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Health & Safety Management Audit

Accident and Incident Investigation

  • OVERALL AIM: The school has adequate procedures for the reporting, investigation and evaluation of accidents and dangerous occurrences.

    EVIDENCE: Incident report forms, discussions with managers/employees/contractors, employee handbook

    REFERENCE: Schools accident and reporting procedures

  • 1. Are all accidents/incidents reported to the occupational health and safety team to enable HSE notification within specified time scales?

  • 2. Are managers aware of their responsibilities regarding accident/incident reporting/investigation?

  • 3. Are employees aware of their responsibilities regarding accident/incident reporting?

  • 4. Where appropriate, are contractors/visitors made aware of the accident/incident procedures?

  • 5. Do line managers investigate all accidents/incidents and is corrective action taken where required?

  • 6. Are all accidents/incidents evaluated at least annually, patterns & trends identified and preventative action taken?

  • 7. Do investigations consider compliance with legal standings, failure in performance e.g. following protocol, RA and method statement?

  • 8. Are recommendations of formal incident investigations implemented within the workplace?


  • OVERALL AIM: The school has procedures in place to ensure that asbestos containing materials in the building do not pose a threat to health, the condition is appropriately monitored and where work is planned involving disturbance the Asbestos Duty Holder and property management are fully aware.

    EVIDENCE: Site asbestos file, induction records, team meeting minutes, discussions with duty holder, discussions with employees.

    REFERENCE: Asbestos policies and procedures

  • Is there any asbestos on site?

  • 1. Has an Asbestos Duty Holder been appointed to manage asbestos containing materials at the workplace?

  • 2. Has the Asbestos Duty Holder received appropriate training to allow him to carry out their responsibilities?

  • 3. Does the school have an up to date Asbestos Register?

  • 4. Does the Duty Holder regularly inspect the condition of any identified asbestos in the asbestos building file? Are these checks recorded in the register?

  • 5. Are contractors made aware of the Asbestos Register?

  • 6. Do all building contractors sign in and check the asbestos survey report prior to starting work?

  • 7. Are the procedures known and understood if asbestos is disturbed in the building?

  • 8. Are employees that work in the building made aware of the presence and position of asbestos in the building if they are likely to disturb it during normal work?

  • 9. Are property management informed of any work to be carried out that has not been arranged through them?

  • 10. Warning labels/stickers provided where appropriate?

Construction, Design and Management (CDM)

  • OVERALL AIM: The school has a clear understanding of their responsibilities under CDM Regulations, and can demonstrate compliance with the Council's CDM Safety Document.

    EVIDENCE: Completed notification forms, health and safety plans & files, site meeting minutes, discussions with property management, capital management team

    REFERENCE: Managing Health & Safety in Construction procedures

  • 1. Are checks made to determine if proposed building works are included in the CDM regulations?

  • 2. Is there a system to notify property management of changes to the building prior to the work commencing?

  • 3. Is relevant information about the premises or area involved in the building work passed to the contractor? (E.g. contaminated land, asbestos, requirements of working areas to remain in use)

  • 4. Are Health and Safety plans obtained from the principal contractor, vetted and approved prior to work starting?

  • 5. Is the Health and Safety file handed over on completion of projects for future reference?

  • 6. Is the contractor monitored whilst undertaking the work? Is this recorded? If so, how?

Control of Contractors

  • OVERALL AIM: Control of Contractors information is distributed to relevant people.

    EVIDENCE: Control of Contractors procedures

  • 1. Is a competent person involved in preparing specifications for the work or agreeing that any proposed work is acceptable?

  • 2. Is the relevant pre-qualification questionnaire available and used for vetting all contractors?

  • 3. Have job specific method statements and risk assessments been obtained from the contractor and checked by a competent person?

  • 4. Are meetings held directly with the contractor to discuss the intended work and how it will effect the normal building use?

  • 5. Is the contractor monitored whilst undertaking the work? Is this recorded? if so, how?

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

  • OVERALL AIM: The school has adequate procedures in place to avoid or reduce, to the lowest level possible, the exposure of all persons to substances, which may be hazardous to health.

    EVIDENCE: COSHH Assessments, training records, discussions with employees/supervisors, inspection of workplace and PPE records, maintenance records

  • 1. Have Sypol COSHH assessments been carried out for all products, substances and processes and the findings been formally disseminated to employees?

