
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Customer / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Water Assessment

Water use area

  • 1. What are the sources of water at the site?

  • Comments

  • Would you like to add the other sources?

  • Source
  • Source

  • Percentage (%)

  • 2. Does the site have these installations on site?

  • Comments

  • 3. What are the main water usage areas on site?

  • Comment for toilets

  • Comments for kitchen

  • Can you name the other areas?

  • Area
  • Comments on area

  • Media

  • 4. Are there boilers onsite?

  • What are they used to generate?

  • Comments

  • 5. Is there any existing water capture or reuse?

  • What is it used for?

  • Tell me more

  • 6. Does the site monitor it's water use, including sub metering?

  • How important is the water management to the site? 0 being the lowest, 10 being the highest

  • What proportion of your costs comprises of water as compared to other cost generated by use of energy and materials?


  • 7. What type of water saving initiatives are complete, are being implemented or investigated?

  • Item
  • Description of activity

  • Status of activity

  • 8. Are there visible signs of water being wasted onsite?

  • 9. Are there water saving technologies installed in the amenity areas?

  • For example flow restrictions, water efficient showers, efficient appliances

  • 10. Are there any future water saving projects planned for the site?

  • 11. What are the barriers that currently restrict the site from reducing water use?

  • Barrier
  • Description

  • 12. What support does the site require to does the site require to reduce water use?

  • Suggestion
  • Description

  • Other observations?

  • Supporting attachments

Trade waste Assessment

Trade waste information

  • Does the site have a trade waste agreement?

  • What are the major areas of trade waste generation at the site?

  • Area/process
  • Hint

  • For example cooling towers, food preparation, oil/fats, process chemicals, detergents, high temperature water etc

  • Name and description

  • Is there any on-site treatment prior to discharge to trade waste?

  • Does the site monitor it's trade waste quality and volume?

  • How important is the trade waste management to the site? 0 being the lowest, 10 being the highest

  • What drives trade waste management?

  • Comment


  • What type of trade waste improvement initiatives have been completed, are being implemented or investigated?

  • Activity
  • Reduction of (in tonnes)

  • Status

  • Are there visible signs of product/raw material entering drains on site

  • Are dry cleaning practices used?

  • What are the barriers that restrict the site from improving trade waste quality?

  • Barriers
  • Description

  • Other observations

  • Supporting attachments


  • Resource Management Consultant signature

  • Customer signature

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