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Is the department set up as per best practice? With correct signage
Has training been completed for team? Picker module for all team and co ordinator for relevant team.
Is the Coordinator timetable visible and updated?
Are 60% of team trained to coordinate?
Skill's matrix is updated on a weekly basis? Is there a training plan in place for team to upskill?
BYOB are team picking just in time for these orders? Are orange slips being used for these orders?
Is the VMB visible and updated?
Ask 3 staff for feedback on Huddles. Are they happening? Is it relevant to team?
Pick Rate is it over 140?
Is OROT for Delivery 100%?
Is OROT for Pick up 100%
Is there a plan in place for bottom 3 pickers?
Is there a generic user set up for bulk/trade orders?
Does the Online Manager and CSM have a weekly catch up? Is there evidence of this?
Is the App signed in at checkouts - do they have a new gun allocated for them to use?
Does the store have an escalation process if they aren't able to get the orders done in time?
Pick up response rate over 30
Is VOC Ease of Collection over 88
Is Completed order percentage over 88
Does the OLM/SSV check first-time-shopper orders for errors?
Does the team contact the call centre to fix deliveries that are out of area?
Are labels on delivery orders facing outward so they're quick and easy to read?
Are delivery orders separated by delivery window?
Do the drivers and online team appear to be working together? (Friendly environment, collaboration visible, alignment in goals)