Title Page

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • The OMA is based upon a points system. The points available are noted in each section. The OMA is carried out once a Period. For total bonus and pass mark please refer to Bonus Structure.


  • Internal shop signage's clean and undamaged (product labels clean and correct information displayed, all menu boards clean and correct information displayed).

  • Shop floor immaculate and covered appropriately (tables and floors being clean, bins not overflowing, condiment station fully stock & organised).

  • Staff and Managers consistently wear correct/appropriate clothing (see dress code guidelines).

  • Management presence on the shop floor during the peak times (breakfast and lunch rush).

  • Gateway question adhered by the team - observation during the audit.


  • Daily Shop Record completed for the day part (variances are circled and appropriate action taken and recorded).

  • Front counter well stocked and display glass clean (impulse buys and crisps baskets well stocked with products arranged neatly and brought forward - debris free).

  • Shop floors, inside furniture, walls, A/C vents and ceilings are clean and in good repair - all lights work.

  • Salads sold from display fridge - following 1 day shelf life (no carry overs sold from display fridge).

  • All shop equipment is clean and in good repair (all outstanding maintenance jobs are reported via Wunderlist).

  • Fridge signs (infills) are used appropriately (they are clean and undamaged).


  • Fridges and freezers (clean, seals not damaged, well organised and in good working order).

  • Floors, walls, A/C vents, ceilings, dry storage areas and lights in the kitchen are clean and in good repair.

  • Sink areas, kitchen dishwasher and surrounding area (clean and in good repair).

  • All kitchen small equipment is clean and in good repair (all outstanding maintenance jobs are reported via Wunderlist).

  • Rubbish rooms, store rooms, back corridors and stairs COSHH room and mop equipment (clean and in good repair).

  • Bench set up - all equipment and scoops necessary for production available (each individual bench).

  • Daily Kitchen Record completed for the day part (variances are circled and appropriate action taken and recorded).

  • Production sheet being used effectively with products assigned to TMs and each TM have "My bench" for the day.


  • Area set for success.<br>

  • No out of date Products or Ingredients.

  • All open products/ingredients have correct day label where appropriate "and stored in correct containers".

  • Coffee Extraction Time is completed and actioned where necessary for the day so far: 23 second target (+/- 2 seconds), ground coffee weighs 18 gm (+/-1 gm), 40 ml fill target for double shoot; Milk thermometer calibration up to date and Barista can demonstrate procedure for calibrating thermometers (ask to show you).


  • Area set for success - Hot pass set for success following Par Levels during the peak times (breakfast/lunch). Par Levels reflecting business needs (observation).

  • No out of date Products or Ingredients.

  • All open products/ingredients have correct day label where appropriate "and stored in correct containers".

  • Clock sticker use as per standards for all product (Hottie can explain the shelf life in the hot pass).

  • 30 Minute Spot Checks carried out.

  • Daily Shop Record completed for the day part (variances are circled and appropriate action taken and recorded).


  • Area set for success.

  • Freezer no ice build up, clean shelves free of food debris, no damaged seal. All ingredient covered, labelled and decanted once original packet is opened.Ice machine with no broken seal, clean inside & out, filter dust free.

  • Sink distained and clean with j-cloth/ sponge/brush fully immersed in sanitizer when not in use (j-cloth/sponge discarted by end of the day). Shower head & tap free of food debris and limescale.

  • All open products/ingredients have correct day label where appropriate "and stored in correct containers".

  • 30 Minute Spot Checks carried out.

  • No out of date Products or Ingredients.


  • All stock in date/time.

  • Any multiple stock items out of date / out of time (i.e. more than 1 final product or ingredient).

  • We return our ingredients to refrigeration immediately (20 Minute rule).

  • Stock is stored correctly (on shelving which is off the floor, not over stacked).

  • All open products are stored in the correct containers and correctly labelled (instant fail if container not changed when new bag open).

  • Stock rotation (FIFO) is perfect throughout the shop and kitchen (instant fail if out of date).

  • We follow the food transfer policy - wear the correct uniform when doing so.

  • Finished Products straight to the fridge.

  • We deal promptly with any wet floors or risk of slips, trips & falls (yellow sign in use where necessary).

  • We ensure that fridge/freezer doors are not left open when not in use.

  • 30 Minute Spot Checks carried out.


  • PPE is available (plastic gloves, goggles, mask, oven gloves, chemical gloves, etc.) in a safe condition and used correctly.

  • Filters and condensers of all fridges/freezers being clean and dust free.

  • There are no production practices leading to foreign body contamination.

  • There are no production practices leading to cross contamination.

  • We ensure there are no other unsafe practices (not previously listed- sanitation/use of sinks, dishwashers, veg washing, hand washing).

  • The first aid box is stocked with in-date items as per guidelines and there is a first aider on shift.<br>

  • "Fire exit routes are kept clear, fire doors closed fully and exits unobstructed.<br>Emergency evacuation plan available and on display in correct location."

  • Recipe cards and HTC available. All products made according to Recipe Cards.

  • Evidence of all ingredients being weight up in bulks and spread evenly for each product (not single /individual portion weight ups).

  • J-cloths/sponge fully immersed in sanitizer when not in use (discarted by end of the day).

  • All equipment stored on low shelf of bench. No knives, chopping boards etc. on top shelves of bench.

  • No obvious signs of pest infestation in the shop.Weekly pest check completed and any issues actioned and reported.All pest control records are present, with any points actioned.

  • We ensure the correct use of hairnets/ aprons/jewellery/gloves/plasters (including all management).


  • Fire alarm, emergency lighting, electromagnetic door holder, fire extinguisher, are in working order and tested. Manager on duty knows how to use them (ask them).Fire drill completed and signed by all attendees (6 monthly).

  • Evidence of multiple temperature record errors (more than 1 error to any individual temperature check record without action).

  • Working temperature probe with calibration records available and in tolerance.

  • All risk assessments are present and signed (COSHH, generic and shop specific). Any action plans are completed.

  • Certificate of Employees liability insurance valid and on display in correct location.

  • The Manager on duty has signed and understands Food Safety Agreement (ask them).

  • WOW books for all members of the team present.

  • TM's have completed health check questionnaire & disclaimer prior to trial shift.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.