Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
- Parking Spaces
Are accessible car parking spaces at least 96" wide [502.2, 502.3]
Are van parking spaces at least 132" wide or at least 96" wide if the access aisle is at least 96" wide [502.2]
Is the slope of the parking space no steeper than 2% in any direction [502.4]
Are bollards or wheel stops provided if the vehicle overhang encroaches on the minimum required circulation route for all parking spaces [502.7]
if the parking space is designated as van accessible, does the parking space have a vertical clearance of at least 98" [502.5]
Are there an adequate number of accessible parking spaces available? [208.2]
number of spaces
Are there an adequate number of van accessible sized parking spaces available? (1 for every 6 or fraction of 6 required accessible spaces) [208.2.4]
number of spaces
Are accessible parking spaces located in the shortest accessible pedestrian route and dispersed at all accessible entries [208.3.1]
Are there no curb ramps, curbs or swales located within the accessible parking space that has a slope greater than 2% in all directions? [502.4]
Parking Space Access Aisles
Is the access aisle marked to discourage parking in them [502.3.3]
Does the access aisle connect an accessible route [502.3]
Is the access aisle at least 60" wide [502.2, 502.3]
If the access aisle services a van parking stall that is 96" wide, is the access aisle at least 96" wide [502.2]
Does the access aisle extend the full length of the parking space they serve [502.3.2]
if the parking space is angled, is the access aisle on the passenger side of the van parking space [502.3.4]
is the access aisle surface stable, firm and slip resistant [502.4, 302]
Is the slope of the access aisle no steeper than 2% in any direction [502.4]
is the level of the access aisle the same as the parking space they serve [502.4]
if the parking space is designated as van accessible, does the access aisle have a vertical clearance of at least 98" [502.5]
Are accessible parking spaces marked with the International Symbol of Accessibility [502.6, 703.7.2.1]
Are signs mounted no less than 60" above ground surface measured to the bottom of the sign [502.6]
Passenger Loading Zones
Is the loading zone at least 96" wide and 20' long [503.2]
is the loading zone sloped no steeper than 2% in all directions [503.4, 302]
does the vehicle pull-up zone and the access aisle serving it have a vertical clearance of at least 114" [503.5]
is the loading zone and access aisle surface stable, firm and slip resistant [302]
Is there an access aisle located at the loading zone [503.3]
Is the access aisle adjacent to the vehicle pull-up space [503.3]
does the access aisle adjoin the accessible route [503.3]
does the access aisle extend the full length of the vehicle pull-up space they serve [503.3.2]
Is the access aisle marked to discourage parking in them [503.3.3]
is the access aisle at the same level as the vehicle pull-up space [503.4, 302]
is the access aisle sloped no steeper than 2% in all directions [503.4, 302]