions plans displayed around the building
Fire Protection
Fire Protection
OVERALL AIM: Fire equipment is suitable and sufficient and adequately maintained and inspected
EVIDENCE: Discussion with managers & staff, risk assessments, training records, inspection of work equipment/audits/inspection records -
1. Has an up-to-date fire risk assessment been carried out and held on site?
2. Is there an FRA action plan in place with assigned responsibilities and timescales?
3. Is fire-fighting/suppression/detection equipment inspected annually and certificates of conformity held on site?
4. Is emergency lighting tested monthly and examined annually and records kept on site?
5. Are fire alarms, refuge call points and fire curtains tested weekly and examined annually and records kept on site?
6. Are evacuation chairs installed where required, inspected annually and are staff trained in their use?
7. Are fire doors/fire exits and closing devices inspected weekly and records kept on site?<br>
8. Have sufficient fire wardens been trained including the use of fire fighting equipment?
9. Are arrangements in place to communicate fire evacuation procedures to visitors/contractors?
10. Are fire evacuation drills undertaken at least once per year and records kept?
11. Are adequate Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) in place for those who require support in the event of evacuation?
Fire Protection Observations
May Include: Signage not suitable and sufficient including means of escape (e.g. exit routes and final exits not clearly signed) and Fire Action Notices not posted in appropriate locations, fire exits and escape routes obstructed, extinguishers not mounted correctly and/or not serviced in the last year, uncontrolled combustible materials in premises, fire doors and other items of protection not operating effectively, Fire doors/exits in poor repair, Insumescent strips damaged/missing.
First Aid / Medication
First Aid / Medication Evidence: first aid risk assessment, training certification, records for stock and control for first aid kits
1. Has a first aid risk assessment been undertaken to identify first aid requirements?
2. Are there an adequate number of trained first aiders (with certificates evidenced) to meet the needs of the service? I.e. Business hours, number of occupants, degree of risk
3. Is there a nominated person responsible for regularly checking the supplies in first aid boxes and replenishing when required?
4. Where required are paediatric first aiders trained?
5. Are there adequate numbers of employees trained in the use of defibrillators and is their training up-to-date?
6. Are there adequate numbers of employees trained in the control and administration of medication?
First Aid / Medication Observations
May Include: No contact details for first aiders evident, first aid kits not fully stocked (no contents list) or stock out of date, Defibrillators not charged or not accessible, Eyewash stations not stocked or out of date, no safe storage of any medication (if applicable)
Gas Systems & Pressure Vessels
Gas Systems & Pressure Vessels
OVERALL AIM: There should be adequate procedures for the effective control and management of gas safety.
REFERENCE: Gas Safety Register, Inspection certification -
1. Do pressure systems (i.e. Graffiti removal machine, coffee machine) have a written scheme of examination by competent person?
2. Are gas appliances subject to an annual gas safety test and are records maintained on site?
3. Are gas shut off valves installed and are employees aware of their location?
4. Is a competent person/company used for relighting gas appliances/pilot lights and are records held on site?
5. Are written emergency arrangements in place for the safe storage of tanks e.g gas/oil? These arrangements should include emptying/filling/spillage procedures.
Gas Systems/Pressure Vessels Observations
May Include: Shut off valves not evidenced/poor access/not clearly signed, Gas cylinders not segregated (e.g. Fuel and Oxygen) or not stored safely/securely to prevent damage/theft, boiler houses contain combustible materials, pressurised gas cylinders not fitted with gauges/arrestors and not chained/caged where necessary, fuel/oil storage tanks not adequately bunded, spill kits missing.
