Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

OH2 Demac 5 Ton crane service / inspection

  • Visual inspection

  • Crane rail clean and free from debris

  • Crane beam clean and free from debris

  • Crane support rails in good condition (not worn or damaged)

  • Crane support rails bolts tightness check

  • Crane wheels free moving and fully intact

  • Crane support flange in good condition (not worn or bent)

  • Crane beam bolt tightness check

  • Crane cradle bolt tightness check

  • Crane cradle wheels free moving and fully intact

  • Crane C rail cable supports free moving and intact

  • Crane C rail cable supports straight and true

  • Crane cradle cable support fully intact

  • Crane rope in good sound condition

  • Crane hook in good functioning condition

  • Crane bearings greased

  • Crane identification labels visible (Crane number OH... , Working load limit etc)


  • Crane mains supply correct 400v

  • Crane mains supply collectors in good sound condition

  • Crane mains cable secure

  • Crane control panel secure and door locks shut

  • Crane pendant in good condition and directional arrows can be seen

  • Crane pendant support cable securely fixed and in good condition

  • Crane interconnections secure and in good condition

  • Crane motors clean and free from debris

  • Crane moves in correct direction according to buttons

  • Functional test carried out by trained personnel

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