Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Was the telephone answered within 3 rings or 10 seconds with an appropriate greeting?
If the caller is put on hold, did the employee ask permission to do so, and did it not exceed 30 seconds or was the caller offered a call back option?
Was the background free of any noise or disturbances?
Was the employee able to answer any questions with regard to the menu and its ingredients?
Did the employee obtain a full and complete order?
Did the employee accommodate any reasonable off menu requests?
If a hot or cold dessert was ordered, did the employee offer the guest the option of serving it upon completion of the main course?
Did the employee ascertain the number of people dining?
Did the employee repeat the order either during or at the end of the call?
Did the employee advise delivery time?
In the case of digital orders was the facility easy to use and was the correct order delivered on time?
Did the order taker suggest a starter and/or side order that was appropriate to the order?
Did the order taker offer beverages with the meal?
Did the order taker suggest dessert with the meal?
Were milk/cream and a full sugar selection offered for coffee and tea?