  • 2. Where hazards exist, are the control measures identified in the COSHH assessments implemented and monitored by supervisors/managers?

  • 3. Has adequate information, instruction and training been provided for employees using substances that may be hazardous to health?

  • 4. Is there a system in place to request a Sypol COSHH Assessment for new products introduced in school?

  • 5. Are hazardous substances stored safely and suitably labelled?

  • 6. Where necessary are procedures in place to monitor exposure and provide health surveillance?

  • 7. Are there adequate welfare and emergency facilities where appropriate?

  • 8. Are the products and assessments reviewed on a regular basis?

Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

  • OVERALL AIM: The use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) is effectively managed in school and any health risks are identified and adequately controlled.

    EVIDENCE: Discussions with employees, inspection of the workplace and equipment, inspection of DSE Assessments

  • 1. Has a DSE Self-Assessment been carried out for each employee either manually or by using an on-line system and has any advice or equipment been provided to the employee?

  • 2. Have employees received DSE awareness training/instruction?

  • 3. Are the seats provided fully adjustable in both height and backrest to provided good lumber support?

  • 4. Are procedures in place for employees to report any pain or discomfort that may be attributed to using the DSE to their supervisors and then be referred for further medical help/intervention?

  • 5. Are all DSE assessments approved by the relevant manager?

  • 6. Are employees aware that they can ask for eyesight tests?

Educational Visits

  • OVERALL AIM: Educational Visits should comply with educational visits procedure.

    EVIDENCE: Look at the schools policies/procedures, risk assessments, training and previous visit documentation

  • 1. Does the school/establishment have a school visits policy?

  • 2. Has a school Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC) been appointed and suitably trained?

  • 3. Are suitable and sufficient risk assessments carried out for all visits?

  • 4. Are all category B visits (high risk visits) authorised by the school EVC?

  • 5. Are necessary checks carried to ensure necessary providers and activity leaders are competent?

  • 6. Does the school retain all documentation relation to educational visits?

  • 7. Is someone nominated as the emergency home contact when groups are away?

  • 8. Are parental consent forms completed for all visits?

  • 9. Are procedures in place for ensuring that coach operators have the appropriate license and all coaches used are fitted with seat belts?

Electrical Safety

  • REFERENCE: Health & Safety - Electricty at work regulations

  • 1. Electrical panels are clearly marked and unobstructed, restricted access?

  • 2. Cable management acceptable? (no split/taped cords)

  • 3. Any loose or damaged conduit or trunking?

  • 4. Fixed electrical system checked by competent person? Examine records?

  • 5. Electrical equipment maintained - visual checks by user, formal inspection?

  • 6. Any unauthorised private equipment being used?

Emergency Arrangements

  • OVERALL AIM: Emergency Arrangements are in place and communicated to relevant personnel.

    EVIDENCE: Fire risk assessment, training records, fire notices, contractor information

    REFERENCE: Health & Safety - Electricty at work regulations

  • 1. Does the school have the arrangements in place to deal with serious and imminent danger?

  • 2. Are key personnel aware of their responsibility in the event of an emergency?

  • 3. Are other personnel aware of what to do in the event of an emergency? (fire wardens)

  • 4. Has a fire risk assessment exercise been undertaken for the premises, and if so has an action plan been developed to implement the recommendations?

  • 5. Does the workplace undertake evacuation drills at least 3 times per annum?

  • 6. Are visitors, contractors, pupils and temporary employees made aware of evacuation procedures? If so, how? (PEEPS)

  • 7. Are there written evacuation procedures posted in appropriate locations and are means of escape clearly signed?

  • 8. Is appropriate equipment available to deal with emergencies and are key personnel trained in its use?

  • 9. If the workplace is shared, are emergency arrangements communicated and co-coordinated with neighbours?

  • 10. Is all equipment provided to deal with emergencies tested, inspected and maintained in line with manufacturers and fire brigade requirements?

Fire Protection

  • OVERALL AIM: Fire equipment is suitable and sufficient and adequately maintained and inspected

    EVIDENCE: Discussion with managers & staff, risk assessments, training records, inspection of work equipment/audits/inspection records

  • 1. All fire alarms and smoke detectors are in working condition?

  • 2. All exits are clearly marked?

  • 3. Fire extinguishers are properly mounted?

  • 4. Each extinguisher has an attached inspection sticker?

  • 5. Combustible materials are kept away from heat sources?

