Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Operating Center, Project, Facility Manager Reviewed and Signed
Attest audit scoring evaluation criteria
Score "0" means it Happens at least 98% of the time and is effective
Score "-2" means it happens at least 75% of the time because of the process has not yet matured of the process is incomplete or not fully effective
Score "-3" means it processes may not yet be fully developed, is too early in the cycle, or are not very effective
Score "-5" means no process in place
1.0 Emergency Response Plan c/w Emergency Contacts specific to worksite
1.1 Is the emergency phone list current and checked for accuracy? (sign off and date on ERP)
1.2 Has the Emergency Phone list been forwarded to applicable Op center/Project Manager and corporate safety advisor? (verification that phone list has been sent)
1.3 Have the emergency contacts identified on the ERP been contacted and confirmed as to response capabilities? (i.e. 24-hour coverage) [sign off and date]
1.4 Is it posted? (distributed to lunch room, sleeping quaters, vehicles with phone capabilities, home, etc...)
1.5 Is a site specific map and orientation to major road access and/or operating facilities attacehed as part of the ERP phone list?
1.6 Has a site specific ERP been developed and intergrated with this job scope using the Pre Job Hazard Assessment process? (A site specific plan must be developed and kept in this file. it details exactly who does what in case of emergency, whether it be a fire, flood, explosion, etc...)
1.7 Has off site management and all on site personnel been orientated to their job functions in the event of an emergency? (Orientation, Pre Job Minutes, Safety Meeting minutes or table top as documentation)
1.8 Has off site management and all on site personnel particpated in a mock ERP drill? [either prectical or "table top"] (Documented proof that a mock ERP drills have taken place. minimum is once per year, but should occur every quater. a table top drill is a documented scenario)
1.9 Have our service providers off site been orientated to our Emergency response plan and provided our phone list, complete with work schedule? (STARS registration number or equivalent) [send ERP phone list, on site map and sign off and date on ERP]
2.0 Pre Job Hazard Assessment
2.1 Is the flint Hazard Registry being utilized? (To address risk and hazards identified with the overall job scope) [The Hazard Regestry that is published on the OFE is a master copy, each operating center should be using the regestry as a starting point and deleting items that do not apply to their operations. Management and supervisors from that operating center must review the list, approve it and date and sign it. A sample sign off sheet attached to the front would suffice. This should be done quarterly or more frequently as changes require.)
2.2 Is it used by line management during initial worksite visit to address specific site hazards and signed off? (Line management is Op center manager, Project manager, Facility manager,)
2.3 Has it been reviewed and signed off by line management and supervisory team for completeness and practicable control of risk on site?
2.4 Does line management review and sign off Hazard Assessments and enforce use of recommended control measures?
2.5 Is it continuously upgreaded and improved when procedures, operations or people change?
2.6 Have those involved in this process been properly briefed in the use of the Hazard Registry and Risk Matrix? (The Risk Matrix must be used to rank the risk before and after)
2.7 Has the final Pre Job Assessment been used as the basis for the site specific orientation with all workers and visitors on site?
2.8 Have the site hazards been prioritized and controlled to an appropriate level of risk?
3.0 Task Hazard Assessments
3.1 Does it reflect use of Pre Job Hazard Assessment? <br>(Task Hazard Assessments must be consistant with Pre Job Hazard Assessment. Task, Precautions, Risk Ranking)
3.2 Do they reflect the number of foremen, crew areas, permits, Safe Work Practices and Procedures, Codes of practice, experiance of workers, etc....? <br>(A Task Hazard Assessment must be completed by each supervisor of a crew per job, per day)
3.3 Is it used to review the hazards of the work with subsequent workers or visitors to the work location?<br>(A visitor is an individual at a work location who is not participating in the work being executed. The Task Hazard Assessment must be reviewed and signed off)
3.4 Is the Hazard Assessment process ranking the risk of the hazard identified?<br>(Both before and after action taken using the risk matrix)
3.5 Is the final risk (identified at the bottom right of the Task Hazard sheet) reflecting the highest risk identified for the overall task?
3.6 Is the crew participating in the final Task Hazard Assessment and is that input recordedas such on the document? <br>(Workers name to appear by his/her contribution of additional hazards, as well as their signature on the THA)
3.7 Have the reviewers signed and dated the THA? (reviewers are on site supervisors responsible for the work location)
4.0 Orientation
4.1 Has the Flint Orientation and if required the clients orientation been completed? <br>(Flint orientation must consist of Flint Employee Orientation video, review Flint Employee and Best Practice handbook, Basic WHMIS/Hazcom training, Flint workplace and Respect video and completion of the Flint Orientation quiz and checklist.)