EVIDENCE: Discussions with Cleaning organisation, Business Manager, employees, visual inspections
1. Does the premises have a written cleaning schedule and where required are method statements available? i.e. Chemical clean, work at height. <br><br>
2. Are cleaning materials available for wiping desks and clearing spillages?
3. Are there suitable and sufficient waste bins available for the premises and are they emptied regularly?
4. Is hazardous waste stored correctly and disposed of appropriately? (E.g. Sanitary waste, used oil, biological waste)
Housekeeping Observations
May Include: Occupied areas are unclean/untidy or contain excessive debris/waste/clutter, rest rooms unhygienic/unclean, waste bins over-full capacity, external bins without lids to prevent bird and rodent activity, Entrances/flooring/furnishings in bad repair (or wet) which may cause slips/trips, items poorly stored in a way which could overload shelves/racking or cause items to fall
1. Are health and safety inspections carried out and recorded?
2. Are health and safety inspections undertaken on a regular basis?
3. Does the inspection identify remedial actions and are they appropriately managed?
Legionella and Water Hygiene
EVIDENCE: Health & Safety Guidance - L8 The Prevention and Control of Legionellosis
1. Has a competent person/company been appointed in order to help comply with managing legionella risks?
2. Has someone based on-site received suitable information, instruction and training with regards to legionella? (E.g. Legionella awareness training)
3. Has a legionella risk assessment been carried out for the building and is it held on site?
4. Does the risk assessment include a scheme of work that identifies water hygiene requirements (i.e. Frequency of sampling, testing, treatments, cleaning, flushing) and are the actions assigned appropriately?
5. Are all actions identified within the scheme of works implemented? i.e. Temperature checks, system servicing and maintenance, clean shower, taps, flushing
6. Are all records in relation to legionella kept for a minimum of 5 years and are they held on the premises?
7. Are asset management and the competent person/company for legionella informed of any work on water systems? (I.e. Addition/removal of toilets, basins, etc)
Lifts & Lifting Equipment
Lifts & Lifting Equipment
OVERALL AIM: Adequate procedures for the effective control and management of lifts and lifting equipment including inspection and maintenance.
EVIDENCE: Inspection records, maintenance records, discussions with managers/employees/contractors
REFERENCE: HSE Guidance INDG339 'Thorough Inspection & Testing & Testing of Lifts' and HSE Information sheet 'How the lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations apply to health & social care' -
Do you carry out any lifting operations or use lifting equipment?
1. Are there risk assessments for all lifting activities? i.e. Use of slings, straps, overhead cranes, etc.
2. Is there a register of all lifting equipment?
3. Is all lifting equipment subject to statutory thorough examinations and are records evidenced?
4. Are pre-use inspections for lifting equipment undertaken and records kept? E.g. Pre-use inspection checklist
5. Are there suitably trained and experienced persons for planning/undertaking lifting operations? I.e. use of lifting equipment/aids.
6. Are there emergency procedures for passenger/goods lifts?
7. Have all fork lift operators received formal training and do they hold a current license?
8. Are fork lift trucks subject to regular inspection/maintenance and are records available?
Lifts & Lifting Equipment Observations
May Include: Lifts unclean or contain debris, lack of signage and means of emergency communication, no capacity plates or SWL displayed, slings/chains/other devices poorly stored which may cause wear and tear, etc
Lone Working
Lone Working
OVERALL AIM: Suitable measures are in place to identify lone workers and ensure that the risks associated with lone working are fully understood and managed to their lowest level practicable.
EVIDENCE: Specific risk assessments, evidence of awareness and training, background information on individual mop/service users, mobile phones or other means of summoning assistance provided -
1. Have all lone workers been listed on a lone worker register with the risks quantified?
2. Have suitable and sufficient lone working risk assessments been undertaken and communicated to staff?
3. Is there a process for gathering information on individuals prior to lone working? E.g. Home visits, meetings
4. Are there arrangements in place for monitoring the whereabouts of lone workers? E.g. Tracking devices, electronic diaries, call-in procedures following appointments, monitoring changes in plans
5. Is there system for lone workers to raise alarm and is there an escalation process for taking appropriate action if an individual fails to report in at the expected time?
6. Have all lone workers undertaken lone worker training?
7. Are lone workers provided with a means of communication for use in the event of an emergency?
Lone Working Observations:
May Include: Poor lone working practices e.g. Unsafe lone working, tracking system of employees location being ineffective, employees not following lone working procedures, etc
Manual Handling
Manual Handling
OVERALL AIM: Adequate procedures in place to ensure that all manual handling and lifting operations are avoided or the risks are minimised to reduce workplace injuries.