  • 6. Fire doors and exits are free of obstructions?

  • 7. Weekly fire alarm tests are held and recorded?

  • 8. Vision panels are unobstructed and in good condition?

  • 9. Where applicable, has the sprinkler system been maintained, inspected and tested?

  • 10. Do all fire doors close and fit into rebate as appropriate?

First Aid

  • 1. Are there adequate numbers of trained personnel to render first aid readily available? (including paediatric)

  • 2. Are there adequate numbers of nominated persons to maintain first aid boxes and records?

  • 3. First aid supplies are readily available and well stocked?

  • 4. Suitable facilities for quick drenching or flushing of eyes and body within the immediate work area?

Gas & Boiler House Safety

  • OVERALL AIM: The school has adequate procedures for the effective control and management of gas safety.

    REFERENCE: Gas Safety Register, HSE.gov.uk

  • 1. Are all gas appliances installed, fitted and maintained by competent persons?

  • 2. Are all appliances subjected to an annual gas safety test?

  • 3. Is a gas shut off valve installed and are staff aware of its location?

  • 4. Are only trained persons involved in relighting gas appliances and pilot lights?

  • 5. Are boiler houses free of combustible materials?


  • EVIDENCE: Discussions with Headteacher, Business Manager, employees, visual inspections

  • 1. Are classrooms and other areas clean and tidy?

  • 2. Corridors/halls/walkways clear of debris and obstructions?

  • 3. All spills cleaned up speedily?

  • 4. Carpets in good condition? (No holes or curled edges)

  • 5. Rest rooms are kept neat and clean?

  • 6. Floors, stairs and walkways have non-slip surfaces where appropriate?

  • 7. Waste bins are available and emptied regularly?

  • 8. Floors are free of holes, protrusions, loose boards and splinters?

  • 9. Oily rags and flammable refuse are correctly and quickly disposed of?

  • 10. Items are stored correctly and empty boxes, etc are disposed of?

Control of Legionellosis

  • EVIDENCE: Health & Safety Guidance - L8 The Prevention and Control of Legionellosis

  • 1. Is there guidance based around L8 for control of legionella available for reference?

  • 2. Is someone identified as competent for your premises in relation to Legionella?

  • 3. Have you had your schools assessed to identify the level and source of risk from legionella?

  • 4. If there is a risk, has a scheme for preventing or controlling the risk been developed for the premises?

  • 5. Are there management plans to implement and manage control measures?

  • 6. Are all records in relation to legionella kept for at least 2 years?

  • 7. Is the competent person for legionella involved in any planned work on water or air conditioning systems?

  • 8. Is property management aware of the intended work?

  • 9. Are contractors involved in any legionella work monitored? Is this recorded?

Lifts & Lifting Equipment

  • OVERALL AIM: The school has adequate procedures for the effective control and management of lifts and lifting equipment including inspection and maintenance.

    EVIDENCE: Inspection records, maintenance records, discussions with managers/employees/contractors

    REFERENCE: HSE Guidance INDG339 'Thorough Inspection & Testing & Testing of Lifts' and HSE Information sheet 'How the lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations apply to health & social care'

  • Are there any lifts or lifting equipment?

  • 1. Are all passenger lifts fitted with safety devices to prevent a person being crushed, trapped, struck or falling from the lift?

  • 2. Are all lifts/equipment marked with it's safe working load?

  • 3. Is there a means of raising alarm in all lifts in event of failure, are these tested and recorded?

  • 4. Is there a clear procedure to be followed in event of a person becoming trapped in the lift/equipment and are people competent to follow the procedure?

  • 5. Are all lifts/equipment examined at statutory intervals (every 6 months for people or 12 months for loads only) by competent person, recorded in terms of inspections, maintenance and testing?

  • 6. Has a competent person been appointed and had suitable training to carry out thorough examination and maintenance?

  • 7. Are they impartial in order for them to make an objective assessment of the lift/equipment?

  • 8. Are all remedial measures reported to the duty holder and swift action taken as a result?

Lone Working

  • OVERALL AIM: Suitable measures are in place to identify lone workers and ensure that the risks associated with lone working are fully understood and managed to their lowest level practicable.

    EVIDENCE: Specific risk assessments, evidence of awareness and training, background information on individual mop/service users, mobile phones or other means of summoning assistance provided

  • 1. Have individuals or groups of employees been identified as lone workers?

