Customer details
Gentrack account name
Account number
Business type
- bakery
- cafe
- car wash
- bar or pub
- restaurant
- school
- theatre
- other
Please specify
Audit details
Conducted on
Site Address
Prepared by
Assessment attendees
Document No.
Please indicate whether you have already undertaken the following water saving activities, if you plan to implement them, are willing to investigate them, or if they are not applicable.
Where indicated, rebates may be available through the Victorian Government's Living Victoria Water Rebate Program. For more information, assistance using this checklist or to find out if your business is eligible for a rebate, please contact City West Water on (03) 9313 8578. -
Yes - completed action
No - action suitable but not implemented. If possible, provide comment.
n/a - not applicable to the site
General maintenance and building operations
What are the sources of water onsite?
What are the major areas of water use at the site?
- building operations
- amenities i.e. toilets, taps etc
- surface cleaning
- kitchen
- irrigation
- vehicle washing
- laundries
- other water using equipment and operations
- unknown
Please specify
Conduct site walk through to identify water using areas
To the extent possible, quantify water use by each area
Does the site monitor it's water use, including sub metering?
Read all water meters on a regular basis
Shut off water to unused areas
Install water check meters in high usage areas
Datalog site's water consumption
Is there any existing water capture or reuse?
Investigate recycling and reusing water
Investigate rainwater harvesting opportunities
Are you the building operator?
Regularly check building for leaks and water waste
Plumber to assess water pressure and install pressure reducing valves, if required
Ensure fire hoses are not in use for purposes other than firefighting or testing
Basic amenities
Are water saving technologies installed in the amenity area?
- showerheads
- basin
- toilets
- urinal
Install low flow shower heads (rebate available)
Install low flow taps or flow controls (rebate available)
Install spring loaded taps or taps with sensors
Retrofit old toilets to 4:3 litre dual flush models (rebate available)
Install low flow urinals
Educate users to conserve water
Install water efficiency signage (including stickers)
Surface cleaning
Do you dry sweep surfaces?
Sweep when you don't have a mop or hose down
Eliminate unnecessary washdowns
Educate staff about best cleaning practices
What water using cleaning appliances are installed?
- garden hose
- high pressure hose
- washdown gun
- other
Install water efficient washdown gun or high pressure cleaning units where appropriate, in place of hoses (rebate available)
Ensure hose is rated to specified pressure of washdown gun or high pressure unit
Ensure water flow rate and pressure used is suitable for required cleaning
Please specify
Kitchen and cafeterias
Do you prepare food onsite?
Turn off any continuous flow used for washing utensils, drip trays for wok cooling when not required
Wash fruit and vegetables in a filled basin rather than under running water
Defrost vegetables in a refrigerator
Replace old wok with waterless wok stove
Are water using appliances used for cleaning in the kitchen?
- pre-rinse spray valve
- tap
- other
Hand scrape dishes and utensils before loading the dishwasher
Install water efficient pre-rinse spray valve (rebate available)
Please specify
Do you operate an efficient dishwasher?
Wash full loads only
Operate equipment only when necessary
Replace inefficient dishwashers with more efficient models (rebate available)
Use final rinse water for next load's initial wash
Wash full loads only
Operate equipment only when necessary
Ice machine
Do you have an ice machine?
Use air cooled machines where possible
Ice flake machines use less water than ice cube machines
Garden and turf watering
Do you water a garden or turf?
Irrigate only as needed, in line with current restrictions/best practice
Use heat resistant, drought tolerant plants
Use mulch around groundcovers, trees and shrubs
Mow regularly and avoid scalping grass (cut high)
Install and understand how to use water efficient irrigation equipment
Make sure irrigation equipment is operating correctly
Investigate alternative supply, for example greywater and rainwater supply options (rebate available)
Vehicle washing
Do you wash vehicles?
Wash only in accordance with current water restrictions
Minimise water use by adjusting equipment
Use chemically compatible washing solutions/waxes to recycle together
Reduce "show foams" to reduce need for rinse water
Inspect and replace worn jets and parts
Install equipment that recycles water
Do you operate a laundry onsite?
Is the washer efficient/suitable for application?
Wash full loads only
Evaluate wash cycles and detergent/chemical formulations for maximum efficiency
Consider reuse of final rinse water for pre-wash or other uses
Use cold water and water saving technology where feasible
Purchase water efficient appliances when replacing equipment (rebate available)
Evaluate wash cycles and detergent/chemical formulations for maximum efficiency
Consider reuse of final rinse water for pre-wash or other uses
Use cold water and water saving technology where feasible
Other water using equipment and operations
Enter water using equipment and operations not included above
Action item
Can it be optimised or replaced?
How can it be optimised?
Use automatic valves that shut off water when equipment is off
Consider water and energy efficiency when purchasing equipment
Consider alternative processes when replacing units
Use automatic valves that shut off water when equipment is off
Document review
Summary of actions
List priority actions for follow up. Please refer to body of report for details on actions.
Completion date
Completion date
Completion date
Document review
Customer name
Author name Resource Management Consultant Business Resource Efficiency