Packing Items
Date 发运时间
Container NO. 集装箱号
QC Inspector 检查人
Note: Base don the unit of shelves, inspect each rack before shipping. Record the following issues according to the actual situation of the inspection. If there are any potential hazards, the shipment must not be dispatched!/备注:以集装箱为单位,发运前逐架检查。根据检查的实际情况回答下列问题,如果板块存放架或板块包装不合格,则该批板块不能发
- Shelf/货架
Shelf NO. 货架号
1. Is the shelf compliant with the standards?<br>货架是否符合标准货架(底座加焊接或改进新货架?
2.Are all bar components free of obvious rust marks?<br>立柱插芯是否包裹缓震胶皮?
3.Are the shock-absorbing rubber and pads free from aging?<br>缓震胶皮和与材料之间的缓中胶垫是否无老化?
4. Is there a 100mm gap left between the shelves?<br>叠落货架之间是否留有100mm的空隙?
5.Are the uprights secured with set screws?<br>立柱是否用紧定螺丝进行锁死?
6.Are there no hard contacts between the panels and the shelves, and are there wooden blocks for support?<br>板块与存放架无硬接触,是否有木质垫块承托(用卡槽形式防止绑带窜落?
7.Are there wooden blocks at the top to isolate vertically adjacent units?<br>竖向相邻单元之间是否木质垫块在顶端隔离?
8.Are the straps securely fastened and is the cargo fixed in three dimensions?<br>绑带是否扎实牢固,货物是否三维方向牢固?
9.Are there corner guards or other isolation measures at the contact surface with the panels?<br>与板块接触面是否有护角隔离措施?
10.After the panel is installed, is a phenolic board used for padding?<br>板块上架后是否用苯板进行衬垫?
11.Are the panels individually tied and fixed to the shelves?<br>板块是否和货架单独捆绑固定?
12. Is there a hard support at the bottom of the corner panel?<br>转角板块底部是否有硬支撑?
13. Is the interior of the container in good condition (floor, walls)? (A photo is required.)<br>集装箱内部是完好(地板,箱壁)?(需拍一张照片)
14. Is the shelf intact after loading the goods? (A photo of the whole is required.)<br>装完货货架是否完好?(需拍一张整体照片)
15.Are the legs of the shelf securely fixed inside the container?<br>货架的四个脚在集装箱内是否固定好?
16.Are the straps on top of the shelf securely tied to the container?<br>货架上方的绑带与集装箱之间是否捆绑牢固?
17.After packing, is the gap between the boxes greater than 10cm?<br>装箱后,箱子的间距是否大于10cm?
18. Is the packaging done separately according to layers and itms?<br>是否按照要求分层分项单独包装?
19.Does the actual merchandise match the packing list?<br>实物与装箱单是否一致?(需拍一张清楚的装箱单)
20. Is the arrangement of loose parts reasonable,so they do not shake around freely in the box?<br>散件的码放是否合理,不能在箱子里随意晃动?
21.Are the product and its packaging clean?<br>产品和包装上是否干净?(不能有外来物)
22.Are the wooden materials dry and from mold?<br>木制材料是否干燥,没有霉变?
Do you agree to proceed with the shipment?(A photo must be taken after each shelf is loaded into the container.)<br>是否同意发运?(每装一个货架到集装箱内要拍一张照片)