  • 2. Have specific risk assessments been undertaken identifying the risks associated with lone working? Are they suitable and sufficient?

  • 3. When working with or visiting members of the public/service users, etc is there a process in place whereby as much information is gathered on the individual before visiting commences?

  • 4. Are there protocols in place where the lone worker records their whereabouts and is required to call in at the end of their planned visit?

  • 5. Is someone within the workplace identified as having responsibility for taking appropriate action if an individual does not return or call in?

  • 6. Have all employees been trained and are they aware of the lone working procedures in place and their responsibility for working within them?

  • 7. Are employees who work alone provided with adequate means of contacting their office base, manager or other assistance in the event of an emergency?

  • 8. Are employees aware of the need to report to their manager and record using the electronic system any untoward incidents that they experience?

Manual Handling Operations

  • OVERALL AIM: The School has adequate procedures in place to ensure that all manual handling and moving & assisting operations are avoided or the risks minimised to reduce workplace injuries.

    EVIDENCE: Look at work processes and procedures, inspect manual handling assessments, discussions with employees, training records, maintenance records

  • 1. Are all manual handling and moving & assisting operations assessed taking into account the load, the nature of the task, the working environment and the individuals' capabilities?

  • 2. Where a significant risk is identified, has a specific manual handling assessment been carried out and formally recorded?

  • 3. Where hazards exist are the control measures identified in the assessments implemented and monitored by supervisors/managers?

  • 4. Have employees received appropriate training to carry out those manual handling tasks which cannot be eliminated?

  • 5. Where mechanical aids are provided to assist employees with lifting and handling - are they easily accessible, suitably maintained and serviced where necessary and employees suitably trained in their use?

  • 6. Are manual handling operations periodically reviewed to ensure they remain valid?


  • OVERALL AIM: Suitable measures must be in place to ensure the safe operation of minibuses

    EVIDENCE: Look at the policy & procedures, risk assessments, training files and relevant document (i.e. MOT, service records, LOLER records, etc)

  • Are there any minibuses?

  • 1. Are all drivers' licenses checked to ensure they have the right class on the license to drive minibuses? i.e. D or D1 on the license or did they pass test pre-January 1997?

  • 2. Have all drivers undergone a driver assessment?

  • 3. Are suitable and sufficient risk assessments carried out for the use of the minibus?

  • 4. Have all drivers had a medical within the past 3 years?

  • 5. Are pre-user checks of the minibus carried out each day and documented?

  • 6. Does the minibus have a current MOT and is it regularly serviced?

  • 7. Are seat belts fitted to the minibus?

  • 8. Does the minibus carry a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, high visibility vest and warning triangle?

  • 9. Are powered lifts tested and inspected every 6 months and are documents available?

New and Expectant Mothers

  • OVERALL AIM: Suitable measures are in place to ensure the health, safety and welfare of new and expectant mothers

    EVIDENCE: Specific risk assessments, evidence of training and awareness of risks, incident report forms

  • 1. Are specific risk assessments carried out taking into consideration vulnerable groups including pregnant women and young persons?

  • 2. Are managers aware of the need to modify tasks or consider alternative working arrangements depending on the findings of risk assessments?

  • 3. Are there welfare facilities available for employees who are pregnant or breast feeding?

  • 4. Is there evidence that managers discuss the outcome of the risk assessment with the individual employee?

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • OVERALL AIM: The school has procedures in place to provide suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to all employees who may be exposed to a risk to their health & safety that is not adequately controlled by other means.

    EVIDENCE: Inspect risk assessments & specific PPE assessments, discussions with employees/supervisors, checks on PPE, storage & maintenance records

  • 1. Evidence of specific/task personal protective equipment assessments?

  • 2. Is PPE suitable for the task/job?

  • 3. Are employees trained in the use and limitations of PPE?

  • 4. Is PPE inspected regularly by a competent person?

  • 5. Is there a clear procedure for reporting defects?

  • 6. Is PPE used when required, fitted correctly, stored and maintained including adequate changing facilities?

Play & Sports Areas / Activities

  • EVIDENCE: Inspection checklists, discussions with managers and employees

    REFERENCE: AfPE Guidance information

  • 1. Adequate space for size of class and activities conducted?

  • 2. Are windows opening onto external walkways / play areas restricted? Are barriers in place?

