
  • Document No.

  • Audit Type

  • Engineering Order Number

  • Optus Site Code

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Survey Team

  • Prepared by

  • Building Owner/Manager Details

  • Customer Details

  • Take Photo of Building from Street

  • Auditors Signature

Equipment Room

  • Room Name

  • Other Room Name?

  • Room Type

  • Does the Room have Natural Ventilation?

  • Are Vents Filtered?

  • Does the Room have Forced Ventilation?

  • Are Vents Filtered?

  • Does the Room have Building Air Conditioning?

  • Inlet Vent size?

  • Does the Room have Supplementary Air Conditioning?

  • Type of Unit

  • Rating (kW)

  • Take Photo of Equipment Room Area

  • Sketch Floor Plan here (if new Room)

DC Supply System#1

  • Existing DC System Installed?

  • Rectifier Type

  • Rectifier Capacity

  • Existing DC Load (kW)

  • Number of Rectifiers

  • Take Photo of Battery & Rectifier Rack#1

Battery Detail DC System#1

  • Battery Type

  • Number of Battery Strings

  • Date of Manufacture

  • Amp Hours per String

DC Supply System#2

  • Existing DC System?

  • Rectifier Type

  • Existing DC Load (kW)

  • Number of Rectifiers

  • Rectifier Capacity

  • Take Photo of DC Supply System#2

Battery Detail DC System#2

  • Battery Type

  • Date of Manufacture

  • Number of Battery Strings

  • Amp Hours per String

TPDU & DC CIrcuit Breakers

  • No of Circuit Breakers used

  • Circuit Breaker # allocated to MUX

  • Rating (Amps) of Circuit Breaker for MUX

  • No of Circuit Breakers available

  • Take Photo of TPDU

MER/Tx Equipment Rack Details?

  • Rack Foot Print Size (mm)

  • Non-Std Rack Width (mm)

  • Non-Std Rack Depth (mm)

  • No of RU Positions In MER/Tx Rack

  • No of RU's in MER/Tx Rack

  • RU Position of MUX

  • Type of MUX

  • Is there a 1RU gap top and bottom of CX600-X1 or A1662?

  • RU Position of Cable Manager

  • RU Position of LGX

  • Type of LGX (#Ports)

  • RU Position of Splitter/Coupler

  • RU Position of PDU

  • Take Photo of Tx Rack (Front)

  • Take Photo of Tx Rack (Rear)

Fibre Backbone Cabling Details

  • Is a new Fibre Riser Cable required?

  • Size of Fibre Riser Cable required

  • Tx Equipment LGX/FTP Type

  • Is there sufficient Ports available @ BLS end LGX/FTP to Terminate Riser Cable?

  • New LGX/FTP Type Required

  • Existing LGX/FTP Type @ BLS

  • Take Photo of Existing BLS LGX/FTP

Alcatel 1662 Installed Checklist

  • Is a 1662 MUX Installed?

  • Free space between A1662 to fit 1RU Heat Deflector?

  • Adequate space between Rectifier & A1662 ~150mm?

  • Ensure ISA-ES16 cards are correctly located in Slots: 8-10 & 11-13?

  • Filler Cards Installed?

  • Equipment FAN/Filter replaced?

Other Carriers & Other Equipment Details

  • Is there any Other Equipment or Furniture occupying Space?

  • Show details of Other Equipment & Furniture

  • Photo of Other Carriers Equipment

  • Photo of Other Furniture/Equipment

Checklist for Survey of Room Conditions

  • Room Configuration<br>

  • If "Other" Draw Sketch of Room

  • Height of Room (m)

  • Roof/Ceiling Type

  • Condition of Space Above Ceiling/Roof

  • Floor Type

  • Slab Thickness (mm)

  • Condition of Space Below Floor?

Wall Configuration Details

  • Ready to enter Details for Wall #1?

  • Length of Wall 1 (mm)

  • Height of Wall 1 (mm)

  • External Wall (YES/NO)?

  • If YES - Direction Wall Faces

  • Next to Conditioned Space (YES/NO)?

  • Type of Shading

  • Shading Device Length (m)

  • Shading Device Height (m)

  • Ready to enter Details for Wall #2?

  • Length of Wall 2 (mm)

  • Height of Wall 2 (mm)

  • External Wall (YES/NO)?

  • If YES - Direction Wall Faces

  • Next to Conditioned Space (YES/NO)?

  • Type of Shading

  • Shading Device Length (mm)

  • Shading Device Height (mm)

  • Ready to enter Details for Wall #3?

  • Length of Wall 3 (mm)

  • Height of Wall 3 (mm)

  • External Wall (YES/NO)?

  • If YES - Direction Wall Faces

  • Next to Conditioned Space (YES/NO)?

  • Type of Shading

  • Shading Device Length (mm)

  • Shading Device Height (mm)

  • Ready to enter Details for Wall #4?

  • Length of Wall 4 (mm)

  • Height of Wall 4 (mm)

  • External Wall (YES/NO)?

  • If YES - Direction Wall Faces

  • Next to Conditioned Space (YES/NO)?

  • Type of Shading

  • Shading Device Length (mm)

  • Shading Device Height (mm)

  • Sketch the Floor Plan

Room Condition & Workplace Health & Safety - (Mandatory)

  • Ventilation

  • Are there Heat Issues?

  • Lighting

  • Fire Protection

Fire Suppression Systems (Energen, C02 etc) - (Mandatory)

  • Is Fire Suppression present where Optus staff will require Access - (YES or NO)?

  • Title of Room/Area (MDF, Riser etc)

  • Type of System

  • Copy of Evacuation Plan Available?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.