EVIDENCE: observe work processes and procedures, review assessments against practice, review training records and maintenance records for lifting equipment
EVIDENCE: Specific risk assessments, evidence of training and awareness of risks, incident report forms -
1. Are generic manual handling activities that are similar and straightforward included in general risk assessments? E.g. Office based risk assessment
2. Are specific manual handling risk assessments undertaken for detailed, complex or high risk activities which includes an assessment of TILE? E.g. Repetitive tasks, heavy/bulky items, etc.
3. Have employees received appropriate training, information and instruction to undertake manual handling tasks safely?
4. Are mechanical aids available and maintained with operators suitably trained in their use?
Manual Handling Observations:
May Include: Poor manual handling techniques, unsafe manual handling tasks, failure to utilise/incorrect use of manual handling aids
1. Have noisy activities/areas been identified and have average noise exposure levels been reliably estimated? E.g. From noise surveys or equipment manufacturer data and exposure times.
2. Is there a noise risk assessment for the activity/area that uses the hierarchy of control?
3. Have the control measures been implemented and are they monitored?
4. Do employees receive health surveillance when it has been identified as a requirement in the risk assessment? <br><br><br>
5. Is hearing protection readily available, suitable for the type of noise and does it provide sufficient attenuation?
6. Are employees provided with suitable and sufficient information, training and instruction to understand the risks to health?
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
OVERALL AIM: Are procedures in place to provide suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to all employees who may be exposed to a risk to their health & safety that is not adequately controlled by other means.
EVIDENCE: Inspect risk assessments & specific PPE assessments, discussions with employees/supervisors, checks on PPE, storage & maintenance records -
1. Is the provision of suitable PPE covered within task specific risk assessments and/or method statements? I.e. Correct standard for the type of hazard.
2. Where applicable are records kept of PPE maintenance, tests and inspections? I.e. Face-fit testing, harness inspections, RPE inspections
3. Is there provision for the safe storage of PPE and replacements available when necessary?
4. Are employees trained in the use of PPE and records held for the training received? I.e. Face-fit, use of hearing protection, eye protection, harnesses etc.
5. Is the use of PPE adequately monitored and is this recorded?
PPE Observations
May Include: Lack of PPE or unsuitable PPE being worn for the activity, incorrect use of PPE, damaged PPE, poor storage of PPE, Mandatory PPE signage missing
Play and Sports Activities
Play & Sports Areas / Activities
EVIDENCE: Inspection checklists, discussions with managers and employees
REFERENCE: AfPE Guidance information -
Are there any play & sports areas/activities?
1. Is outdoor play park equipment inspected and maintained? I.e. Annual ROSPA inspection, weekly in-house recorded inspections, etc.
2. Are playing fields/MUGAs/soft play regularly inspected? I.e. Pre-use inspection, recorded formal inspections.
3. Is sports equipment inspected annually by a competent person and do staff undertake regular formal inspections? I.e. Trampolines, gym equipment, nets, etc
4. Are inflatables/temporary structures regularly inspected and maintained? e.g. Bouncy castles and gazebos (PIPA certificates)
5. Are windows opening onto external walkways / play areas restricted?
6. Is safety glazing installed in all play areas? E.g. BS EN 12600 standard/kite marking.
Play & Sports Areas/Activities Observations
May Include: Damaged/unsafe/contaminated play area/equipment
Policy and Arrangements
Policy and Arrangements
1. Do all employees have access to the current health, safety and wellbeing policy?
2. Is the health, safety and wellbeing policy communicated to all employees? E.g. briefings, team meetings, tool-box talks.
3. Are employees given specific health & safety information? e.g. employee handbook, roles and responsibilities
4. Is health & safety an agenda item at team meetings?
5. Are there safety representatives for the service area/building and do they participate in safety forums/meetings?
Policy and Arrangements Observations:
May Include: Policy and local H&S arrangements and accountable persons not displayed, HSE Law poster not displayed/out of date/not completed
Risk Assessments
Risk Assessments
OVERALL AIM: Risk Assessments have been completed by a competent person and readily available to all. They are reviewed when required.