  • 3. Is safety glazing to BS 6206 or glazing filmed in the vulnerable areas? (e.g. panes > 250mm wide in or adjacent to doors, PE areas, etc)

  • 4. Are pathways / walkways stable underfoot and without significant trip hazards? (e.g. no potholes, no raised/sunken slabs)

  • 5. Is outdoor play equipment adequately maintained and in good condition? (checked annually by competent person, weekly checks by site staff)

  • 6. Is there sufficient storage space and is it reasonably tidy?

  • 7. Are playing fields / pitches visually inspected before use and free from hazardous materials?

  • 8. Is PE Equipment inspected within the past 12 months by a competent person? Are regular informal checks conducted by staff?

Premises Management

  • EVIDENCE: Asbestos register, risk assessments, records of tests, contractors documentation provided, CDM documents, site visits, discussions with managers/premises managers.

  • 1. Are housekeeping checks carried out and recorded?

  • 2. Is there compliance with the Equality Act 2010 for access/egress with appropriate safety markings/signs/alarms?

  • 3. Are work areas adequately lit?

  • 4. Is there adequate ventilation (fresh air) through work areas?

  • 5. Is the ambient temperature between 16-24 Celsius?

  • 6. Are arrangements in place for reporting defects to the building and remedial action carried out?

  • 7. Anti-slip surfaces provided where appropriate?

  • 8. Is there an adequate provision of drinking water?

  • 9. Is there adequate number of sanitary conveniences?

  • 10. Are traffic routes clearly marked?

Risk Assessments

  • OVERALL AIM: Risk Assessments have been completed by a competent person and readily available to all. They are reviewed when required.

    EVIDENCE: Discussions with manager, employees, training records, documentation

  • 1. Are all hazards/risks identified?

  • 2. Are written risk assessments (generic/specific) in place?

  • 3. Is there evidence of management/employee involvement?

  • 4. Evidence of risk assessment outcomes? i.e. training/method statements/health surveillance/PPE

  • 5. Are control measures implemented?

  • 6. Are recommendations for improvement identified and followed up?

  • 7. Are the risk assessments communicated to all staff? If so, how?

  • 8. Is there evidence of training for competency to carry out risk assessments?

  • 9. Are risk assessments approved by an appropriate person?

  • 10. Are the assessments reviewed following accidents, incidents, changes of work practices?

Safety Representation/Inspections

  • 1. H&S reps involved in H&S committee?

  • 2. H&S reps involved in H&S inspections?

  • 3. H&S reps involved in accident and incident investigations?

  • 4. H&S reps involved in discussions on the introduction of new processes/activities?

  • 5. H&S reps involved in changes which affect working conditions such as refurbishment, moving premises, implementation of new working practices?

  • 6. Are safety inspections carried out by a competent person and evidenced?

  • 7. Do the department inspections have a formal timetable?

  • 8. Is remedial action carried out?

  • 9. Are unresolved issues managed appropriately?

  • 10. Are managers aware of their responsibilities to carry out inspections?

Safety Policy

  • 1. Is there a copy of the current version of the Health & Safety Policy available in the area of responsibility?

  • 2. Are all employees aware of the written H&S policy?

  • 3. Are employees aware of their H&S duties and responsibilities?

  • 4. Is there a clear, written allocation of the health and safety responsibilities of all line managers and supervisors in your area of responsibility?

  • 5. Are employees given specific health & safety information? e.g. employee handbook

  • 6. Is health & safety an agenda item at team meetings?

  • 7. Is all relevant H&S information displayed?

  • 8. Have all employees got access to relevant safety documents and guidance?

  • 9. Is there a Health & Safety Law poster displayed in employee areas?

Security and Safeguarding

  • OVERALL AIM: The school has adequate procedures to effectively safeguard the security of staff and pupils

    EVIDENCE: Inspection checklists, discussions with managers and employees

    REFERENCE: Ofsted

  • 1. Is there clear signage directing visitors to reception/other services on site?

  • 2. Are the gates and perimeter fencing of adequate height and in good condition?

  • 3. Are gates locked when the the school is not in use?

  • 4. Is the number of entrance points onto the school site minimised? (restricted to one during the school day)

  • 5. Is there a clearly defined route between the site entrance(s) and reception, with access to children avoided where practicable?

  • 6. Is the number of freely available access doors minimised?

