Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Property Inspection
Is the site secure and closed to the general public?
Does the roof look in good condition?
Are the gutters and downpipes secure and unblocked?
Is the landscaping being maintained?
Are boundary walls and fences in good condition?
Are walkways free from hazards and maintained to avoid slips and falls?
Are bins stored securely away from the property and not overflowing?
Is there a designated smoking area with cigarette bin away from the building?
Is the fire assembly area clearly identifiable?
Is there any debris or rubbish around the property?
Is the CCTV system in good working order? Are we able to view images from 30 days prior?
How is the general condition of the exterior
Were you checked by security and required to sign in?
Is reception area clean, tidy and maintained?
Are there any welfare staff on duty?
Any issues raised by WSO
Are walls and ceilings throughout the property in good condition?
Are floors and carpets in good condition and free from trip hazards?
Are stairs in good condition without loose carpet or trip hazards?
Are handrails secure where provided?
Does the property have a lift? Has it been serviced and is the autodialer working?
What is the ambience of site feel like?
Is there sufficient lighting in communal areas?
Is the food service area clean and free from hazards?
Is the laundry area clean, dryer filters cleaned and generally free from hazards?
Are the machines PAT tested?
Does the hotel have an up to date auditable maintenance log?
Are appliances showing in-date PAT test stickers (check 10)?
Are plant rooms/cleaning cupboards/laundry rooms/electrical riser cupboards free from combustible material?
Are electrical switches and sockets throughout in good condition and not overloaded with plugs?
Are fire doors in acceptable condition (closing fully into frame, not wedged open, gaps around door <4mm, door furniture secure)?
Is the fire alarm in an active state with no faults?
Are emergency exits displaying appropriate signage, are clear and free from obstructions and are doors unlocked and easy to open?
Fire escape corridors completely clear?
Are fire extinguishers serviced and displaying appropriate signage?
Does the property have a fire log book and is it completed to date? (take photo)
Does the current hotel staff list tally with our completed list of DBS checks?
Is the current public liability insurance certificate on display?
Is there signs where asbestos is confirmed?