Title Page

  • Reason for O&M Site Inspection

  • Client Name

  • System type

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Health and Safety

  • Are you carrying a valid copy of the site/task specific RAMS

Site Information

  • Do you have original design layouts, electrical schematic, ballast drawings for installation?

  • Is there a copy of the O & M manual onsite?

  • Date of original installation

  • Name of original installation company?

  • Total size of installation in KWP

  • Name of person representing the site/client during visit?

  • Job title of person representing the site/client during visit?

  • Contact details for site representative?

Technical Information

    Main Point of Connection
  • Main POC location?

  • Main POC make and model?

  • Main POC Type and Rating?

  • Is the POC Suitable to be isolated?

  • Can POC be suitable locked off?

  • Is the POC within owner MCC panel?

  • Have all connections been checked?

  • Has thermal imaging tests been completed on main POC?

  • Photo of POC

  • Metering Information
  • Meter location?

  • Meter make and model?

  • Meter serial number?

  • Modem serial number?

  • SIM card number?

  • Current meter read?

  • Is the meter functioning correctly?

  • Have all connections been checked

  • Has thermal imaging testing been completed on all connections?

  • Photo of meter showing reading

  • G59 Unit deatils
  • Location of G59 unit?

  • Is G59 unit operating correctly?

  • Have all connections been checked?

  • Has thermal imaging testing been completed on all connections?

  • Photo of G59 unit

  • AC Isolator Information
  • AC Isolator location?

  • Is AC Isolator in a serviceable condition

  • Have all connections been checked?

  • Has thermal imaging testing been completed on connection?

  • Is AC Isolator mounted externally?

  • Is AC isolator IP rating still intact?

  • Is AC Isolator Labelled Correctly?

  • Photo of AC Isolator

  • Distribution Board
  • Location of Distribution board?

  • Distribution Board Manufacturer?

  • Protective Device Manufacturer?

  • Protective Device Type and Rating?

  • Have all connections been checked?

  • Have thermal image checks been completed on all connections?

  • Is IP rating of Distribution Board intact?

  • What number inverters does this distribution board feed?

  • As Built Schematic checked against AC installation?

  • Photo of Distribution Board

General Electrical Installation

  • Electrical Installation Installed as per Original Schematics?

  • Equipment compliant with electrical standard, correctly selected and not damaged?

  • Equipment and Accessories correctly connected?

  • Particular protective measures for special locations?

  • System installed to prevent mutual detrimental influence?

  • Conductors correctly connected and identified?

  • Conductors correctly selected for current carrying capacity and voltage drop?

  • Conductors routed in safe zone or protected against mechanical damage?

  • Presence of fire barriers, seals and protection against thermal effects?

  • Equipment and protective measures appropriate for external influences?

Inverter information

    Inverter details
  • Is inverter externally mounted? If yes please list access requirements needed and provide photo

  • Inverter location?

  • Inverter manufacturer make/model?

  • Inverter serial number?

  • Inverter AC isolator IP rating intact?

  • Inverter AC isolator serviceable?

  • Have all connections been checked?

  • Has thermal imaging testing been completed on all connections?

  • Has Inverter Been Installed Following Manufacturers Guidelines?

  • Is inverter functioning correctly?

  • Have all connections been checked?

  • Photo of inverter AC isolator

  • Photo of Inverter

  • Electrical Test
  • String 1 recorded VOC (volts)

  • String 1 recorded ISC (amps)

  • Insulation Resistance Reading (ohms)

  • Polarity of string cable confirmed?

  • Earth continuity checked?

  • Irradiance reading

  • Location of secondary DC Isolator?

  • Is DC Isolator in serviceable condition?

  • Have all connections been checked?

  • Has thermal image checked been on all connections?

  • Is IP rating of isolator still intact?

  • Is DC Isolator Labelled Correctly?

  • Photo of DC Isolator

Array Information

    Array Details
  • Array Location?

  • Inclination of Array?

  • Orientation of Array from south?

  • Module manufacturer?

  • Module Type?

  • Number of modules on this Array?

  • Has Array Been Installed as per Original Layout Design?

  • Array earth bonding installed and continuity checked?

  • Array connected to exciting LPS?

  • Are there any signs of module disengagement?

  • Are there signs of any loose mid or end clamps?

  • If the fixing method penetrate the roof fabric, Is this penetration still weather proof?

  • Photo of Array

DC Electrical System

  • Physical separation of AC and DC cables?

  • DC cables mechanically protected or suitably affixed to a mounting system?

  • Are all DC connectors suitably affixed to mounting structure or support frame?

  • DC cables - protective and reinforced insulation?

  • All DC components rated for operation at max DC voltage? (VOC stuck x 1.25)

  • PV Strings fused?

  • Are there and combiner boxes fitted to any part of the DC circuits?

General Mechanical Installation

  • Ventilation provided behind array to prevent overheating/risk of fire?

  • Array frame and material corrosion proof?

  • Array frame correctly fixed and stable, roof fixings weatherproof, ballast systems correctly located?

  • Cable entry weatherproof?

  • Live parts insulated, protected by barrier/enclosure placed out of reach or class 2

  • Array protected with lightening protection system?

  • Array frame bonding present?

  • Surge protection devices present?

Labelling and Identification

  • General labelling of circuits, protective devices, switches and terminals?

  • DC Isolator's / junction boxes suitably labelled?

  • Emergency shutdown procedure displayed on site?

  • Protection settings and installer details displayed onsite?

  • PV system schematics displayed on site?

Hardware access information

  • Please list below access requirements

  • Module replacement
  • Access requirements, height, width, list site access restrictions?

  • Photo of access requirements

  • Inverter replacement
  • Access requirements, height, width, list site access restrictions?

  • Photo of access requirements

  • Panel Cleaning Access
  • Access requirements, height, width, list site access restrications

  • Photo of access requirements

  • Is the HV segregated from the LV part of the installation?

  • Can the LV be safety isolated from the HV part of the system?

Potential upgrades maintenance needed

  • Do any inverters need replacement due to being faulty or damaged?

  • Do any meters need replacements due to being faulty or damaged?

  • Do any G59 units need replacement due to being faulty or damaged?

  • Do any modules need replacement due to being faulty or damaged?

  • Do any combiner boxes need replacement due to being faulty or damaged?

  • Is the system performance severely limited due to cleanliness of modules

  • Is any landscaping required on site? (Ground mounts only)


  • Full description of works completed during site visit?

  • Photo of completed works

  • Please list any defect items that require further investigation/remedial work

  • Photo of defect items that require further investigation/remedial work

  • Any additional comments for future visits (access codes/keys etc)

  • Are there any health and safety issues relating to this site?

  • System operating correctly?

  • Site / Task Status

  • Completed by

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.