4.2 Does the orientation reference the site specific Pre Job Hazard Assessment? <br>(Verification that the Pre Job Hazard Assessment is in the orientation package)
4.3 Have certificates been gathered, filed on site/op center and forwarded to the corprate payroll department, Fax 780-449-5258? <br>(copies to be maintained at site office/op center and copies sent to head office)
NEW TO FLINT WORKER <br>4.4 Are new to Flint workers aware of the right (obligation) to refuse work they consider unsafe? <br>(A current list of all workers that are new to Flint or were transferred within Flint (less then 90 days) is to be placed in this file. Photocopies of all training and pages 40-41 in the employee Safety and Best Practice Handbook (including date of hire/transfer) will be filed by employee. The worker will remain a "New To Flint Worker" until everything applicable is signed off by the workers mentor and foremen (or manager, etc..) and he/she has been on the job past the 90 day period.)
4.5 Are new to Flint workers assigned a mentor (job site coach) prior to the start of work, who is knowledgable and competent in their trade and prepared to mentor our new workers? <br>(Competent in relation to a worker, means adequately qualified, suitably trained and with sufficient experiance to safely perform work without supervison or with only minimal degree of supervison.)
4.6 Are our mentors coached in the new to Flint worker program and expectations within the safety management system? <br>(Verification by having mentor review and sign New to Flint Worker Program Document)
4.7 Are New to Flint Workers involved ini review of Safe Work Practice and Procedures? <br>(sign off completed in back of employee and Best Practice Handbook and copies kept in Attest audit)
5.0 Employee Sign Up Package
5.1 Are all employees signed up prior to the start of work and paper flow process finalized? <br>(HR package applicable to the job discription)
5.2 Is there a reference to what is required in the sign up package and instructions or knowledge of use? <br>(HR checklist kept in employee file)
5.3 Have we documented reference to a minimum of TWO pervious employers on file? <br>(this includes in house transfers between districts)
5.4 Has a current MVR been reviewed and rated according to sec. 13 of the SMS and forwarded to the equipment department? <br>(Copies to be maintained at site office/op center and copies sent to head office)
5.5 Verication that immediate supervisors and above are aware of work related medical conditions of individuals on worksite? <br>(this includes in house transfers between divisons) [Medical information forms completed and copies to be maintained at site office/op center and copies sent to head office)
6.0 Subcontractor Orientation and sign up package
DIRECT SERVICE PROVIDERS<br>6.1 Is there a copy of the DSP's completed sign up package on work location and forwarded to corporate payroll department FAX 780-449-5258? <br>(copies to be maintained at site office/op center and copies sent to head office)
6.2 Are all subcontractors signed up prior to the start of work and paper flow process finalized?
6.3 Is there a copy of the subcontractors vehicle and/or equipment checklist, completed and with dificiencies noted?
6.4 Is approprite follow up and shift or monthly inspections completed and documented?
INVOICED SUBCONTRACTORS<br>6.5 Has the subcontractor's on site supervisor completed a Hazard Assessment specific to their scope of work?
6.6 Has line management and safety designate reviewed the Hazard Assessment and discussed with subcontractor supervisor prior to start of work on site?
6.7 Is there a copy of the subcontractor's vehicle and or equipment checklist completed and with dificiencies noted?
6.8 Is approprite follow up documented and shift or monthly inspections completed?
7.0 Tailgate/Toolbox Meetings
7.1 Are all crew foremen and/or superintendents completing them on a daily basis on each job site?
7.2 Are they being signed by all in attendance at the meeting?
7.3 Are late starters having the toolbox contents reviewed prior to start of work and is there a record of late starts specific to each person?
7.4 Are they being reviewed and signed off by line management and/or site supervisor? <br>(supervison means whoever is giving work direction)
7.5 Are Task Hazard Assessments and applicable procedures and practices being reviewed daily (and when work scope changes) and attached to toolbox meetings?
7.6 Is there input from the crew to the content of the toolbox meetings? <br>(Document workers names and concerns or document "no concerns")
7.7 Is there documented follow up completed on concerns coming out of toolbox meetings?
7.8 Is the Hazard Assessment section on the toolbox meeting form appropriately ranking risk of the hazard identified?
7.9 Are toolbox meetings specific to the work and in sufficient detail to be clear to participants?
7.10 Are toolbox meetings being used to cover other "value added" communications(i.e. Quality of work, Behavior Observations, Trending, Hazard ID's, Near Miss Reports, Safety Alerts, etc...) ?