  • 7. Is access to low roofs restricted and are any fragile surfaces identified with suitable signage? (If anti-climb paint is used it has signage)

  • 8. Are external storage / waste bins secured and located 4m - 8m away from buildings?


  • 1. Is the stress policy brought to the attention of the staff, and do they know what process to take if they felt they were suffering from work related stress?

  • 2. Would action be taken if someone complained of stress at work?

  • 3. Are managers aware of the procedure to follow regarding stress assessments for work related stress?

  • 4. Are all new employees given a clear outline of job functions and responsibilities?

Swimming Pool Management

  • OVERALL AIM: All swimming pools should be managed in accordance with HSE Guidance Managing Health & Safety in swimming pools (HSG179) and Pool Water Quality and Standards

    EVIDENCE: Look at policies/procedures i.e. NOP & EAP, risk assessments, test records, qualifications and inspect the area.

  • Is there a swimming pool?

  • 1. Does the school/establishment have a swimming pool policy?

  • 2. Does the policy include the Normal Operating Procedures (NOP) and the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) ?

  • 3. Are staff suitably qualified to carry out pool rescues?

  • 4. Is sufficient rescue equipment and signage in place?

  • 5. Are suitable and sufficient risk assessments available that specifically deal with the issue of pool safety?

  • 6. Can the area be closed off/secured when no staff are in the pool area?

  • 7. Are procedures in place for hiring out to outside organisations?

  • 8. Are pool plant records kept? i.e. water readings - free, combined, PH, Air & Water temperature

  • 9. Does the plant operator hold the ISRM pool plant operators certificate?

  • 10. Are water samples taken each month and tested for micro-organism issues by a UKAS accredited Laboratory? Are records kept of the results?

  • 11. What type of dosing system is in place?

Work at Height

  • OVERALL AIM: The school has adequate arrangements to avoid or reduce the risks of people and materials falling from height or through fragile surfaces

    EVIDENCE: Discussions with premises manager, employees, inspection of the workplace, inspection of the workplace and equipment, inspection of records

  • 1. Is there awareness of where work at height takes place on the premises and who carries it out?

  • 2. Is there evidence that work at height risks specific to the premises have been assessed including existing places of work and fragile surfaces?

  • 3. Where necessary to work at height, is the work properly planned and supervised by a competent person? Have people who are required to work at height undergone appropriate training?

  • 4. Are management checks carried out to ensure that people working at height are competent?

  • 5. Is there evidence that work equipment has been selected appropriate to the tasks and areas of work?

  • 6. Where equipment is premises based is there awareness and systems to ensure that this equipment is only for use by school / Council employees?

  • 7. Is there evidence that equipment for work at height is subject to inspection, examination and test by competent people?

  • 8. Has planning for rescue from work at height situations been taken into account?

Work Equipment

  • OVERALL AIM: Work equipment is suitable and is adequately maintained and inspected. All equipment is suitably constructed and guarded and employees are competent.

    EVIDENCE: Discussion with managers/purchasing officers, risk assessments specific to work equipment, discussions with employees, training records, inspection of work equipment departmental plans/audits/inspection records

  • 1. Is work equipment assessed prior to purchase for its suitability and compliance with the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) ?

  • 2. Is work equipment installed, located and used in such a way as to reduce the risks to users and others?

  • 3. Is work equipment maintained and inspected either as per the manufacturer's instructions or where the risk assessment dictates. Are adequate records kept?

  • 4. Where work equipment involves specific risks to health & safety is use limited to competent persons?

  • 5. Have employees received information, instruction & training in the use of work equipment relating to the hazards and risks and are they deemed competent to operate the equipment?

  • 6. Have hazards relating to particular work equipment been identified and adequately controlled?

  • 7. Has a workplace audit been undertaken to determine compliance with the requirements of PUWER and where the equipment fails to comply with PUWER, is a replacement or upgrade program in place?

  • 8. Is there a defective equipment reporting and recording procedure?

Medication Procedure

  • EVIDENCE: Discussion with staff, risk assessments specific to medication, training records

  • 1. Is there a medication policy in place?

  • 2. Are an appropriate amount of staff trained in administering medication?

  • 3. Is medication stored in a locked medication cabinet or separate lockable fridge where necessary?

  • 4. Do parents complete the required paperwork?

  • 5. Paperwork completed on receiving and administering medication?

  • 6. Are health care plans in place?

  • 7. Have out of date or medications no longer used been disposed of or returned to the parents?

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