EVIDENCE: Discussions with manager, employees, training records, documentation -
1. Are suitable and sufficient risk assessments carried out and recorded? E.g. Task, activity, role specific.
2. Have appropriate risk control measures been identified and implemented? i.e. Physical barriers, training, method statements, health surveillance, PPE, safe systems of work, etc.
3. Are there written method statements/safe systems of work for all tasks with a significant risk?
4. Are risk assessments, method statements and safe systems of work communicated to all employees or are they involved in the process? I.e. Tool-box talks, briefings, specific on-site explanation/training
5. Are there employees who are trained on how to conduct risk assessments?
6. Do risk assessments take into consideration vulnerable groups? E.g. New and expectant mothers, young persons, disabled people, etc.
7. Do risk assessments identify appropriate review dates and are they reviewed following significant change? I.e. accidents or incidents, new equipment, new work process.
OVERALL AIM: The building has adequate procedures to safeguard the security of staff and members of the public
EVIDENCE: Sign in procedures, Inspection checklists, discussions with manager and employees -
1. Are there sufficient security arrangements to control access to the building, or access to restricted areas of public buildings? E.g. Fob access, ID checks, Visitor sign in procedure, Visitors/contractors escorted.
2. Is building and/or site locked and secure to prevent unauthorised access when employees are not on site?
3. Is access to low roofs/fragile surfaces restricted with appropriate signage? E.g. Fragile roof or anti-climb paint signage.
Security Observations:
May Include: Not being asked for ID or asked to sign in, badly maintained or inadequate perimeter fencing, easy access to low roofs, external bins too close to the building causing an arson risk.
Swimming Pool Management
Swimming Pool Management
OVERALL AIM: All swimming pools should be managed in accordance with HSE Guidance Managing Health & Safety in swimming pools (HSG179) and Pool Water Quality and Standards
EVIDENCE: Look at policies/procedures i.e. NOP & EAP, risk assessments, test records, qualifications and inspect the area. -
Is there a swimming pool?
1. Does the building have a swimming pool policy?
2. Does the policy include the Normal Operating Procedures (NOP) and the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) ?
3. Are staff suitably qualified to carry out pool rescues?
4. Is sufficient rescue equipment and signage in place?
5. Are suitable and sufficient risk assessments available that specifically deal with the issue of pool safety?
6. Can the area be closed off/secured when no staff are in the pool area?
7. Are procedures in place for hiring out to outside organisations?
8. Are pool plant records kept? i.e. water readings - free, combined, PH, Air & Water temperature
9. Does the plant operator hold the ISRM pool plant operators certificate?
10. Are water samples taken each month and tested for micro-organism issues by a UKAS accredited Laboratory? Are records kept of the results?
Swimming Pool Observations:
May Include: Insufficient rescue equipment or signage in place, insufficient lifeguards, unrestricted access to pool plant/equipment
Training and Competency
Training and Competency
1. Are training and competency requirements defined for each employee and is this recorded? I.e. Training needs analysis, matrix
2. Is there evidence that all new employees receive health and safety induction training? I.e. Induction checklist.
3. Has all mandatory / specific health and safety training been carried out including refresher training?
Vehicles and Transport
Vehicle and Transport Operations
OVERALL AIM: Suitable measures are in place to ensure the effective management of drivers operating on NTC business whether operating fleet vehicles or using own car for NTC business.
EVIDENCE: Specific risk assessments, evidence of training and awareness and appropriate licensing. Means of checking validity of licences. Vehicle maintenance, servicing and checks by operators/drivers. -
1. Is there an ongoing monitoring process to ensure that drivers hold the correct licence to operate the vehicle they drive for work? e.g. Licence category, CPC for PCV vehicles, HGV/LGV<br>
2. Is there a procedure to ensure that drivers are fit to operate vehicles? i.e. Health questionnaire in accordance with DVLA requirements, medicals, etc.
3. Are vehicles regularly maintained? E.g. Servicing, MOT, O-license, etc.
4. Are recorded pre-use inspections undertaken on vehicles and is there a defect reporting procedure? <br><br>
5. Are risk assessments in place for driving operations? E.g. Route-based, break down, loading/unloading, fatigue.<br><br>
6. Are site plans and site rules in place to ensure the safe movement of vehicles and segregation of pedestrians/vehicles? E.g. One-way systems, barriers/road markings, speed limits, warning signage.