7.11 Is there documentation that learnings from previous incidents, inspections, audits etc.. were reviewed?
8.0 Behavior Based Observations
8.1 Are behavior observations cards being completed by all employees, including supervisors?
8.2 Are observations/concerns on cards discussed and documented at toolbox meetings?
8.3 Are both safe and at risk behaviors being noted?
8.4 Are they completed properly?<br>(Behavior identified and discussed with worker)
8.5 Are the individuals completing the cards identified and tracked?
8.6 Are the comments and learnings being communicated back to the crew on a daily basis?<br>(Toolbox Meetings)
8.7 Are they being organized read and used as a trend to indicate potential problem areas? <br>(Document trends, BBO trending available on OFE)
9.0 Safe Work Practices/Procedures/Codes of Prectice review
9.1 Is supervisor reviewing Practices and Procedures while work is in progress to ensure correctness and that they are being followed? (Document on Practice/Procedure)
9.2 Are practices/procedures being utilized approprite to the work?
9.3 Are they being noted on the toolbox and signed off by participants?
9.4 Are they being reviewed and upgreaded as approprite and forwarded to corprate for review and reissue? <br>(Submit with practice/procedure change form)
10.0 On Site Subcontractor Reviews
10.1 Are the subcontractors on site approved through the supply and contract management process?
10.2 Has the subcontractor Safety questionnaire been completed properly?
10.3 Do we have a copy of the subcontractorsafety manual on site?
10.4 Has a Pre Job Hazard Assessment been completed with the subcontractor?
10.5 Are specific policies and/or procedures which are critical to Flint success being accepted by the subcontractor and subcontractor employyes? (i.e. Alcohol and drug policy, practices and procedures)
10.6 Is the subcontractor onsite supervisor implementing the action sections of the subcontractor safety manual? (Action meaning tailgate/toolbox meetings, THA, inspections, etc...)
10.7 Is the subcontractor utilizing Flint "processes" when required? <br>(i.e. New to Flint worker program, Behavior Observation Cards)
10.8 Is the subcontractor Risk Management process being followed?
11.0 Worksite Inspections
11.1 Are Worksite Inspections being completed on a weekly (project)/Monthly (permanent facility) basis, or more frequently as required by risk associated with the work?
11.2 Is supervison and crew participating?
11.3 Is the description of the hazard, location of the hazard and risk ranking clear to the reader?
11.4 Are copies of the inspection posted where employees can view them? <br>(Inspections must be posted in common areas, i.e. lunchroom, meeting room, locker rooom, etc...)
11.5 Are inspections results reviewed at tolbox meetings, complete with follow up?
11.6 Are work areas involved in the inspection process, including administrative areas?
11.7 Are previous inspections referred to for outstanding items, as well as for follow up items that may or may not have worked?
11.8 Is there evidence that learnings from the previos incidents (on site, industry and weekly summaries) were applied during the inspection?
11.9 Are Behavior Observations Cards and Near Miss reports available to the inspection team for use?
11.10 Are "Corrective Actions" assigned to the individual closest to the work and who has the resources, authority and experiance to complete them in the time frame given? (S.M.A.R.T.E.R.)
12.0 Incident Review
12.1 Are serious incidents reported immediately to line management and the 24 hour incident reporting line?
12.2 Has the alcohol and drug policy been followed?
12.3 Are tools to complete investagation available on site (security ribbon, tape measure, camera, etc...)?
12.4 Are incident reports completed by and signed off by on site supervisor and kept on file?
12.5 Are all areas of the incident report completed accurately?<br>(Date and time of incident, location of incident, hours of shift, date of hire, birth date, vehicle information, subcontractors legal name, supporting documentation must be attached- statements, photos, sketch, and evaluation of risk at time of incident)<br>(Clearly indacate on incident investagation reports whether thay are Preliminary or Final)
12.6 Is the description of the incident clearly documented? <br>("Just the Facts" no opinions or assumptions - completed by the investigator)
12.7 Has immediate cause (Casual Factor) been identified? <br>(refer to last page of attest for definition)
12.8 Has root cause been identified? <br>(refer to last page of Attest for definition)
12.9 Are signed copies of all incidents faxed to the Flint Corporate Safety Department on the day of the incident?
12.10 Are "Corrective Actions" assigned to the individual closest to the work and who has the resources, authority and experiance to complete them in the time frame given? (S.M.A.R.T.E.R. - refer to last page of Attest)
12.11 Is there documentation that the corrective actions have been completed and forwarded to corporate safety?
12.12 Are incident learnings shared and documented at toolbox and other safety meetings?
12.13 Are components of the Safety Management System being reviewed as part of the incident investigation?<br>(i.e. THA, Tailgates, SWP&P, Pre Jobs, Inspections, Competency Evaluations, etc...)
