Document No. 2098
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
AUDITS - Number of outstanding items from previous audit
Previous audit status.
Emergency Equipment
Extinguishers inspected regularly
Hoses and Extinguishers correctly marked.
Evacuation box complete.
Radios checked and batteries charged.
Hoses and extinguishers clear of obstruction.
Any loose material.
Slippery, wet or oily.
Badly worn or rutted.
Garbage dirt or debris left lying.
Stairways and Isles
Passageways, isles, stairs kept clean.
Emergency exits clear of obstructions.
Any dark areas.
Emergency lighting tested.
Bulbs missing or burnt out.
Labelling correct.
MSDS up to date and accessible.
HAZCHEM signs.
House keeping in good order.
Sight glasses
Burner oil leaks.
Leaking pump shaft seals.
Pressure gauges.
Flammable items.
Chilled water area.
Electrical cables.
Foot rests.
Correct ergonomic placement of screen.
Windows clean and not broken
Painting and upkeep satisfactory.
Door jambs clean, doors operating satisfactory.
Exit doors marked, and keep clean.
Employee facilities
Drinking fountains clean.
Locker rooms and toilets clean.
Soap and towel supply satisfactory.
Kitchen clean.
Material storage
Neatly and safely stacked.
Passageways &work areas not blocked.
Office machinery
Machines and equipment clean.
Sufficient containers for waste material.
No exposed wires.
Switch boxes closed and with clear access.
Electrical cables tag and tested.
First aid
Cabinets stocked.
List of first aiders.
Emergency showers.
Flush emergency shower
Flush emergency eye wash.
- yes
- no,
Items referred to area Coordinator/Supervisor or Toolbox meeting!
Outcome of discussion.
Site observations/comments.
Auditors signature.
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