Title Page
Conducted on
Have you completed a POWRA?
Do not proceed until POWRA is completed
Prepared by
Site name
Description of building
Brief description of building
Number of beds
Building Fabric
Is the exterior of the building in good condition
Describe faults
Provide photographs
Are the windows
- Single Glazed
- Double Glazed
- Triple Glazed
- Other
Are they airtight and in good condition
Please describe faults
Please provide Photos
Are exterior doors in good condition?
Are they
- Single Glazed
- Double Glazed
- Triple Glazed
- Other
Please provide photos
What lighting is used on site
- Fluorescent
- Halogen
- Other
Number and location
Please add photographs
What energy reduction measures are suitable?
Lighting Controls
Are there lighting controls
- Presence Detection
- Manual Switching
- Daylight Dimming
Please add photographs
What energy reduction measures are suitable?
How is the building heated
- Electric Panel Heaters
- Radiators (Wet System)
- Air Conditioning
- Central Plant (AHU)
Description of system
Please add photographs including manufacturers plates if possible
What energy reduction measures are suitable?
Hot Water
Hot Water
How is hot water produced
- Point of Use Heaters
- From Boilers
- From CHP
- Other
Please add photographs
Please add photographs of manufacturers details, plant size, any metering, buffer tanks etc.
What is the temperature of the circulated water
What energy reduction measures are suitable?
Plant Room
Please list other pieces of significant plant
Please add photographs
Is there a BMS on site
Please provide description of system
Please provide photos
What energy reduction measures are suitable?
Utility Meters
Please indicate what utility meters are on site
- Electricity HH
- Electricity NHH
- Gas
- Water
Please provide photographs of all meters
Are there any Sub-Meters on site
Is the data collected on site by BMS or similar
Please provide photographs
Water Services
Is water metered
Please photograph water meter
Measure flow from taps and shower heads
What energy reduction measures are suitable?
Are there any renewable technologies on site?
What technologies could be installed
- Solar PV
- Solar Thermal
- Wind
- Biomass Boiler
- Biomass CHP
- None
Roof or Ground mounted
Size of area
Photographs if available
Is suitable storage area available for fuel
Size of area
Photographs of area
Please list technologies on site and confirm status
Please add photographs
Does the building have a current EPC
Please upload copy of EPC and Advisory Report to file from https://www.ndepcregister.com/
Does the building have installed Air Conditioning >12kW
Is the system > 5 years old
Is there a current TM44 report available
Upload copy of certificate and report to file from https://www.ndepcregister.com/
Does the building require a Display Energy Certificate?
Is a current DEC displayed in a prominent place, full colour and A3 in size
Upload copy of certificate and report to file from https://www.ndepcregister.com/
Anything else?
Any other site information or opportunities
Describe other opportunities
Please add photographs