12.14 Has the incident investagation been reviewed and included the participation of at least one member of the line management team?
12.15 Have serious incidents had the Attest/Tap Root investagation process applied?
12.16 Has the final incident investigationreport, including supporting documentation, been forwarded to corporate safety?
13.0 Competency Based Training
13.1 Are Safe Work Practices, reflective of the job scope, reviewed and observed in the field for compliance and competency? <br>(Observed and documented by supervision and mentor)
13.2 Is there a current record of training onsite (on the jobor other)that has been offered and completed correctly? <br>(Not just a copy of workers ticket, but employee handbook competency sign off or equivalent)
13.3 After noting trending of Behavior Observation Cards, are we reviewingSafe Work Practices (at toolbox or other safety meetings)? <br>(Document trend from BBO cards and relationship to prectices and Procedures)
SUPERVISORS <br>13.4 Have the identified supervisors completed our recommended training or training that is scheduled within the next six months? <br>(See Safety Management System, training and communication)
13.5 Have supervisors on site completed the Flint Leadership for Safety Excellence course?
13.6 Have supervisors on site received trainingon their health and safety responsibilities? <br>(LSE proficiency certificate based on submission of tailgate/toolbox meeting and hazard assessment)
13.7 Have supervisors received inspection training? <br>(LSE proficiency certificate based on submisson of worksite inspections)
13.8 Have supervisors received investagation training?<br>(LSE proficiency certificate based on submisson of investagation)
13.9 Is the supervisor competent in executing the worksite specific emergency response plan? Are they involving their crews in this process?<br>(Supervisor has read, signed off ERP and Participated in Mock/Tabletop Drill, review minutes for confirmation)
13.10 Other worksite specific training? Are they involving their crews in this process?<br>(H2S, Fit Testing, Confined Space, Fall Protection, etc...)
14.0 Weekly Safety Meeting
14.1 Are Safety Meetings being held on a weekly basis?
14.2 Do they include a documented review of the value added portions of the Flint Safety Management System?<br>(i.e. quality of work, Behavior Observations, Trending, Hazard ID, near miss reports, daily incident summary, policies, practices and procedures, safety alerts, etc...)
14.3 Do they address issues brought forward from the workforce?<br>(documented worker's name, concerns and follow up or document "no concerns")
14.4 Are minutes kept and signatures of attendees attached?
14.5 Are copies of minutes posted where employees can view them?<br>(Minutes must be posted in common areas i.e. lunchroom, meeting room, locker room, etc...)
15.0 Monthly Safety Meeting
15.1 Is there a summary of Daily Tailgate/Toolbox and weekly safety meetings, along with items outstanding from last monthly safety meeting? <br>(Review of minutes from previous Monthly Safety Meeting and a review of previous action items)
15.2 Is there a theme and presentation(s) applicable to the work? <br>(Theme can be chosen from trends, National/industry safety themes)
15.3 Are Monthly incident summaries, etc... discussed?
15.4 Are minutes kept and signaturesof attendees attached?
15.5 Are copies of minutes posted where employees can view them? <br>(Minutes must be posted in common areas, i.e. lunchroom, meeting room, locker room, etc...)
16.0 Health and Safety Committee
16.1 Are meetings being held on a monthly basis?
16.2 Is there a minimum of 4 representatives comprised of employees and line management or designate?
16.3 Are minutes kept and signatures of attendees attached following the Flint Agenda format? <br>(Review: minutes, incident summary, BBO summary, toolbox/monthly meeting summary, worksite inspection)
16.4 Are copies of Health and Safety Committee Meeting minutes forwarded to regional Manager and corprate Safety advisor?
16.5 Is there a process to ensure follow up, using the inspection process already in place?
17.0 Job (or Post Job) Continuous Improvment Meeting:
17.1 Are line management, supervisors, foremen and client represntative (as approprite) meeting to review and document what worked well and/or what improvmentsare required? <br>(Meeting can be weekly, monthly, quarterly or end of job i.e. conference call, in person)
17.2 Are recommendations forwarded to line management or corprate management? <br>(Verification that minutes have been sent)
17.3 Was the closure of the Attest GAPS forwarded to corprate safety (FAX 1-780-416-3402) or email (incident reporting) (Verification that gaps have been sent)
18.0 Safety Management System Worksite Audit
An internal Audit to confirm the observation of the Safety Management System in the workplace, Proactive initiatives and our employee understanding of the overall process.
it is shown as a precentage of the availiable score on the front of this document.
19.0 Certificate of Recognition Audit
Internal or external completed on a periodic basis to determine effectivness of the Flint Safety Management System against an external benchmark process.