Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Test Tag serial # - RCD
Test Tag serial # - Packer
Test Tag Serial # Lead
Test Tag serial # - Lifter
Test Tag serial # - Other
Time/Current test Value
Current leakage value
Earth continuity value
Insulation resistance value
Neutral termination correct<br>
Is the fridge mechanism switching on / off appropriately
Does unit shut Down in full condition and lights correctly illuminate
RCD push test (every six (6) months - Time / current every twelve (12) months
All E-stops isolate machine and release
Cage door / hopper door shuts down machine
All inspection doors locked
All covers secured
Key switch installed and spring returns
Cage alignment access gap < 50mm
Safety mesh correctly installed on bottom of packer
Hopper door latches open
Guarding installed on tamper foot
Unit number fixed on machine ( welded prefered
Serviceable condition of ALL hinges
Lower edge of feed hopper above 1.2M
ALL dyna bolts on good condition and tight
Free movement up and dowm
Pivot pins in serviceable condition
Chain drives in good condition ( Liftmaster / Dumpmaster )
Good condition of rubber stops
Cylinder is LEAK free
Clear ID details (welded or tagged)
Rail condition
A-frame condition and hook pin size
Door seal condition (in place and not leaking)
Main door locks, hinges, ratchet(s) and safety chain hook condition (Door closer upgrade as per work alert 04/010)
Lighting acceptable
Safe GPO condition
Ground and surrounds clear of hazards
Signage - in place and readable
Electrical sticker (Authorised only and Keep out)
Safety instructions
Operation instructions
Do not tamper with safety devices
Isolate before service
Release stored energy
Warning - stand clear of bin
Do not enter cage
Transport from A_frame
Disconnect power
May start automatically
Open door to throw in rubbish
Unit works as intended
Cage door closes and locks/ latches
Cage in good overall condition
Buttons and switches in good condition
Doors, bolts and latches in good working order
Enclosures in good condition
External wiring and conduit in good condition
Junction boxes In good condition
Cage wiring and connectors In good condition
Limit switches In good condition and function
Hopper lid limit switches In good condition and function
Conduit locked in glands or sealed with silicone
Interlocks in good condition and function
Plugs and sockets In good condition
Gantry/ canternary In good condition
Electrical internal
Plc error light off
Components secured
Door seals in good condition and no evidence of water incursion
Earthing in good condition
Internal wiring condition ( in trays and covered and secured
Hydraulics hoses
Hoses In good condition
Pack ram hoses moving freely
Adequate oil level and free of contamination
Power pack secured and leak free
Cylinder piggy back bracket free of cracks
Lifter cylinder in serviceable condition
Jobs to do
Grease and lubricate lifter
Grease all door hinges
Lubricate all turnbucles
Observe Full system cycle
Clean cabinet and apply stickers
Other comments