Vehicles and Transport Observations
May Include: Vehicles used not suitable for purpose or in poor condition, insufficient segregation between vehicles and pedestrians, banksman not in place when reversing large vehicles, reversing operations not minimised, Hygeine facilities/first aid/fire extinguisher not in place, risk assessments and pre-use inspection forms are not on vehicles or incomplete, poor housekeeping of cabs.
1. Have activities that use vibrating equipment been identified and have average vibration exposure levels been reliably estimated? E.g. From vibration surveys or manufacturer data, HSE published magnitudes
2. Where required, has a vibration exposure risk assessment been undertaken for the activity/area which uses the hierarchy of control?
3. Have the control measures been implemented and are they monitored?
4. Do employees receive health surveillance when it has been identified as a requirement in the risk assessment? <br><br><br>
5. Are employees provided with warm gloves to protect against the cold weather?
6. Are employees provided with suitable and sufficient information, training and instruction to understand the risks to health?
Welfare Observations
May Include: Inadequate lighting, ventilation, temperature observed, rest facilities not suitable and sufficient, no provision of eating/drinking facilities, toilets and washing facilities inadequate/unclean, Inadequate welfare facilities for pregnant/breast feeding employees, Inadequate disabled access/facilities, no locker storage by gender, Racks/shelves/furniture secured to prevent them toppling, building/pathways/premises in poor condition
1. Is the Mental Health and Wellbeing procedure/guidance brought to the attention of staff?
2. Is stress included in a generic or role-based risk assessment?
3. Are regular one-to-one meetings held between managers and employees where all issues can be discussed?
4. Are managers aware of the procedure to follow regarding stress risk assessments?
Work at Height
Work at Height
OVERALL AIM: Adequate arrangements to avoid or reduce the risks of people and materials falling from height or through fragile surfaces
EVIDENCE: Discussions with premises manager, employees, inspection of the workplace, inspection of the workplace and equipment, inspection of records -
1. Are risk assessments of work at height activities undertaken? E.g. Use of mobile towers, elevated platforms, scaffold, ladders
2. Is work at height properly planned? I.e. Safe system of work, method statement
3. Are those working at height competent to do so? I.e. WAH training, IPAF,PASMA qualifications
4. Is there evidence that work equipment has been selected appropriate to the WAH activity? I.e. Hierarchy of control, collective over individual, duration of WAH, number of workers, height, etc.
5. Is there evidence that work at height equipment is subject to inspection, examination and test by competent people?
6. Has planning for rescue from work at height situations been taken into account?
7. Is there provision for safe storage of work at height equipment?
8. Is scaffolding erected, inspected and dismantled in accordance with manufacturers instructions by competent persons? E.g. Handover certificate, subsequent weekly inspections, etc
Work at Height Observations
May Include: Unsafe working at height, None compliance with risk assessments or safe systems or work, Unsuitable equipment used for an activity, Work at height equipment damaged or in poor condition, Scafftags in place and completed.
Work Equipment
Work Equipment and Plant
OVERALL AIM: Work equipment is suitable and is adequately maintained and inspected. All equipment is suitably constructed and guarded and employees are competent.
EVIDENCE: Discussion with managers/purchasing officers, risk assessments specific to work equipment, discussions with employees, training records, inspection of work equipment departmental plans/audits/inspection records -
1. Have risk assessments been carried out on the safe use plant and equipment? E.g. Machinery, power tools
2. Is work equipment maintained (pre planned) / inspected at suitable intervals and are records kept?
3. Have employees received information, instruction & training in the use of work equipment?
4. Are work equipment pre-use inspections carried out by operators? <br><br>
5. Is there a means of ensuring work equipment is safe in the event of emergency / maintenance? e.g. isolation, emergency shut off switches?
Work Equipment Observations
May Include: Equipment poorly maintained or defective, safety devices/interlocks/guards are inadequate/missing/not used/in poor condition, equipment operated or located incorrectly/unsafely, Work equipment poorly stored
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